The Seraphinian Society does not exist.

I’ve obtained both an Eggshell and a Splotch. I’d love to be added to the Lounge when someone has time.

I’ve recently managed to achieve the afore-mentioned feats.

At long last, I’ve ground my confidence down into nothing to be worthy of the second level of this club (and I have both extras, whose uses I’ve echoed.)[li]

Greetings people with whom I would share common goals and interests if said goals and interests actually existed. But they don’t. So neither does this greeting. I would note surprise at being part of this auspicious society if said society were not the faint imagining of a fevered mind. So let us pass each other by. Unacknowledged strangers in this strange place.

now that I think about it, I must’ve been added to this when I still had Enigma 2 up on my mantel. if it weren’t for Phryne sending me a calling card I never would’ve known! hello, hello, I literally just now joined the forums to pop in for the metafictional fun. and also to add that I’m eligible for a promotion in the ranks (link) and that I’d love a hint outside the ones given by a certain candle about item number 2.
edited by September Holmwood on 5/26/2016

Oh, Once and Future Queen of Parabola, what shalt happen to the title of Worshipful Master and Rhadamanthine Sentinel of the Great Work after the tiger’s descent from world-altering power?

He’ll keep it, of course!

I got the eggshell.
edited by Zero on 5/28/2016


[quote=Shadowcthuhlu]The Black Egg on the South Bank | The black egg-shaped sculp… | Flickr the last comment on that page:

&quotThe author is Fiona Banner, and all the black ‘eggs’ or ‘beans’ are called ‘full stops’, and then have another individual name. The one in your picture should be ‘Optical’ or ‘Courier’.&quot

There are Black Star-Shells all across London and one of them’s named Courier.

Of course…

My, it seems like I qualify for the Correspondent’s Lounge. Proof of my eligibility can be found on my mantlepiece.

No trouble at all, Robin! :)

Added you too, Maricolousa!

While following in the footsteps of a famous explorer i came across a certain object of oval and atramentous nature. I suspect this might allow me entrance to the innermost circle of our society.

Ozzy, I anticipated your request since I was at Mahogany Hall just when you echoed &quotFrostfound&quot ;)

It seems that future content for Ambition: Enigma is in the works, if not already out there!
edited by phryne on 6/8/2016

[quote=phryne]Ozzy, I anticipated your request since I was at Mahogany Hall just when you echoed &quotFrostfound&quot ;)

It seems that future content for Ambition: Enigma is in the works, if not already out there!
edited by phryne on 6/8/2016[/quote]

I think that was around the last time Seeking was a thing. I wouldn’t read too deeply into it. I believe there’s also an option in house of chimes admittance that features a similarly presumably out of reach requirement that’s been there for ages.

Maybe, but I want to be optimistic and think that they wouldn’t put it there in the first place if they didn’t plan to eventually use it. ;)
edited by phryne on 6/9/2016

Thank you for the invitation, Phyrne. I find myself utterly charmed. Although I must admit that I anticipate a future conflict between my love of Enigma and my firm desire to not go Seeking the Name for any reason. :)

My apologies indeed, my Seeking has left me feeling… a tad abominable as of late.

It is good to meet you all, and I look forward to skirting our way around topics of Mysterious and Puzzling nature.

Phryne Amarantyne, I’m much obliged to you for your lovely letter. Of course willing, but time could occasionally be pretty scarce.
Thank you for your efforts!
edited by Ysrthgrathe on 6/13/2016

A great pleasure to join this inexistant society.