The Sanguine Ribbon Society

Greetings, fellow Londoners,

I would like to bring to your attention, this fine evening, the Sanguine Ribbon Society. It’s a place to go to find someone to murder in a polite and respectful fashion. We offer a Leaderboard to track your wins and losses and we also organize regular (hopefully) tournaments to determine the most murderous among us. In case you’re interested, please take a gander at the spreadsheet of the SRS: and BE SURE to read the Introduction sheet for more information on how to fill yourself in the Leaderboard and how to apply for the next Tournament. You’d better hurry, though, because our Heavy-weight Tournament is about to begin. You might have but a few days to sign up, if you’re interested.

The Society has been active for a couple of months now, exclusively on the subreddit. I’m, naturally, looking to branch out on the main forum and gather more people, because the more - the merrier. Any comments and suggestions are more than welcome and will be addressed in swift (relatively) and, of course, polite manner. I’m full of ideas for future development of the Society and more and more keep popping up. All I need is as many people as possible, interested in murdering each other in various ways.

Thank you all for your time.
edited by Mike Hawk on 11/14/2017

This was a lot of fun the last time around, and the upcoming tourney looks to be even better.

Meet new people, witty banter, and death… what is not to like.

Thanks for organizing this Mr. Hawk!

I’ll use this thread for updates as well. Hopefully someone will see this. The second SRS tournament is starting on December 1st. The rules that we’ll be duelling by have been added to the SRS sheet. Anyone wishing to sign up has two days to do so, before the tournament starts. So far it looks like it’s going to be great fun, so at least go check out the rules and the duelists that already signed up.

Additionally, thank you, Karsus, for your kind words. :)

BTW, what exactly does it mean to “provide two healings”?

Pretty sure it means to offer to heal your opponent’s wounds, twice, from the option in your lodgings.

On another note, I just signed up: thanks for updating this, otherwise, I’d have missed it. And my compliments on organizing all of this.

Now… let’s have some fun.

It means exactly what Asher said.

BUT I suspect you’re asking about whether you can use sips of your cider instead. The answer is no, please use the healing option in your lodgings and not sips of cider. The sips of cider heal only a single CP and the idea of two healings is to get the loser of the duel bellow 7 Wounds, so that they can fight again. That’s because (I think) you can only challenge/accept challenges if your Wounds are bellow 7.

You’re most welcome and I graciously accept your compliments. <3

Unfortunately, I cannot provide healing to somebody who was not wounded in the first place :(
(but I can send a cider sip, and that 1 wound reduction is enough to prevent a boat ride when accepted with good timing)

And, from the other side, I have cider (on both). I would prefer if people didn’t need to waste actions sending me two actions worth of healing, when I can remove all my wounds in only one action.
edited by xKiv on 12/1/2017

[quote=xKiv]Unfortunately, I cannot provide healing to somebody who was not wounded in the first place :(
(but I can send a cider sip, and that 1 wound reduction is enough to prevent a boat ride when accepted with good timing)

And, from the other side, I have cider (on both). I would prefer if people didn’t need to waste actions sending me two actions worth of healing, when I can remove all my wounds in only one action.
edited by xKiv on 12/1/2017[/quote]

Makes sense. I’ll bear that in mind when dueling you or one of your alts. For now, I’m on the slow boat, because I lost and have no sense of timing. ;-)

[quote=Catherine Raymond]
Makes sense. I’ll bear that in mind when dueling you or one of your alts. For now, I’m on the slow boat, because I lost and have no sense of timing. ;-)[/quote]

I also see you entered and then removed the result of that match on the googledoc, and that got me thinking …
who’s supposed to enter which result where?
I expect that, for this, the first challenger enters the result on their match. Then the other player enters the result on the other match. (Doesn’t matter who won which match. Or does it?) So:

  1. cathyr19355 should enter result in the &quotcathyr19355 … Xelda&quot row (the match where cathyr19355 is the challenger),
  2. Xelda should enter result in the &quotXelda … cathyr19355&quot row (the match where Xelda is the challenger).

Is that right?

EDIT: no, there’s only one row for each set of two challenges. I don’t know why I thought I saw two.
edited by xKiv on 12/1/2017

Oh, wow, lots of activity on this thread! I couldn’t be happier. Here we go:

[quote=xKiv]Unfortunately, I cannot provide healing to somebody who was not wounded in the first place :(
(but I can send a cider sip, and that 1 wound reduction is enough to prevent a boat ride when accepted with good timing)

And, from the other side, I have cider (on both). I would prefer if people didn’t need to waste actions sending me two actions worth of healing, when I can remove all my wounds in only one action.
edited by xKiv on 12/1/2017[/quote]

You’re right you can’t provide healing unless they have Wounds. So just murder them first and then offer them the healing. If you’re quick enough and they aren’t incredibly unlucky with their timing, they’ll be able to accept your healing. As for you having the hesperidean, I’ll edit the final rule just for you.

Yeah, that’s my fault for not mixing them up. Placing them in that order was the easiest way for me to list all the duels. I realize, though, that it might be confusing for duelists. I’ll have to think of a better way to list scheduled matches. I’m accepting ideas.

I need to go up the river to collect some boots. Consensual murder-based competitions seems like an attractive way to accomplish this, but I’m not looking to make a long-term commitment to a Society. Would someone be willing to spar, or would that mess up your record-keeping?

[quote=Mike Hawk]
You’re right you can’t provide healing unless they have Wounds. So just murder them first and then offer them the healing.[/quote]

That only works well if I am the one who has the closing action. If they don’t get wounds until they accept the last action, I have no way of knowing when I should be sending - and that’s a full half of all wins, on average.
Cider only heals one wound directly, but

  1. can be sent to anyone
  2. is one penny cheaper than sending a letter
  3. is enough to stave off the boatman, after which heals can be offered (but, of course, anyone can just switch to bazaar tab, buy a vigour elixir, switch to inventory, use elixir, profit)

I think it should have been a full matrix of all fights, so we can record half-matches - sometimes you just can’t reciprocate on the same day.
It could also make it clearer who is supposed to fill in what (i.e. everyone fills in the row where they are the challenger, oslt).
And it could also make the entire aggregated scoreboard autopopulate.

Something like SRS tournament mockup - Google Sheets
… which also helped me find whose result was not recorded in the scoreboard (it was one of Franklin’s draws).

[quote=xKiv][quote=Mike Hawk]
You’re right you can’t provide healing unless they have Wounds. So just murder them first and then offer them the healing.[/quote]

That only works well if I am the one who has the closing action. If they don’t get wounds until they accept the last action, I have no way of knowing when I should be sending - and that’s a full half of all wins, on average.
Cider only heals one wound directly, but

  1. can be sent to anyone
  2. is one penny cheaper than sending a letter
  3. is enough to stave off the boatman, after which heals can be offered (but, of course, anyone can just switch to bazaar tab, buy a vigour elixir, switch to inventory, use elixir, profit)

I think it should have been a full matrix of all fights, so we can record half-matches - sometimes you just can’t reciprocate on the same day.
It could also make it clearer who is supposed to fill in what (i.e. everyone fills in the row where they are the challenger, oslt).
And it could also make the entire aggregated scoreboard autopopulate.

Something like SRS tournament mockup - Google Sheets
… which also helped me find whose result was not recorded in the scoreboard (it was one of Franklin’s draws).[/quote]

You’re right, xKiv, that Cider works better than healing actions, but most of us have not yet managed to obtain the Cider!

The last time I got killed, I had a bank of healing actions but was told by the game that I could not use them because I was &quotin another storylet right now&quot or words to that effect. I did not think of trying my own (considerable) stash of Gebrandt’s Potions of Vigor; I should try that next time.

[quote=xKiv][quote=Catherine Raymond]
Makes sense. I’ll bear that in mind when dueling you or one of your alts. For now, I’m on the slow boat, because I lost and have no sense of timing. ;-)[/quote]

I also see you entered and then removed the result of that match on the googledoc, and that got me thinking …
who’s supposed to enter which result where?
I expect that, for this, the first challenger enters the result on their match. Then the other player enters the result on the other match. (Doesn’t matter who won which match. Or does it?) So:

  1. cathyr19355 should enter result in the &quotcathyr19355 … Xelda&quot row (the match where cathyr19355 is the challenger),
  2. Xelda should enter result in the &quotXelda … cathyr19355&quot row (the match where Xelda is the challenger).

Is that right?

EDIT: no, there’s only one row for each set of two challenges. I don’t know why I thought I saw two.
edited by xKiv on 12/1/2017[/quote]

I had the same problem as you–I originally failed to realize that one is only supposed to make a notation on the spread sheet AFTER both bouts are fought. Apologies to anyone who I managed to confuse.

Just one more note about the Cider: while it’s true that accepting the sip only heals 1 CP of Wounds, it also add 6 pretty Frequent cards to your deck, of which you can play one and it will heal a lot more.

Sure, just go to the SRS spreadsheet (link above) and pick someone from the Leaderboard that isn’t currently participating in a Tournament. Like out Champion - Nezum for example.

Fine. Use the bloody hopsidirean ( ;) ). I’ve edited the rules for the Tournament.

[quote=xKiv]Something like
… which also helped me find whose result was not recorded in the scoreboard (it was one of Franklin’s draws).[/quote]
That is AWESOME. I really wanna use this now, but I’m afraid it’ll confuse duelists if we switch mid-tournament. Would you, xKiv, like to make a separate sheet in the SRS spreadsheet with this proposal and instructions on how to use it? Just make a single final table that you think we should use. Just to clarify, though: a MATCH is made up of two DUELS. So you can substitute &quotmatch results (each match is represented twice, from each challenger’s perspective)&quot with just &quotduel results&quot.

Tincture of Vigor won’t work as well. If you’re in the Story tab when they finish the duel and kill you, you’ll go to the boat ride. Always go to the messages tab first and try not to do many actions while waiting to be killed.

Well … one sips is worth only one of those cards. But that card is worth not just some healing, but also an extraordinary implication (2.5e) and a bit of nightmares! For the low price of one action.
And some people don’t want to touch the stuff.
So far I have been sending hopsidirean sips as messages, and normal healings whenever my victims show up in the targets afterwards.

You can’t just clone that?

Instruction would be something like …

  1. Record a duelin the top table as soon as it ends.
  2. Find the challenger in the left column.
  3. Find the defender in the top row.
  4. Click on the corresponding cell in the table, and point the arrow to the winner. &quot<&quot means &quotchallenger wins&quot, &quot^&quot means &quotdefender wins&quot.

(the other tables are used for intermediate automation)
There should probably be another automated step to present the scoreboard sorted by score (and I didn’t even add the score column until just now).

I believe you can avoid this fate if you have a horsehead amulet. Then having wounds 8 will only trigger a storylet with one branch that you would normally be forced to play (and expend the amulet) … but you can go to youur inventoury and ouverride it with vigour tinctoure.

Too many things to do so I’ll skip this round as well.
For those that find themselves with wounds 8 and know about it (emailed messages about the fight) or not, just load the game via . This way, Myself tab is selected upon page load. EDIT: Make SURE you are logged in the browser when opening that link. If not, you’ll be redirected! Just make sure to cancel page load (press Esc after the request was processed) and load afterwards and just use that link again.

Good luck to you all!

edited by Skinnyman on 12/5/2017

To be honest it wasn’t really a question of whether I’m capable of doing it or not, you know. I was more asking for help, but yeah, sure, I can clone that. I’ll make some changes though, hope you don’t mind, I’ll certainly use the main idea. It’ll also take some time, because I’m very busy IRL right now. I’ll try to do it this evening, which is in about 10 hours.

Would you be interested in at least signing up in the Leaderboard? I’m collecting gentlefolk that are highly respectable in the community. I think that would increase the interest towards the SRS. People are drawn when they see some of the most popular names on the forum pop up in the Leaderboard. So yeah, I appreciate your interest and it’d be an honor to have you in the SRS.

Thank you so much for this tip. I didn’t know there was a way to open the myself tab straight away. I’ll soon put together a guide on how to not die from a duel. I’ll be sure to mention your name there. :)
edited by Mike Hawk on 12/6/2017