The Rarest Item

Why did we end up switching wiki’s anyway?

[quote=Estelle Knoht]Back on topic, there’s the Amber Carnival Token: Glowing mote which will allow you early entrance to the Carnival. Visit your Lodgings to use.

This is the message back then, before the Carnival was open for business:

&quotThe Carnival will be opening around the end of March. But if you’re lucky enough to have an Amber Carnival Token, you can get an early pass…&quot

Thing’s on sale for 100 Fate. Ouch. Word is that it exchanges for a truly pitiful amount of tickets nowadays, too! Less than fifty, I heard. ;)
edited by Estelle Knoht on 1/23/2017[/quote]

Apparently it was also obtained through a social media contest.

Gilded Crustaceans are not quite extinct yet! I’m not sure who else owns them, but I bet there are a few others as well.

Gilded Crustaceans are not quite extinct yet! I’m not sure who else owns them, but I bet there are a few others as well.[/quote]

Well, you know what you need to do.

Key of Dreams is fairly rare.

Isn’t it, if you limit it to true players- i.e. not failbetter employees/devs - completely nonexistent?

Isn’t it, if you limit it to true players- i.e. not failbetter employees/devs - completely nonexistent?[/quote]
I would assume so. If a player has one, then they can get into a lot of things that they shouldn’t.