The Rarest Item

So…how rare is my Rat of Glory right now?

Less than you’d think, more than you’d hope. If we understand correctly, any seekers with saint arthur’s candle had their rat of glory activate. but if they weren’t seekers, they got off clean. If they hadn’t reached saint arthur’s candle yet, they got off clean.

If I understand correctly it didn’t actually consume the rat or anything else. It was Alexis trolling everyone.

Aww… did I miss something fun while I was away at Polythreme, working on my (much postponed) Heart’s Desire?

O thank god. I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do there. Wonder what a Breath of the Void would have done? But I didn’t have one handy.

[quote=Optimatum]If I understand correctly it didn’t actually consume the rat or anything else. It was Alexis trolling everyone.[/quote]I totally fell for it and used up my two Rats of Glory making the storylet disappear. Having lost all my Candles once before, it was a terrifying and not unprecedented prospect. I’m also a fairly credulous individual.
Now I shall never have Paris. Se La Vie.

An excellent trolling move, I cut shot a zee trip because I was curious what was going to happen!

[quote=Nigel Overstreet][quote=Optimatum]If I understand correctly it didn’t actually consume the rat or anything else. It was Alexis trolling everyone.[/quote]I totally fell for it and used up my two Rats of Glory making the storylet disappear. Having lost all my Candles once before, it was a terrifying and not unprecedented prospect. I’m also a fairly credulous individual.
Now I shall never have Paris. Se La Vie.[/quote]

Oh, my sympathies. Thought of the same escape route through inventory myself but dithered before deciding. Got trolled out of the game altogether for a couple of days!

Actually, I’ve heard that Nitebrite has one an alt out at zee. Potentially there could be more. So it’s at most tied for rarest.


edited by Sara Hysaro on 7/1/2017

Uh… I think your post is a bit broken there.

My, how insightful!

It’s obviously a highly complex encryption technique Catherine learned from her time with the Great Game. We should commend PJ for his masterful work in solving the encryption.

This should be it.

Time to bring this topic back, it seems. I was just scouring the older wiki to ensure the newer one has all the obscure old items, and I came across a reference to boots called Noise-Eaters. Supposedly there was only one pair in existence, which makes sense as I haven’t been able to find a single other mention of them ANYWHERE. Does anyone have further details?

Also, anyone know what inventory category the four Queer Parcel items and the Crumbled Remnant fall into?
edited by Optimatum on 1/23/2017

Noise-Eaters, huh? Keep in mind that it’s a wiki, so it may in fact not be real. Nevertheless, that does seem like the kind of description FBG writes…

If you count as extinct any item that is on an acount that has not been logged into for more then a year, and any item that has gone through the gate…

… I think quite a few of the rarest items are thus, extinct.

I suspect the golden crustation, no matter how common it might have been at the time, is gone now.

It definitely exists.

As for the four Parcel items they should still be curiosity.

We never did confirm whether or not the Fungal Pony actually exists, did we?

It does! Don’t think there is a in-game source for it, though.

Back on topic, there’s the Amber Carnival Token: Glowing mote which will allow you early entrance to the Carnival. Visit your Lodgings to use.

This is the message back then, before the Carnival was open for business:

&quotThe Carnival will be opening around the end of March. But if you’re lucky enough to have an Amber Carnival Token, you can get an early pass…&quot

Thing’s on sale for 100 Fate. Ouch. Word is that it exchanges for a truly pitiful amount of tickets nowadays, too! Less than fifty, I heard. ;)
edited by Estelle Knoht on 1/23/2017