The Path to Paramount Presence (Probably)

Doesn’t the Dangerous boost from hardmode Flint use your modified Dangerous? In which case you might not even need to overcap to hit Dangerous 215, just have enough equipment.

Someone should make sure that’s actually how it works, though.

Wait, Flint’s boost OVERCAPS Dangerous? I thought that was a glitch that got fixed shortly!

Yes, it can indeed overcap Dangerous!

The 12:15 one got patched, flint just got a new cap.

I was going to buy Flint anyway. Anyone got tips for a first Flint-er?

There are Social Actions that boost Making Waves, right? I would gladly invite a Crooked-Cross to my Salon repeatedly if that means I can say I contributed to the first Paramount Presence on the forums. Perhaps others would be willing to do the same.

Mechanics-wise? (Some spoilers included)


  1. Save the Sister. You can get the other two unique items later if you choose the right options* but you can’t get her any other way. (The choice does determine your reward for the first half; the Sister gives a Mountain-sherd, the Word gives a Judgement’s Egg, and the Knapt gives an Element of Dawn.)
  2. Don’t forget to choose hard mode when you’re asked if All Shall Be Well or you can’t get the overcap.
  3. If you want the overcap you’ll need to have as much Dangerous as possible and your best Dangerous equipment on when you drink from the Wound. It’s also optional so be careful not to skip that.
  4. Be optimistic with your deputy. On hard mode, if you’re not optimistic they may choose to stay behind and you’ll lose their acquaintance entirely.
  5. At the very end you can choose between wiping all your menaces, setting a quirk to 14 in exchange for wiping its opposite, or wipe any Stains on your Soul you may possess. If those are things you’re interested in make sure you’re in a position to take advantage.
  6. Apis Meet is permanently unlocked but every other unique area is inaccessible once you leave, so make sure you do everything you want to.
  • Specifically, while at the Wound you can get the Word of Caution back if you ask nicely, or you can just do some backstabbing to get both the Word and the Knapt. No keeping the Patroness, sadly.[/spoiler]
    edited by Optimatum on 7/27/2017

Four specialisations, four characters… yeah, I’m good without Paramount Presence. Plus, raising all that Notability, making all those acquaintances, collecting all that junk, having all those dreams, and breeding goats? That sounds like The Most Boring Grind in Fallen London…

Just need the Notability on my end, but yeah - that in itself will be pretty rough. Still, I’ve been wanting for a goal for Gloria recently, and this fits the bill nicely. Whether I bother with the other three characters is ultimately based on what exactly this will do.

Mechanics-wise? (Some spoilers included)

  1. If you want the overcap you’ll need to have as much Dangerous as possible and your best Dangerous equipment on when you drink from the Wound. It’s also optional so be careful not to skip that.

edited by Optimatum on 7/27/2017[/quote]

A quick note for the Flint plan to skip using 27 notability (or 15 and also 15 fate), you should make sure you get London’s Persuasive Organ first, obviously. It probably wouldn’t be worth skipping ahead on that part to then have to grind 43ish levels of persuasive again…

Also, what exactly does the Flint stat changing option do, again? I know it cuts away a fifth of your persusive, but how much dangerous does it add?

If you have 200 you should get 5 levels out of it. I don’t think it takes your equipment into account, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to put your best Dangerous gear on beforehand. If you get more or less than 5 levels from base 200 definitely leave a post.

Well, didn’t manage to find the time to do a full analysis, but those who are wondering that wedding, including all steps, requires 267 AP and 83 E (only if you have all the materials).

To those AP add the few extra ones for the wedding options (I think 3), consume the quality (can be anything from 3 to 50). Regarding materials one needs 1 Love Stories, 110 Romantic Notions, 1 Magnificent Diamond, 1 Personal Recommendation, 1 Night on the Town. I have no idea how much Bohemian connection you gain from the Wedding Guests, but it’s probably more than enough to cash those connections for Honey and convert it to TLS and RN, the diamond can be easily found during expeditions or CC conversions, Night on the Town is only 20 CP of MW, but Personal Recommendations are a bit of a pain if you don’t have a lot of Talk of Town nor any Cryptobotanical Rosette.

But I guess that this goal is something the high-end players are looking for. Plus, these requirements are divided by two so it can’t be bad at all comparing to the 885CP of MW required to get to Notability 15 while having 32 BDR.

I’ll see if I can detail all these, but probably this will happen during the weekend.

I can attest that even with BDR 33 this is not much fun. Especially since I avoid using my Salon for MW until Society/Bohemians are converted.

(too bad this new end-game goal directly competes with grinding for Tears of the Bazaar…)

I don’t know… I love a good grind and this gives me something to take the edge off of the Heptagoat trudge.

Something like that, yeah. You can play the game offline with the app, then sync it when you’re done. The problem with that is that you can save-scum to pass every check and regain actions through nefarious means.

Pretty sure by offline mode they just mean straight-up save editing.

I have noticed sometimes that I’ll appear to receive notably more actions or cards than I think I should get when I sync… I hope that’s not related, since it’s hardly intentional.

Heck, I sometimes get 2 extra cards when I’m using the browser game, for some reason.

[quote=Urthdigger]I have noticed sometimes that I’ll appear to receive notably more actions or cards than I think I should get when I sync… I hope that’s not related, since it’s hardly intentional.[/quote][color=#C2B280]Don’t worry – we don’t penalise players for any advantages they receive from bugs unless it’s clear that they’ve actively sought to take advantage of them. At most, we might remove whatever benefit was gained.

The sorts of offline play exploits we apply sanctions for are extremely easy to recognise in our database. There can be a significant delay before we actually take action in specific cases, since we don’t want to ban or heavily penalise people without a human personally reviewing the evidence, and we’re quite busy making games. But a reckoning will not be indefinitely postponed.[/color]

Those are two different things. The app just outright gives double actions (and double cards) if you keep syncing in it without playing in browser, reliably. It’s been doing this since the start. I still think it is (or, rather, was) an intentional incentive to use the app.

Multiple cards/actions in browser - my speculation is that the multiple backend (server) instances don’t agree on what time it is right now, so when you click, you might randomly either get one &quotin the past&quot (which goes &quotok, you are due next action at 16:00:00, it’s now 15:58:20, you get nothing and your next action is in 1:40 (and then it might send both &quotin 1:40&quot and &quotat 16:00:00&quot, so then your browser first displays &quot1:40&quot but the very next second realizes than 16:00:00 is in fact in 1:01 seconds and displays &quot1:01&quot instead), or on &quotin the future&quot (which goes &quotok, you are due next action at 16:00:00 and it is not 16:16:16, you get two actions and your next action is now at 16:20:00 … after which you would first see &quotin 10 minutes&quot but then &quotin 21:01&quot). And:

  • since we tend to click a lot, we all tend to naturally hit the fastest server at least a few times in a session
  • even if not, we would all still be generating actions at approximatly the same rate, just sometimes distributed in chunks
  • we all benefit (or the opposite) equally