The Path to Paramount Presence (Probably)

While I have my doubts about whether the app’s idiosyncrasies with regards to action and card refreshing are feature or bug, I don’t think such paranoia is warranted. First, because the app would be virtually unusable without the ability to manually resync. Second, because frequent manual resyncs help prevent the player from inadvertently “turning back time” and repeating actions. And third, because from what Flyte has said, they can easily find the abuses they want to punish by examining the database, and have no need to go trawling through the forums for innuendos and admissions.

I occasionally get 8 cards instead of 6 when playing the browser game (non-EF). Either the server occasionally hands out cards/actions in chunks larger than 1 or it occasionally just gives free actions/cards.

Yeah that’s what I was talking about. I’ve never gotten 1 extra, it’s always two. I feel like it’s not frequent enough to really worry about though.

If anyone has any interest in frequent chess and lethal sparring feel free to contact me. I’m working on both for this, as well if anyone has any tips for grinding ludicrous making waves I’d appreciate if they’re shared to me as I’m having trouble plotting out a path on that front right now.

So, Paramount Presence. What perks do ya’ll think it will bring? Will we still be able to flirt with the amanuensis?

Flirt with the amanuesis? You’ll be able to flirt with Masters by that point.