The Pact's Servants (Flowerdene arc)

OOC: Lord Gazter is moving in to get the Brass Embassy to stay neutral to this whole affair. He will attempt this by using his contacts, rhetoric, bribes, and if needed intimidation.

((is that an opposition to mine?))

(( Eglantine volunteered for this event way in advance, also… Eh, never mind. Go for it. Eglantine will move to counter when They get on. ))

OOC: Lord Gazter will work with you when it comes to getting the Embassy to pull out and drop their support they are giving to Flowerdene, but he will not assist in pulling them into the Pact’s control, although he is not actively working against the Pact.

((ooc: Eglantine moves to counter, using charm, logic, existing contacts, and bribery-augmented persuasion where necessary.))

“You ought to know I’m in on this whole business now, too.” The Mirthless Colonist is taking on mercenary work, and promises loyalty to whichever bidder wins him over.
“Way I see it, both sides make a pretty horrible case, so it’s up to the sides themselves to decide who I’m with.”

(( Alright, at this point, the three of you would work out the result of the engagement over the message system and then begin the thread. ))

ELO crosses his legs and leans back, his voice a low growl. “Blood shed so early. It’s heartening to see that someone was willing to take initiative around here.”

He throws the courier a penny and waves him off. “If we’re escalating to violence, at least we didn’t lose someone important. Still, we should retaliate.”

ELO has couriers running between him like a relay race and the map in front of his gradually fills with red pins, red Xs painted over dossiers, lots of black ink painted across documents.

&quotIntel suggests that the terrorists are going to make an attack on the Wolfstack Iron Yards. We don’t know why, we certainly don’t know when. If they damage the equipment there, Mr Iron is going to be very displeased with all of us. If anyone feels like ensuring we don’t end up on a list of names, I’d suggest they provide security to the Iron Yards.&quot

&quotAnd they’re trying to bump-off a low-ranking politician, saying he’s a member of some ‘copy-cat’ cell. We’ll need undercover agents there to ensure Flowerdene doesn’t get within shooting distance of the poor man, or whisper any lies into his ears.&quot

ELO’s briefing lacked one particular detail Caldyr had noticed recently and made Sara aware of - the disappearance of fellow Pact member Emblem. Neither knew why she had vanished, and both found it quite disconcerting. Through Caldyr’s information networks he was able to pinpoint a general time of her last appearance, though without anyone explicitly tailing her it’s unlikely to be very close to whatever happened. Sara holds back from mentioning it immediately, choosing to address ELO’s immediate concerns before probing for a lead.

“I can arrange someone to look after the politician. She’s not much for combat, but she’s skilled in extractions.” A more civilized word than ‘abductions’, though Sara doubts such civilities are necessary in this company. “Is there anything she shouldn’t do, apart from harming him?”

Caldyr considers the Iron Yards matter while Sara concentrates on her plans to protect the FDI target. It will certainly be included in his daily report to Mr Pages, though there’s no guarantee the Master will offer any help in defending against it. The lack of a timeframe or clear motive for the attack complicates the situation. The raven ponders, though no definite plans can be struck without knowing all the pieces in play.