The Mayoral Election 1897

[color=#0066ff]A hustings stands in Hastings Square, festooned with bright banners and garish posters. Some depict the twinkly eyes of Mrs Plenty, others the handsome visage of Virginia. Others show the nervous smile of Madame Shoshana.

Three candidates. Three platforms for London’s health and prosperity. One will succeed the Jovial Contrarian to become London’s mayor for a year. Who will have your support? [/color]
Election is a free festival in Fallen London, open to all players. It begins today, Monday the 15th of July, and ends on the 29th of July, with the winner being announced that afternoon (BST).

Choose Your Candidate

Use the first week of Election to find out about the candidates and their platforms via The Mayoral Election 1897 hub, and through cards in your Opportunity Deck.

From Monday the 22nd of July, you’ll be able to cast your vote!

Choose a Career and increase your Reputation

Whether Campaigner, Fixer or Agitator, your efforts will be required to raise support for your chosen candidate. Advance your Career from the main Election card. At the end of the Election, your combined Election Career level and Notability will be counted towards whichever candidate you chose to support!

This is politics: Reputation is everything. Gain Reputation through the Further your Reputation card in your Opportunity Deck. Reputation can be spent to advance your Career, gather information on the three candidates, and to acquire useful items.

Calling in Favours can also increase your Reputation, and each Career type can call on different factions:

Campaigner: Society, Bohemian, Hell, Constables, Church, Great Game
Fixer: Society, Hell, Urchins, Tomb-Colonists, Revolutionaries, Great Game
Agitator: Rubbery Men, Bohemians, Criminals, Urchins, Docks, Revolutionaries

The Outcome

Mr Huffam of the Unexpurgated Gazette (London’s newspaper of note) will be polling the populace throughout, and releasing the results periodically via the main Election card.

On the 29th of July, Mr Huffam will announce which candidate has been successful![/color]
The elected Mayor will serve for one year, and their Mayoral influence will be felt in your Opportunity Deck until next year’s Election. So, investigate all of their platforms vigorously!

May the best woman (or Devil) win!

Let’s see what debates we’ll have to avoid this year! Hopefully not the forum.

  1. Does anyone know if it’s possible to check previous year’s own careers?

EDIT: 2) I see I still have Influencing the Election 15 from previous year

3) When does the Mayor card change/go away?
edited by Skinnyman on 7/15/2019

It’s about time we see the patroness of the Carnival on the ballot. I look forward to witnessing the changes she brings.

EDIT: Nevermind, got overexcited skimming the blue text!
I’m going to throw in with the devil, myself. I’m not quite as excited as I was last electoral season, but when the other two are a fortune teller and an ex-Seeker. A vote for Virginia is a vote for not settling for a lesser evil![li]
edited by Hattington on 7/15/2019[/li][li]
edited by Hattington on 7/15/2019

[quote=Hattington]Hmm, are we too early? Can’t seem to find the card or option to advance our career or thrown in with one of the candidates.[/quote]Advancing your career is via opportunity card, I believe, and like last year, we won’t throw in with a candidate until next week when we’ve had more time to get to know them.

'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go! Time to get stuck in!

I am spoiled for choice. Actually, this time I am happy if any of them win, with each of my three characters having a favourite. I will take a relaxed approach.

&quotThe Contrarian himself is publishing lengthy diatribes both for and against each candidate, in contravention of electoral custom. It’s important, he protests, that the electorate sees a range of views.&quot

Good to see the Contrarian is doing the forum’s work for us.

Incidentally, why aren’t the traitor’s carriage and gazebo on sale at the marquee? Will those only become available next week for whatever reason?

Well, I’ve waited until the Election began–and I still have no clue what’s going on with Mme Shoshana. She doesn’t like Virginia–point in her favor–but otherwise it’s all as vague as her horoscope predictions.

This more or less serves to confirm my opinion that her role in this election is to siphon off just enough uncommitted voters to sink Mrs. Plenty.

Another election, another opportunity to continue my JADP (J.ust A. D.umb P.ost (to alleviate election heat)) series.

A few days after the election results have been announced.

In case someone hasn’t noticed, you can find Mr Huffam’s polls as a normal storylet (not gold or silver-lined) a bit further down every page.
Now to my own question, repeated from the other thread: what happened to electoral heists? Are they second-week only? I can find only the Flash lays.

I’d like to chime in and express my disappointment at the large number of typos. This is a problem that has been getting steadily worse in new content for the past few years, and here it appears to be as bad as I’ve ever seen it–in the past few minutes alone, reading the “Meet the Candidates” storylet and the Madame Shoshana card, I saw “Discover” misspelled as “Dsicover”, “Virginia” as “Virgina”, and rampant, often bizarre mispunctuations.

I used to collect typos and errors and e-mail them to in sizable batches, but lately the problem has been so severe and dispiriting that (as someone who freelance copyedits, for money) I can’t justify taking the time, nor muster the morale, to do it for free any more.

No male candidates. Is this discrimination? Vote to Virginia, she could be transgender!

The first election where i can join the debates on this forum! Will be a fun time.

Vote Virginia! Why? Why not is what you should be asking!

Are candidate threads going to be posted in the election subforum?

[quote=Hattington]EDIT: Nevermind, got overexcited skimming the blue text!
I’m going to throw in with the devil, myself. I’m not quite as excited as I was last electoral season, but when the other two are a fortune teller and an ex-Seeker. A vote for Virginia is a vote for not settling for a lesser evil![li]
edited by Hattington on 7/15/2019[/li][li]
edited by Hattington on 7/15/2019[/quote]
She is a DEVIL, you know. Plus, Mrs Plenty is an EX seeker who explicitly tries to warn you away from seeking.[/li][li]
edited by thefantodayhtml on 7/15/2019

Virginia: the Devil You Know.

[quote=Tyrconnell]Virginia: the Devil You Know.[/quote]Indeed.

It would be nice to have some special interaction with her for those of us who have advanced Heart’s Desire to a suitable point.