The Mayor of London: Opportunity Card

I expect the card’s story is going to update at some point. We’ll find out more about Jenny’s Public Works Department and social programs. Some of the Contrarian’s people will take a shot at her. The plots of the Masters will advance.

The contrarian’s people? The bishop is the one whose support has the most against her. The church generally frowns on prostitution even if they don’t actually do anything about it, after all.

The contrarian would post a piece condemning her and a piece extolling her virtues. There would be a dramatic anti-jenny protest on one side of the street, and an equally dramatic pro-jenny counter protest on the other! They would follow around anyone who seems to be associated with her- one side extolling her virtues the other condemning her vices- or perhaps the other way around, this is the contrarian after all- Her opposition would be convinced and trying to convince others that she is a puppet for every faction and her support of that she is in fact any-and-all of the above- a clay man, a snuffer, a rubbery, a snake in a clever costume, a sentient, hunchbacked duck, a star contained within a human form, a disembodied skull that has the power to make you misremember a body for it, a giant flaming head that is pulling an illusion of being human and concealed behind a curtain, the queen of hearts, a rabbit.

The streets will be covered in lies and rumours, until nearly everything the average londoner knows about her is, in fact, a myth, and every truth treated as a myth. They will no longer believe she works at the parlour of virtue, and the people who believe that will be treated with the same disdain as someone who believes she’s actually a gunea pig. There will be entire orders dedicated towards sorting truth from lies, and figuring out which lies were circulating first.

The contrarian’s people? The bishop is the one whose support has the most against her. The church generally frowns on prostitution even if they don’t actually do anything about it, after all.[/quote]
The Contrarian’s people were Revolutionaries and prank loving Tomb Colonists. The first hate the Masters and everyone working for them. The second like causing trouble for the hell of it.

The contrarian’s people? The bishop is the one whose support has the most against her. The church generally frowns on prostitution even if they don’t actually do anything about it, after all.[/quote]
The Contrarian’s people were Revolutionaries and prank loving Tomb Colonists. The first hate the Masters and everyone working for them. The second like causing trouble for the hell of it.[/quote]
The bishop has society and the church, and while the revolutionaries may hate the masters, that hate is tempered all the way down. The church, meanwhile, loves to shun everyone and play holier-than-thou down here, and while their primary concern seems to be actual souls, I don’t think they like jenny, either. Casting off her religion or being of such a perverse cult that it allows nuns to be prostitutes is not exactly something the rest like, regardless of which one they think it is. The only exception is a specific monastary, and I’m not entirely certain they’re christian in the sense of the london church.

You could say that line about the tomb-colonists. You could also say that about society, only their prank organization is organized and has more skeletons in the closet. You could say that about her own bohemians, if they matter in any way. Every faction that didn’t support jenny didn’t support jenny. unless she did something amazing for them, they still don’t.

Society, as a whole, seems likely to have a negative side of neutral opinion. Some probably hate that she’s putting &quothard-working&quot people’s money to help &quotdrunkards and layabouts&quot. Most’s public opinion is more neutral, but showing dramatic support of a recent prostitute probably keeps any pro-jenny from opening their mouths too wide. The Church probably considers a known prostitute in the highest office to be yet another sign of the fall of morality with the fall of london.

The revolutionaries probably don’t like her for her connections to the masters, but on the other hand, you could also claim she’s probably not worth targeting- not when they could go after more active signs of the master’s rule, softer targets, or one who doesn’t have the low public’s opinion on their side. As long as the masters have a hush device, a puppet mayor matters little. The bohemians might be disappointed with her apparent turn to a more virtuous side, and write disappointed poetry. Her peers at wines’ might hold a grudge for her cutting ties with wines. At least one of the nuns does not seem to like her.

In short, I could single any set of supporters, including her own, and come up with plausible reasons they would take a shot at her, if by that you mean run a smear campaign, try to get her out of office, or hold an organized anti-jenny protest. On the other hand, the same goes the other way- I could downplay those same factors! Singling out the Contrarian’s is an uncalled for jab at him, in my opinion.

Now, if you mean a literal assassination… I apologize for the misunderstanding. I read it as &quottry to ruin public opinion on her&quot. You’re right, the supporters of the contrarian are most likely for that… Though I would like to say i doubt the contrarian would condone it, personally. It’s just the revolutionaries tend to be more kill-happy and the tomb-colonists don’t quite get how big a deal a temp-death is to most people.
Edited for the clarity, hopefully.
edited by Grenem on 10/1/2016

I’m afraid I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at…

I take offense at you singling out the contrarian’s supporters; assuming you don’t mean literal assassination, the bishop’s supporters are unlikely to like her any more, and quite possibly less- they were rivals before the contrarian entered the picture. Sure, the contrarian’s has their reasons to hate her, but so do the bishop’s supporters. So do, probably, some small minority of her own faction- her nun companion certainly didn’t seem to enjoy her company during the fruits of the zee festival.
edited by Grenem on 10/1/2016

I take offense at you singling out the contrarian’s supporters; assuming you don’t mean literal assassination, the bishop’s supporters are unlikely to like her any more, and quite possibly less- they were rivals before the contrarian entered the picture. Sure, the contrarian’s has their reasons to hate her, but so do the bishop’s supporters. So do, probably, some small minority of her own faction- her nun companion certainly didn’t seem to enjoy her company during the fruits of the zee festival.
edited by Grenem on 10/1/2016[/quote]
The Bishops supporters have made her life difficult, so when the Mayoral card is updated it just seems logical that the Contrarian’s supporters will get their turn.

And who mentioned assassination?
edited by Anne Auclair on 10/1/2016

I take offense at you singling out the contrarian’s supporters; assuming you don’t mean literal assassination, the bishop’s supporters are unlikely to like her any more, and quite possibly less- they were rivals before the contrarian entered the picture. Sure, the contrarian’s has their reasons to hate her, but so do the bishop’s supporters. So do, probably, some small minority of her own faction- her nun companion certainly didn’t seem to enjoy her company during the fruits of the zee festival.
edited by Grenem on 10/1/2016[/quote]
The Bishops supporters have made her life difficult, so when the Mayoral card is updated it just seems logical that the Contrarian’s supporters will get their turn.

And who mentioned assassination?
edited by Anne Auclair on 10/1/2016[/quote]
I missed that he already did that- when/where is this? I probably missed the obvious.

&quotTake a shot at her&quot, misinterpreted perfectly, could be taken as a euphemism for assassination. In a spectacular display of competent incompetence, I did just that, and then worried that was what you meant- as it was a valid reason to single the contrarian out.
edited by Grenem on 10/1/2016

I missed that he already did that- when/where is this? I probably missed the obvious.[/quote]
It was on the Mayoral card…

[quote=Anne Auclair][quote=Grenem]
I missed that he already did that- when/where is this? I probably missed the obvious.[/quote]
It was on the Mayoral card…[/quote]
You’re right, I missed that. Haven’t been working against her much- I like the goals she professes, and will aid them whether she stands for them or another.

I can confirm that the Mayoral card remains unchanged.

missed in the sense of forgot- I only looked at that text once, and read the refusal as literal rather than &quotsay one thing do another&quot.