The Ivory Door - A Hallowmas Confession

I am not familiar with everyone in this post, so I am going by what I have seen before of other players:

My guess:

Carried to the door by way of a Twitchy Messenger Bat, in morse code
- Very fittingly, that could sound like literally any spy. This is fancy words for &quotI don’t know where to begin&quot.

Tall, thin letters written with an abnormal rightward slant - A Big Rat confession that could apply to anyone with a conscience! More fancy words for &quotI don’t know where to begin&quot.

On elegant paper in neat script, marked only by tear-stains at the edge of the paper - There is a very limited pool of Hesperidean to pick from. It might be Drake Dynamo or his characters (all of which has other RP concerns to cry over, though). an_ocelot, Ebzfan or Nedemmons are out on meta reasons. Dov doesn’t seem to do RP, and it seems extremely OOC for Nigel Overstreet.

I guess I will lean on Drake Dynamo since he actually does RP around these parts.

A messy scrawl on a sheet of notebook paper, burnt at the edges
- Not Maxwell Bradford, neither tone nor profession fits. Not the Insatiable Confidant; no revolutionary ties. Not Tanith Wyrmwood. Nero Severn, wrong profession.

Faint red and lilac ink / And finally, carved on a slate of unmelting ice - written by Passionario and as his alt. No-brainer.

Um, I don’t think I made much of a guess at all, did I? Oh dear…
edited by Estelle Knoht on 11/7/2017

As really quite obvious as Passionario’s was (for anyone who read And Now His Waltz Is Ended, anyways), I have to admit I completely missed the red lilac ink one. It makes sense in retrospect though. I swear I didn’t coordinate those two to come out on the same day.

indeed you are not

Estelle noticed me! Swoons.

I think that you probably both considered and rejected Tanith here for the right reasons.

Realized I only actually posted six confessions. I’ve appended a seventh confession to the post. Guess who’s never going to Seek the Name on account of not being able to count to seven?

No prize for guessing who that last one was.[/quote]
Written in all caps… is it Flesh-Stick? ;)

no joke that’s really good. i think my favourite in the batch. i sympathise with the author’s need to sell deadly poison to a bunch of kids, but i condemn their need of sunli- no, wait

He’s too dumb to commit any of those crimes and you know it, Passionario :P
edited by Kukapetal on 11/7/2017

I second the like for the Cantigaster confession - very nice. And Passionario’s are also excellent, of course.

is that a reverse reference to &quotall those moments will be lost, like tears in the rain&quot that i spy? if so, i’m loving it

and i can’t be the only one waiting excitedly for tomorrow’s batch of confessions. and the day after tomorrow. and the day after day after tomorrow and[/quote]

With possibly a bonus reference to the Unearthly Fossil?

And no, you’re certainly not the only one.

Let it be known that I appreciate the term &quotzubreddit&quot greatly. Anyhow, here’s your second batch of confessions, fresh off of the door.

Intricately detailed, calligraphy, with heavily embellished capital letters: [quote]It must be Her will… Yet, i dare not. Worse - neither dare i confirm such will (or lack thereof) with a mere question. What measure are &quotNonage&quot or &quotInnocence&quot in a Goddess? And still, the fear that i may forever lose Her favor terrifies me so, that i am kept from professing my Love.[/quote]

Scribbled, passionate, and almost elegant: [quote]My wife left me the day of our wedding. I’ve now remarried and assumed she’s gone, but I never truly knew what happened to her. Maybe I wasn’t enough for her, maybe I didn’t look hard enough. It doesn’t matter. I’m happy, I’ve moved on, but I’ll never know what became of my zee-fairing friend, and I can’t help but feel guilty.[/quote]

Firm and boldly slanted, but meticulously adherent to the lines: [quote]I was almost certain that I knew, when she mentioned ‘other honeys.’ But I had to be certain. I had to see for myself how deep the rot at Court went. And so I went with her.
I knew that they craved the red honey, but I had been so repelled by viewing the manner of its collection that I never asked myself why. Yet when I tasted it, I knew.
To be another person, live another life, see things through fresh new eyes as for the first time: a first kiss; a first broken bone; a first sight of the color yellow…
And underneath, low enough to be easily ignored, the screaming of a brain in torment. I shall never forgive the Empress for allowing red honey to be served at the Palace.
I shall never forgive the Princess for giving it to me. And I shall never forgive myself for liking it.
It was only the once. I thought that I could not remember that night, that taste. But I shall never forget.[/quote]

Short and stumpy, the words slanting downhill: [quote]Tired. Tired of trying to hold things together. Of trying to control what can’t be controlled. I’m tired of denying myself what I want, fearing I’ll break what I cannot fix. They will break no matter what I do.[/quote]

An elaborate and sweeping script, with tiny, delicate foot tracks around the letters: [quote]After my first day in the city, I realized that London was a much rougher place than I had originally anticipated. So I did what any newcomer would do, and convinced one of the local ruffians of my innate divinity.
Yet even after she inevitably saw though my deception, she has stayed faithfully by my side. She has fought many a battle for me, and even offered me her eyes, once. Naturally I refused, for I would make quite a poor parent. But to this day I regret refusing her. Not because I still long for those eyes, but because I know that I don’t deserve them.[/quote]

In handwriting described to me only as &quotawful&quot: [quote]I sought truth in dark places, once. Now I am nothing but a common thief, my respectability built on lies and stolen goods.[/quote]

And finally, in the writing of someone well-practiced with a Zaner-Bloser handwriting-- hang on a sec, how long have they had to practice this? Seven years? Eh, it’s probably enough time. Anyways: [quote]There’s a war coming, above…I could try to stop it. I might even succeed. But I don’t dare: I know too much already, yet not enough to interfere.[/quote]

I’m excited to see mine come up later. I sort of forgot what I wrote.

Foot tracks is obviously a spider of some sort.

I think short and stumpy might be Sly’s Maxwell Bradford. But I don’t know. Had this been pre-election, I would have been certain, but now he is more confident.

If it is him, never fear. I shan’t tell Alys.

If I didn’t know better, I’d start writing letters to all the characters I know. Was someone engaged? And then married someone else? And none of my characters were invited? The gall!

Sadly, that means I have no idea who wrote most of these. I clearly need to start messaging more roleplayers.

[quote=shylarah]I think short and stumpy might be Sly’s Maxwell Bradford. But I don’t know. Had this been pre-election, I would have been certain, but now he is more confident.

If it is him, never fear. I shan’t tell Alys.[/quote]
Ding ding ding!

I’m a bit sad the entire description didn’t make it through. The &quotTs like wayward crosses&quot was a pretty big hint.~
But yes, even under all that bravado, he still feels things are going to crumble around him at some point. That feeling never went away, glimshine. He’s been trying to be the best man he can be.


[quote=Slyblue]I’m a bit sad the entire description didn’t make it through. The &quotTs like wayward crosses&quot was a pretty big hint.~
But yes, even under all that bravado, he still feels things are going to crumble around him at some point. That feeling never went away, glimshine. He’s been trying to be the best man he can be.[/quote]

Whoops. I try to make these somewhat uniform, and not taking up too much space. The entire handwriting description is &quotShort, stumpy, t’s like lonely wayside crosses save where they crucify the entire word, the words themselves slanting slightly downhill&quot.

Haha, don’t worry! Turns out people who know him figured it out anyway :D Still, thanks for doing this. It was really fun!

As an aside, I’m thoroughly pleased that everybody’s enjoying this so much. Perhaps I underestimated how seriously people take their Fabularities. Maybe I’ll try this again if I’m still around for Hallowmas of 96.

i’ve been laughing about the idea of londoners being so desperate for confessions that they’d put their hands into an incinerator for them but i must confess, i’m curious enough for more of these delicious secrets that, while perhaps i wouldn’t risk an incinerator, i’d maybe consider a quick flick of fingers through a candle flame (;