The Ivory Door - A Hallowmas Confession

I think a good way to go about it would be to release confessions in blocks of, say, 5 or 10 every day. A massive single dump is a lot of noise all at once, and spreading it out over a week or so gives us more time to read and discuss each confession.

I put my confession on the door. Can’t wait to see the rest.

I really like the 5-10 per day thing!

My main and several alts just confessed. When they are published, I’ll send a reward (of your choice) to the first person to correctly pair character and confession. Think of it as blackmail! (Or if that’s OOC, a token of gratitude for discretion) Either send a message to the character or PM me on here. My alts are as follows:

One didn’t confess anything though.

[quote=Amsfield]My main and several alts just confessed. When they are published, I’ll send a reward (of your choice) to the first person to correctly pair character and confession. Think of it as blackmail! (Or if that’s OOC, a token of gratitude for discretion) Either send a message to the character or PM me on here.
One didn’t confess anything though.[/quote]
Oh, boy. We’re at 60 confessions now, so it’s going to be tough to pick out four confessions from all those.
For that matter, I’ll be randomizing the order of the confessions during release, since otherwise they’d most likely be in a row.
The moment Hallowmas is over, I’ll begin publishing here, in batches of 7. Always 7, don’t you know.

I’ve put in a confession or two of my own, as well. I can’t offer anything for those who guess which those are, though.

wiggles excitedly I’ve submitted stuff for all of mine. Alys, Nikki, Doc, shy, and Angie have all made their confessions.

impatient wriggling

I guess if we’re all admitting what we did, I might as well join the party. :p
edited by Daedalus_Falk on 11/5/2017

I have submitted mine (with two typos, alas).

All four of mine have confessed, and should anyone by any chance guess them I’ll send you a bag of dead rats. Should that interest you. Who am I to judge?

I forgot how difficult it is to write in-character when I am so used to metagaming! That was fun. It’d probably be more fun to see what everyone else wrote, though. If the grind wasn’t so intense and time-sensitive I would say &quotI can’t wait for Hallowmas to end&quot.

On second thought - I can’t wait for Hallowmas to end.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 11/6/2017

If there’s going to be a guessing game, for the record, one of the confessions is mine. ;)[li]

I got a little carried away and wrote a confession for every one of my characters. And uh, sorry for that page-long one.
edited by SingingFlame on 11/6/2017

I’ve also contributed; definitely looking forward to seeing everyone else’s confessons.

Looking forward to seeing the confessions.

This is a really fun idea!

Caroline may have foolishly posted something.

I have two in, and I hope people enjoy the first. The second is rather incomprehensible.

Huffam’s edition of the Gazette is out, and it’s time to release the first batch of seven confessions.

As a side note, this also means the form is closed. We capped out at 88 confessions, which will be released over the next… large quantity of days.

Carried to the door by way of a Twitchy Messenger Bat, in morse code: [quote]&quotSent by Vienna. Disliked methods. Ceased contact.&quot[/quote]

A messy scrawl on a sheet of notebook paper, burnt at the edges:[quote] &quotI am a revolutionary. I must bring down the Bazaar. And yet, I cannot tear myself away from it. Notability and professions are used to entrap people, to make stories for it, and yet I still partake in them. I could simply quit my current profession of Glassman and instead take up medicine, but the lure of adventure, of forbidden knowledge, proves too great for me. I could stop dealing with Slowcake’s, stop caring about my standing in that bl___y book, but I utilize it for so many transactions. As a revolutionary, I mustn’t help the Bazaar, and yet I cannot resist its lures.&quot[/quote]

Tall, thin letters written with an abnormal rightward slant: [quote]&quotI shelter an abomination under my wing. I take advantage of its antique knowledge and its vast network of rodent eyes, but more disgracefully too; I eat at its table, I drink its wine, and I politely avert my eyes when it flays yet another rat, right there by the table. Rats, you know, L.B. or not, they scream just like humans.
On the occasions that I grow tired of the grotesque sight of its form, its face (I cannot tell what is worse; its mask of rat heads, or what lies beneath), I threaten to hand it over to the good folk from menace eradiction, to disclose the location of its lair to Feducci, to kill it myself as I should’ve done, once, long time ago- but I never do.&quot[/quote]

Faint red and lilac ink: [quote]When HE left London with his Clay goons, bloody secrets and stolen treasures, I was the part that got left behind. And I’m getting stronger.[/quote]

On elegant paper in neat script, marked only by tear-stains at the edge of the paper: [quote]“I bear such a weight, as a Hesperidean, because I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Lifebergs on fire off the shoulder of Tanah-Chook. I watched irrigo beams glitter in the dark near Khan’s Gate. All those moments will be preserved, like bones in amber. I cannot die.”[/quote]

And finally, carved on a slate of unmelting ice: [quote]&quotHIGH TREASON. OBSCURITY. AIDING AND ABETTING THE THIEF OF FACES. CONSPIRACY TO SOLICIDE.[/quote]

No prize for guessing who that last one was. Tomorrow: more confessions!

EDIT: Hang on a second, that’s only six isn’t it? I promised seven, and seven ye shall have.
Shaky and rushed, with paragraphs crossed out and rewritten:[quote]I had two vials left after the job was done. Sold them to an Urchin gang. Cantigaster. They were in a feud with another gang of urchins at the time. I needed the Echoes - I needed a Mirrorcatch to feel the Sunlight one last time…The scene that followed the day after was… (-the rest is incomprehensible-) [/quote]
edited by ReusedNPC on 11/7/2017

is that a reverse reference to &quotall those moments will be lost, like tears in the rain&quot that i spy? if so, i’m loving it

and i can’t be the only one waiting excitedly for tomorrow’s batch of confessions. and the day after tomorrow. and the day after day after tomorrow and

I could really use an extra large helping of confessions, to &quotcope&quot with the &quotstress&quot of emergency maintenance. :naughty:

is that a reverse reference to &quotall those moments will be lost, like tears in the rain&quot that i spy?[/quote]
Most certainly, given the full paragraph of that confession.

Kudos to the one who has penned it!