The IroNoman Marathon: Season 2

It’s just a bonus for those with 2 tattoos - it gives a Primeval Hint, and some lovely text.


cries infinite tears at the pale visitor text

Hurrah! Congratulations everyone! I’ve updated the OP with the explicitly declared successes. Let me know if you’ve succeeded and want that recorded.

PS: Awesome spreadsheet, idyl! Thank you

I’ve now been inked in gant with a tattoo of my noman! Whether you succeeded or not, congratulations to all who competed in the IroNoman competition. Now it’s time to hunt down that elusive Lady in Lilac…

Analysis: I too ended up significantly over-preparing: I started with 35 pails, 28 Tears of the Bazaar, and 20 Taste of Lacre. Creating the Noman in the final possible week brought me down to 5 Taste, and I examined all pails with a monocle and traded them in for Noman’s friend using the Noman’s Progress card. I also used Tears to increase taste, and had fantastic luck with them (gaining over 20 Taste while losing only two vials of Tears). I had intended on expending more Tears, but ended up stopping when I had 435 Noman’s Friend, with 3 Taste of Lacre and 26 Tears remaining in reserve. Due to a lucky placement of Time, the Healer (Tuesday afternoon), I’ve had only two weeks of melting, losing a total of 153 Noman’s Friend.

Interestingly, this means that with perfect hindsight I only needed to use a mere 5 pails (when combined with my initial 5 Taste, the starting 100 Noman’s Friend, and no use of Tears). This is actually fewer pails then I got for free from various the christmas events. But to cut it that close would have been ridiculous, so even with the added cost of all of all those pails, I’m perfectly satisfied with the outcome.

Okay, I’m a little bit confused here.

Both my characters already have two tattoos from previous years.

Both my characters ADDITIONALLY have a Gant Noman tattoo.

Both my characters’ Nomen survived, and they both have the &quotGet a private tattoo of your Noman&quot option available as well as &quotA pale visitor&quot.

Which do I pick?? The &quotGet a Noman tattoo&quot won’t give me another Gant tattoo, will it? Will it simply do nothing? In that case, why’s it even an option for characters who already have a Gant tattoo? Seems like a trap (since it’ll give you the Incident quality and lock out the other option). So I should definitely pick the &quotA pale visitor&quot option for both my characters, right? I’m terrified to pick the wrong option after all the work I put in to these Nomen. Thank you all in advance for your invaluable advice!

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]EDIT: Oh, wait. Headdesk moment here. I’ve been thinking that both options are unlocked with a Noman, but clearly only the Gant tattoo requires that; the pale visitor only requires two regular tattoos from previous years. Still a shame you can only pick one.[/color]
edited by hwoosh on 2/13/2017
edited by hwoosh on 2/13/2017

Hwoosh, I believe you can have more than one “private tattoo of your Noman” (But you can’t have more than one “normal” tattoo of the same type)

Congratulations to everyone! I hope you enjoyed defeating death (even if only for a little while). May your tattoos keep you warm on cold nights.

It’s just a bonus for those with 2 tattoos - it gives a Primeval Hint, and some lovely text.[/quote]


Amazing, thanks!

Congratulations, fellow marathoners! I now also have a Gant tattoo (on my mantelpiece) on top of my Face in the Snow from the previous year. I have 233 Noman’s Friend remaining, which should give my Noman another week as TtH comes tomorrow.

Summary time! I went into this with 26 Pails of Snow, 6 Tears of the Bazaar and 15 ToL. My preparations were started in late November so this was rushed. I made my Noman on Jan 24th at the price of 15 ToL. My supplies put me at 403 NF (dreadfully inefficient usage of Tears). To make the Noman last until today, February 13th, I only needed to survive 2 TtH, which took respectively 53 and 117 NF. I could have made the Noman on Jan 31st though, as the Wicket was still open and I got something like three lacre melting warnings with my TtHs. So actually this could have been a three-Pail Noman. Of course, hindsight only gets you so far, but to me, this shows it was a pretty easy year. Could have kept my Tears.

Given those three warnings, I am now wondering about the buckets - when did they actually melt? Did anyone keep a test Pail around, by any chance?

Am I cool now?

Edit: Right! I lost 20(ish), 33(ish), 64, 78, 104, then 120.
edited by hellaGumshoe on 2/13/2017

For everyone who hasn’t yet, please post your melting info from over the last few weeks. If you check the emails from Time the Healer, they say how much Noman’s Friend you lost each week. That will help immensely!
edited by idyl on 2/13/2017

The way I see it, after two people mentioned it, next year we could try keeping the Noman again, with only the free pails we get. Not buying Tears or additional pails. Nothing to lose, I guess.

I’ve also successfully gotten my Noman tattoo, using 24 pails and 6 tears. Like many others, I only had to survive 2 TtH, so I still have 190 Noman’s Friend as well as a few ToL in reserve.

Overall, in the beginning I was really worried I wouldn’t make it. I thought the Wicket would close much earlier than it did. I’m glad I didn’t make my Noman earlier.

So, to summarize, the only reason to choose a second Gant Noman tattoo over the Pale Visitor option would be the slim chance that Failbetter releases some special snippet of content in the future for people with two Gant Noman tattoos?

Can anyone confirm whether that option does indeed give an additional Gant tattoo? Right now I’m not seeing much reason not to just go forward with &quotA pale visitor&quot.

EDIT: Oh, wait. Headdesk moment here. I’ve been thinking that both options are unlocked with a Noman, but clearly only the Gant tattoo requires that; the pale visitor only requires two regular tattoos from previous years. Still a shame you can only pick one.
edited by hwoosh on 2/13/2017

There are three principle reasons why you may want to go for the Gant tatoo over A pale visitor:

  1. You would like a nice meaty all-caps (SUCCESS) next to your name in the OP

  2. You would prefer a Searing Enigma over an Elemental Secret

  3. You are hoping for a slim chance that Failbetter releases some special snippet of content in the future for people with two Gant Noman tattoos

AN UPDATE: For those who are curious, I decided to go ahead with getting a second Gant Noman tattoo. Storynexus seemed to glitch out a little bit when listing the new total &quotquantity&quot of the Gant Noman tattoo quality, as seen in this screenshot:

But if you go to R Fellow Oswho’s mantelpiece (the link in my signature was broken due to that recent update that broke profile URLS, but I’ve fixed it), it correctly displays the quantity as 2. Good times! I’m going to do the same with my other main character, hwoosh.
edited by hwoosh on 2/13/2017

Who knows what will happen when you get seven Gant tattoos! #Heptagoat
edited by xenopus on 2/13/2017

[quote=hwoosh]AN UPDATE: For those who are curious, I decided to go ahead with getting a second Gant Noman tattoo. Storynexus seemed to glitch out a little bit when listing the new total &quotquantity&quot of the Gant Noman tattoo quality, as seen in this screenshot:

But if you go to R Fellow Oswho’s mantelpiece (the link in my signature was broken due to that recent update that broke profile URLS, but I’ve fixed it), it correctly displays the quantity as 2. Good times! I’m going to do the same with my other main character, hwoosh.
edited by hwoosh on 2/13/2017[/quote]
Many thanks, my dear delicious!
Se seems that one can have multiple Gant tattoos! Let’s add this to our useless achievement list and wait 7 years (2024) to get the 7th!

Getting a second gant tattoo of my noman seems kind of silly, from an in-character perspective, so I’m not going to bother. But here’s proof that I made it to the finish line (with a whopping 11 Noman’s Friend left, and about 14 hours before TtH):

Ubergoat and gant Noman tattoo acquired. Life is good.