Do you mean the palace or the court? At the palace I can only think of creating the painting of the Royal children but that locks out quickly. And at the court (if you even have access to the court, lots of people are banished) all the options lock up once you have the Memento of Passion
I’m looking to gain a Revolutionary Firebrand Reforged, which requires 100 Masquerading. Assuming I reach the max amount of Masquerading via non-fate related means, what would be the best items to buy to increase my quality to the needed level?
You would need 70 additional Masquing, so to minimize the number of turns that you need to spend, you will need 1 50 Fate and 1 20 Fate item, or 1 40 Fate and 1 30 Fate item.[li]
edited by th8827 on 2/9/2016
If I got a tattoo last year, will I need to meet the captivating princess again to gain another?
Nope, the captivating princess meeting is separate from the tattoos - once Lilac appears on the 15th, you should be able to get your second tattoo any time by going to the Forgotten Quarter.
edited by Màiread on 2/9/2016
No. You’re confusing the princess and liliac, for one thing. You won’t need to go through the hunt for liliac again, she’ll just show up in the quarter. The princess shouldn’t be repeatable once you have her aquaintance, or at least she wasn’t last time.
I had a quick look the first time I drew the Feast card; you definitely cannot meet the princess if you are already acquainted with her.
I already have a Scuttering Squad, which is +8 Dangerous and Watchful; is there any reason to acquire a monkey, which is only +5/+5?
If you don’t have a companion that provides Bizarre, the Pentecost Ape has that stat.
None of the non-Fate Feast companions are best in slot. In fact, few of the companions that cost Fate outclass the Scuttering Squad or the Blemmigan Secretary. But they have entertaining stories when you obtain them…
I meant the court, and by selling the memento you can repeat the story. most people won’t find it useful, but it’s always worth mentioning.
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but:
A one-sided Divorce costs 50.00 Echoes, 10 Actions
You’ll have the following effects:
*A memento.Your ‘Images of a Wedding:’ Quality has gone!
*You’ve lost 5000 x Penny
*You’re unmarried
I don’t know about the "manual" divorce though. I think that will start a "pursuing a divorce" quality which needs to go to 100 to finish.
edited by Pyrodinium on 2/10/2016
What are the Fate-locked items with the highest BDR? Is it the golden-spiked rosary?
The Rosary and the Amber/Tanned Masks are best in slot for BDR. The Amber Mask is cheaper, but the Tanned Mask is also best in slot for Shadowy.
How much masquing is needed for an obsessive collector? I checked the wiki and I think it’s 60 masquing for the non-fate companions, and then I need 30 ‘free’ (gifts, card) masquing for each fate-locked option I want to buy, so that I use fate effectively? (just for the difference in price - nonfate cap). Am I missing something?
I’m asking on behalf of my non-POSI alt. Would it be more practical for me to work the Wheel of Affection and hopefully get enough Romantic Notions for that Illicit Volume, Gift of Scorns and Masquing rather than grind for Cryptic Clues etc. the other gifts?
Yes. You can get up to 20 masqueing from the feast-card (or the perfumed pleasure garden, though it makes up for the lack of card dependency by being far less action efficient). that’d set you to needing 10 masqueing from fate-unlocked gifts per card, as long as you keep getting masqueing from that.
edited by Grenem on 2/10/2016
You can actually get to 21 Masquing from just the Feast-card, but making sure you are at 19, and then play an action which gives 2 Masquing.
Thank you. I can confirm that the Rosary is +3 Dreaded, in the weapon slot (40 Fate); the Amber Mask is +2 Shadowy +1 Bizarre +1 Dreaded (30 Fate); and the Tanned Mask is +7 Shadowy +2 Dreaded (40 Fate). The Masks belong in the "Hat" slot.
In case anyone is wondering, the Starveling Stole (10 Fate) is also a hat and gives -1 each to Watchful, Shadowy, Dangerous and Persuasive.
[quote=Nigel Overstreet]A Gift of Scorn? Adoration?
These can be obtained by failures and rare successes, respectively, on the "The Perfumed Pleasure Garden" storylet. The Celebrate the Feast of the Exceptional Rose storylet can redirect you there whenever you’d like.[/quote]
The wiki doesn’t list any way to obtain a Gift of Adoration there, is this still a thing?
Gifts of Adoration have been replaced by Masquing (and indeed the image for Masquing is adoration.png)