The Heptajournal - Finally Completed

It has been done.

The Heptajournal - a mountain of Journals of Infamy with the sell value of one Heptagoat (you can do the maths yourself if you want to be sure), grinded entirely through the Doubt Street newspaper carousel.

At last, Doubt Street has been conquered.


Q: …Why?
A: You must be new here. Please take your complimentary vanity grind at the door.

Q: Why the specufic values on the 3 qualities?
A: It just kind of worked out like that. I though of going to 41, but I want to actually do other things. It also didn’t just coincidentally get to a nice spread, I was ~800 Journals over and had to sell them for that nice number screenshot.

Q: Why newspapers? Aren’t there other sources of JoI?
A: In the long ago past, Newspapers were heck to grind. A single newspaper took a bold 57 actions instead of today’s 18.5, and to increase the three qualities you had to wait for opp cards (with social interactions!). Only a few have achieved the fabled 10 in each quality, myself included. I have also been running The Goosey Gazette, which includes one in-game newspaper run per edition. My pile of JoI grew, and so, especially with the buff to the grind, the idea was born.
This was also before JoI had more sources, e.g. Rat Market, so it made sense to continue after.
The newspaper qualities going big were simply a nice bonus.

Q: How long did this take?
A: 4-5 years? With breaks for content, of course, and imperfect action management. As well as missclicks.

Q: How many Whirring Contraptions did this take?
A: Not counting the ones used before the grind buff, around 2700.

Q: Will you now sell the journals and buy a Heptagoat?
A: Nope! This baby is staying as a monument to my journalism, all only ever in Journals*

Q: When will The Goosey Gazette come back?
A: When I have a bit more time and a bit less burnout.

Q: What’s next for you?
A: Kind of you to ask - I think I’m going to see what the fuss is with the photos up on the roof, as well as take a look at tbe Candlefinder Society at last.

That is all folks, ta ta!


I’m not sure if I’m more afraid or amazed by your commitment, though I think it’s a healthy mix of both.
This is just… wow. There is no words I can think of that truly express how crazy a feat this is.
But anyway, I congratulate you on achieving such a mighty goal, and this is definitely something to be proud of if only for the sheer amount of time and effort you put it to it.
Wishing you luck on whatever you endeavor to do next - Penea


There are many impressive vanity grinds, but this one is remarkably jaw dropping!


D**n, that’s a grind!
Congrats. Both on the creativity of it and the determination to actually do it.


Oh, gosh.

I don’t know if I should applaud such an effort or worry about exactly what percent of this entire community is set on vanity grinding. Probably more than I’d think.


Absolutely well done. Good work.

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I would be most impressed, but… don’t you mean “‘ground’ entirely”?