The Heptagoat

But what if getting the Heptagoat requires 7 Ciders??

No need for a Cider sip, I just want to say : good luck ! I wish you’ll only need seven overgoats, so that you can keep your Cider, which is… well… kind of a symbol in FL.

Just be careful not to be impatient and not to regret selling things. :)

Good luck! I would love a sip of the cider.

I got a sip, I got a sip! I’m immortal!

I will pray to the Great Goat for you, nitebrite! May the Heptagoat be yours!

When one passes a bottle amongst friends, it would certainly be rude to refuse a sip. :) I offer you my sincerest wishes of success on such a remarkable undertaking. Cheers!

May the Goat and/or Rat King, whichever is most readily available, bless you well on your bold endeavor, NiteBrite.

I need to watch this very closely… Sent you a message, but shall repeat it here - a sip would be much appreciated!
Godspeed, NiteBrite. I hope you will succeed.

I was probably at a Party in Veilgarden if you tried to offer me a sip and were not able to. I would still love to have the experience, and also to help any way I can.

Thank you for the Sip NiteBrite! I seriously hope you get this goat and that its worth it! Its funny that someone attempting to gain a horrifying demon goat would bring a lot of players together like this… But look at the possibilities:

  1. You get a Heptagoat
  2. You get nothing ( Which I seriously hope doesnt happen)
  3. Mr Goats will awaken from his slumber and destroy the Neath

Lets hope for Option 1!

I wish you good luck on your search, and if getting all those goats won’t work, don’t give up. The zee is vast, and the bazaar holds many secrets. Best of luck. Also, just a quick sip of cider would be appreciated.

Nitebrite, will it be a help if we send you packages? I’m guessing that they tend to return a good amount per action? I’ll mark you as my recipient every time I get a chance to if you like.

I will really appreciate a sip of your cider. And best of luck for you.

What a generous offer. I would greatly appreciate a sip of the cider and I would also be willing to send any aid I can in the form of packages if that would be helpful. Godspeed on your goaty journey.[li]

I would like to help you in your search if I can, Lady Nitebrite. Are the surprise packages or gift of jewels gifts a good way to contribute, or is the return not worth it for you?

Oh dear, there appears to be a bug going on. If you see the message ‘this invite cannot be accepted due to missing qualities’ just hang tight for a bit. I’ve sent in a bug report on the matter just this very minute so hopefully it will get resolved soon. My apologies for any inconvenience.

The Masters are trying you to stop you from your goal - do not sway, NiteBrite!
By the way, if I can help in any way, as the others : please ask!

If you want some help I’ll try in any way I can

You are an absolutely mad woman and I applaud your efforts. I’d do the exact same had I the funds and items.

I would also appreciate a sip too if possible.

I hope the powers-that-be will be kind enough to let you keep the Cider! All the good luck the Neath can hold!

But I must say, I wonder whether getting 7 overgoats to get a heptagoat is a bit too… easy (in the sense of expected, not that’s easy to accumulate 7 overgoats), same things for the ubergoats.
Perhaps it is, but it’s kind of… sloppy?

Standing among the ranks of your admirers and well-wishers, wishing you good luck and godspeed. I would partake in the Cider sharing to toast your quest if still ongoing, and raise that rare cup with these others to salute your mad ambition.
May you keep what treasures you may and smile to see what comes at the outcome of this dire scheme.