The Hellworm Club

Congratulations, Colin and Kharsirr, and welcome to our most praiseworthy and select collective!

Kharsirr, have you named your new companion? They need names! I’ll accept “the beast” as the actual name, if you prefer.

I’ve been extending a grace period to those who already had a worm, but I’ll starting assigning “Outis” or “Nemo” eventually if I don’t hear back.

[quote=PSGarak]Congratulations, Colin and Kharsirr, and welcome to our most praiseworthy and select collective!

Kharsirr, have you named your new companion? They need names! I’ll accept “the beast” as the actual name, if you prefer.

I’ve been extending a grace period to those who already had a worm, but I’ll starting assigning “Outis” or “Nemo” eventually if I don’t hear back.[/quote]

A Child of Plague Winter

[quote=PSGarak]There has been some discussion about creating an official Hellworm Club post on these forums. I am making the commitment that I am willing to maintain the membership rolls for this prestigious and exclusive organization. I have not made them commitment before now because I was not, myself, a member of this vaunted and respectable gathering, but to my great exuberance, as of half an hour ago that is no longer an impediment!

Demonstrating Membership

In order to have yourself placed on the list of this noteworthy and admired collection of individuals, please provide proof that you have been granted the privilege of associating with such a brazen and adorable violation of the Great Chain. Preferable is a link to your profile, showing either the noble steed on your mantlepiece or a journal echo of playtime, lunchtime, riding time, or whatever the heck the boots end up letting you do. Replying to this thread is preferred, but you can also send me a message.

I will try to sort membership by chronological order of acquiring the Companion, to the best of evidence that you provide. I will also annotate with accessories (Bridle & Saddle, Boots, ???) if you provide similar evidence of such items.

You must tell me your preferred name (may or may not be the same as your character’s name or your forum profile), as well as the preferred name of your Hellworm. Your Hellworm MUST have a name. It need not be named in-game (especially if it’s in the Transport slot), but you need to love and adore your Hellworm, which you can only do if you name it.[/quote]

The name of my hellworm is Binky. &quotAnd lo, did he ride on a pale wyrm, and it’s name was Binky&quot *

*disclaimer: do not have saddle yet.
edited by Kylestien on 1/28/2022

The milkworm Mephisto was acquired Jan 31st.

I shall call her Wormcoil

Welcome both to our ennobled and redoubtable symposium! The drinks are free, but be careful with them.

Oh! I’ve got a hellworm too. Don’t remember how long ago I got it

What do you intend to name your Hellworm?

I see some echoes in your journal on January 1. Does that sound like about the right time?

I got one on January 13th: Fallen London

I didn’t really name it… but I guess we could go with “Sausage”

A minor point: you attempted to insert a link to my profile, but omitted everything after the space

The forum software sure didn’t make that easy. I think I’ll need to do a full QA pass in the next few days, see what else might have slipped through.


Would you be so kind as to help me with a name?
My unsaddled worm was called Shai-Hulud. When I was saddling it, I overlooked the fact that the name is lost in the process.
Now that Idyl’s worm is called that, I need something new.

PSGarak, if you would like, I would be honoured if you chose something.



Sure, I’d be happy to help. What sort of name would you like?

If you want something similar to the original, we modify the reference a bit. E.g. &quotLeto II,&quot or something about melange.

If you want something totally different, I’m partial to Sleipnir.

If neither of those resonant, then tell me what you’re looking for in a name. Literary or mythological reference? Refers to worms, steeds, pets, companions? Denotes something large, menacing, important, awe-inspiring? Do we want to emphasize its connection to the infernal, or its distance from the Chain?

I feel that it is only right for Ysrthgrathe to keep his worm’s original name, as I wasn’t aware of it when I obtained mine and his was earlier.

That being said, my worm’s name shall henceforth be: Shaitan.

Thank you very, very much.

That is insanely nice and generous of you.
I sent you a couple of skulls as a little consolidation gift and as a token of my sincere appreciation. I hope that you find them as delicious and sweet as you are.

Greetings! Seberin Cirion has recently come into the company of Virgil the Hellworm. Very slimy company.

Waterpls attained the worm on 11 November, 2021; and the saddle on 12 February, 2022.
Links are unfortunately Discord, and I can’t find any mention of name or confirmation of profile; profile is probably this (sufficiently end-game to plausibly be enwormed)

Any chance that Waterpls happened to bename their majestic new companion?

Fallen London also has a Hellworm called &quotheckworm,&quot which she obtained on November 7th:

She said that she’d prefer to be listed as &quotjess&quot (all lowercase), but ultimately isn’t &quottoo picky&quot about it
edited by mp on 2/17/2022

What’s the point of having your name up on a wall, if it’s not the name you want to have? She shall join as jess, and I’m inferring heckworm’s lowercase name is part of the pattern as well.

If anyone else wants their preferred name updated, just let me know. It’s sometimes guesswork between the game character, forum name, or some other alias, and I can’t guarantee I’ve been consistent.