The Hellworm Club

I’ve joined the club, with Hellworm Snooticus. Whew!


The first worm of 2023! And the fourth Boot Polish of, uh, 1899! Congratulations all!


At this point I doubt that I’ll have a saddled, bridled, and lactating Hellworm buddy in my lifetime. But it’s still a goal to shoot for. :wink:

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What she said. :crazy_face:

R J Frogvarian has joined the club of Hellworms on 17th of January. Though I have not saved any echoes, here’s a link to the profile where the worm sits proudly.
And a link to the message of acquiring this magnificent beast.

This hellworm is named Wröm.

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I am now besaddled - journal echo here - Fallen London

Can I also be added for 2024 Cheese please? Can provide proof of milk if needed.


Ghlaghghee and I are also awaiting 2024 Cheese. Our milk will be extra frothy by then.


Link to profile with hellworm. Fallen London
The hellworm’s name is: Varangian Drak.


A few notes:

My IGN is spelt wrong in my entry, it’s kylestien not kylestein.

I recently saddled my worm somewhere between 1 to 3 days ago. Let’s split the middle and call it 2 days ago.

I await this years crop of cheese, made a nice delivery of two milks last year’s whitsun and hoping to collect.


Apologies for the typo! And congratulations on the saddle!


I finally have a cute little worm called Hellena. Journal Entry
Got her about three weeks ago. And who would have thought. Already got some bloody expensive M____'s B___d from her. Love the little girl.


After a frankly absurd number of brass skulls, I’ve finally earned enough scrip to buy Milly her very own saddle!
Fallen London


My dear hellworm, Clyde, now has a bl _ _ dy saddle and we are enjoying our moonlit rides across the Upper River, in which we (mostly) accidentally strike terror in the hearts of random strangers.


Sugarplum’s favorite chew toys are now about 20% tastier!


Me and my fuzzy friend Arrow shall spook the denizens of the Hinterlands together!

Hellworm acquired yesterday. Naming is a serious task but absolutely vital! Journal link

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Got me worm.
Him name Iku-Turso.
Praise be to the Parabolan diamond trade.


I have decided i will have my worm before the next Whitsun. (for obvious reasons)
is getting 75k scrip in a little over two months doable?

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The beneficiaries of :gem: Diamond Week :gem: have begun to arrive, congratulations on the rewards of your patience!

I got about 30k scrip from Diamond Week myself, which put me just in range that I could liquidate everything the Exchange was buying and Saddle up Rocinante! People in the Upper River seem very cross, but not quite enough to send me to the Tomb-Colonies yet.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to do a bunch of riding around to have a good chance to drawing Milk. It’s real luck of the draw.

75k Scrip in two months depends entirely on what resources you have that you’re willing to invest in this adventure. For example, if you can acquire checks notes about 400,000 warm amber, and are willing to accept 60 weeks of Bone Market Exhaustion, then sure go ahead. Alternatively, if you have 75k spare echoes and are willing to accept a 50% loss on the conversion, then you can simply purchase rifles from the Bazaar and sell them in Jericho and have a worm before the weekend.

Grinding that much Scrip from scratch (i.e. not investing any existing resources) seems unlikely, and two months is about what I would expect to convert echoes into Scrip at a favorable rate via Brass Lollipops. So, in short, possible but you’ll have to decide what you’re willing to part with.


Fully optimized ANP is capable of generating 50k Scrip per month, but there are some caveats:

  • You need a lot of advanced stats (and preferably also some Fate-locked content)
  • It may take a moment for things to get up to speed (although it depends on how much relevant stuff you already have)
  • Payout weeks come at random, so while it’ll average out to 50k in the long run, the month-to-month chart will be bumpy
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Could you elaborate? I think i have the relevant stats and fate locked content

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