The Game of Knife and Candle

Can it be? Underground Leagues of the Great Game, and we the champions of the prior Season were not informed? I shall have to present Mr. Irons with the tongues of his three favorite servants! Presuming he has any favorites, that is. Their tongues would have been best served speaking to those who should have been notified in advance, and not in whatever other trivial enterprise to which they have been put!

Bollinger! Fetch the Ravenglass. The long one. Melissa! Be a dear and have Juno’s claws sharpened. Tonight, we hunt!

What are you talking about, as Mr Irons has clearly stated many a time there are no longer any games of Knife and Candle and any allegations otherwise are clearly lies and deception. Some of you may have heard of a secret club that identifies it’s members with tokens and plans on reigniting the passions for wax and cutlery however these are ridiculous and unfounded lies.

So really, you have nothing to complain to Mr Iron’s about.

Well, the Soft-Hearted Widow now has an option related to Knife and Candle. It requires ‘A participant in the underground games of knife-and-candle.’ Which is absurd, as there is no such thing!

Indeed there isn’t! On a completely unrelated note, those who wish to participate in our little innocent and completely legal waxing and needling club should visit the thread in the Singing Mandrake.

Is it too soon to talk about how a new thing that is not happening is going? I’m curious about other people’s impressions, as this is my first time not-experiencing anything of the kind.

It’s a fun little myth. On an unrelated note, someone decided to take something I wore underneath of my clothing while I was wearing it, and as if that wasn’t bad enough several people attempted to do the same afterwards! I’ve thought about retrieving it, but I’d rather not have to remain indefinitely across the Unterzee just to keep a single possession.

The concept is fun, but I am having terrible luck so far. You can try to steal from anybody (I think even being away from London would not protect a MirrorBox owner), but oviously most people don’t have anything of value by now. As for simple attacks, more then half of my friend list is not available, and the ones remaining… I won the first fight, but I was like: “Okay, I should probably try other people. Would be terribly rude to murder the same person”. But others seem to have picked the same stats as me, so my attacks fail and I lose tokens ^^" Not sure how I am supposed to become a top dog in this competition. Maybe changing the style will help…

I’m still not entirely sure how the wins are calculated. Is it entirely based on the forms and the new stats? Are old stats taken into consideration? Is there a chance element? If it is just your form, it seems a bit rock-paper-scissors-ish. I hope it will become a bit more complex later on so there can be more strategy , or perhaps just a bit more transparent as to what is factored into wins and losses.

It’s based on the new stats which are largely defined by the forms (things like Mirrorcatch boxes and Shroud’s can alter the stats a little). I do believe there is a chance element (If you and your opponent have the same value of a stat then it’s 50/50 who wins.) However the exact way it works out for other values is unknown.

The concept is fun, but I am having terrible luck so far. You can try to steal from anybody (I think even being away from London would not protect a MirrorBox owner), but oviously most people don’t have anything of value by now. As for simple attacks, more then half of my friend list is not available, and the ones remaining… I won the first fight, but I was like: “Okay, I should probably try other people. Would be terribly rude to murder the same person”. But others seem to have picked the same stats as me, so my attacks fail and I lose tokens ^^" Not sure how I am supposed to become a top dog in this competition. Maybe changing the style will help…[/quote]

I’m having similar problems. In fact, my main character got killed out of the competition; I had to have my alt “invite” me back in. :-(

I’m relieved that others are finding it a bit rock-papers-scissors like; I wasn’t sure if I was missing something. (I can see that there might be strategy if you accumulate cards and change forms frequently, but the logistics of that weren’t feeling like very much fun for me, so I took a trip to Zee to clear my head.)

In my opinion, the problem with changing Forms frequently is that the Forms change options and the attack options appear on the same cards, so by changing your Form you surrender an opportunity to Attack.
edited by cathyr19355 on 4/7/2013

[quote=Catherine Raymond]

In my opinion, the problem with changing Forms frequently is that the Forms change options and the attack options appear on the same cards, so by changing your Form you surrender an opportunity to Attack.
edited by cathyr19355 on 4/7/2013[/quote]

True enough, however it thus behooves players to have and hold as many such cards as possible. High tier housing, such as the Premises on the Bazaar, allow an opportunity through their cards to attack or change form. In addition, being able to hold 4 cards allows you to hold three cards for K&C actions. So if you own the Premises on the Bazaar and a Reservation in the Royal Bethlehem Hotel (which I will shortly) then combined with the Soft-Hearted Widow Card and another one you can get from a reputation of 10 with the Criminal and Church and you have a large number of chances for K&C floating around or always in your hand.

This is useful because if someone attacks you then you instantly know where to hit them and can retaliate sufficiently.
edited by Owen Wulf on 4/7/2013

I guess it could be good to attack others with your weak quality, then?

Aximillio, I guess it depends on how weak it is, but that might be one thing that those of us Seeking the Name (and thus subject to non-discardable menace cards) might consider.

No, attacks and strategies are made based on the assumption that your opponent has this or that form. Most of my opponents have the Lantern Form, meaning pretty even qualities. You can tell this if they vary their attacks. So theoretically keeping the Lantern form on for when you are attacked you can switch to the Night Clawed Bat, hit him or her with elusive, then switch back to the Defense heavy Lantern form all in one go if you have the right setup of cards in your hand. Then when they hit you where they think you are weakest you they encounter a greater chance for failure.

[quote=Owen Wulf][quote=Catherine Raymond]

In my opinion, the problem with changing Forms frequently is that the Forms change options and the attack options appear on the same cards, so by changing your Form you surrender an opportunity to Attack.
edited by cathyr19355 on 4/7/2013[/quote]

True enough, however it thus behooves players to have and hold as many such cards as possible. High tier housing, such as the Premises on the Bazaar, allow an opportunity through their cards to attack or change form. In addition, being able to hold 4 cards allows you to hold three cards for K&C actions. So if you own the Premises on the Bazaar and a Reservation in the Royal Bethlehem Hotel (which I will shortly) then combined with the Soft-Hearted Widow Card and another one you can get from a reputation of 10 with the Criminal and Church and you have a large number of chances for K&C floating around or always in your hand.

This is useful because if someone attacks you then you instantly know where to hit them and can retaliate sufficiently.
edited by Owen Wulf on 4/7/2013[/quote]

That certainly would optimize one’s chances for success in Knife and Candle, but it’s less than optimal if one is attempting to pursue other objectives. I have all of the purchasable lodgings–The Western Tower, a Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem, and Premises at the Bazaar–and I’m still finding it rare to see a K&C card more than twice per day.

yeah the amount of time and setup that would take for maybe one or two tokens isn’t worth it really, given how rare they are even with all the fourcard lodgings. just fire off as many murders as you can and hope for the best, that’s my modus operandi. even if it’s not been amazingly successful all the time

I imagine it’s very satisfying to hold several attack cards at once, but one ought to consider that holding onto a card that you intend to play while drawing a new one is the same as wasting a use of that card. Several times I’ve used an attack card and re-drawn it a few minutes later.

Also: this business of changing to the Night-Lamp form as a “defense” I find equally bizarre. The likelihood of winning against an attacker actually seems more slim this way: it’s been my experience at least that almost everyone uses an attack-heavy form and that very few people actually do change their form often. Since the Night-Lamp offers no protection from an attack of this kind, it seems to be a better strategy to just stick to your guns and hope to draw as many attacks as possible, rather than wasting cards trying to confuse people who probably won’t change their strategy regardless. One might still, at least force a 50/50 if the opponent attacks with your stat.

Plans within plans, ah.
edited by Dawson on 4/8/2013

[quote=Dawson]I imagine it’s very satisfying to hold several attack cards at once, but one ought to consider that holding onto a card that you intend to play while drawing a new one is the same as wasting a use of that card. Several times I’ve used an attack card and re-drawn it a few minutes later.

Also: this business of changing to the Night-Lamp form as a “defense” I find equally bizarre. The likelihood of winning against an attacker seems more slim this way: it’s been my experience at least that almost everyone uses an attack-heavy form and that very few people actually do change their form often. Since the Night-Lamp offers no protection from an attack of this kind, it seems to be a better strategy to just stick to your guns and hope to draw as many attacks as possible, rather than wasting cards trying to confuse people who probably won’t change their strategy regardless. At least that way you can force a 50/50 if you opponent attacks with your stat.

Plans within plans, ah.[/quote]

Well when you put it that way I suppose that my tactic is a bit of a waste of time. True, it would be detrimental if your opponent found your weakness but then again with the chance of drawing an attack card so rare that might not necessarily be too great an inconvenience. I may have over-thought it at the very least, such was my desire to make a good tactic.

edited by Owen Wulf on 4/8/2013