The Fruits of the Zee Festival 2024

Oh, that’s SO annoying, apologies!


Tomorrow 12th September, things normally change around 12 noon UK time but no guarantees. I don’t work for FBG so don’t know for sure what the schedule is.


Thank you! I only have 5 skulls, yeek.

I haven’t managed to get one skull from diving! Lots of other things but the card with the skull just hasn’t shown for me at the correct depth. You’ve just got to love the RNG :slight_smile:

I think I’ve time for a couple more dives but it takes a lot of actions to get enough Fivefold Devotion to reach 4 or 5 safely and I’m not sure it is really worth it. They aren’t the most valuable thing you get diving but I would like to see the text at least once.

Well, they aren’t the most attractive Skulls for skeletons anyways and getting them from diving is less profitable than gaining 300 favor, so I wouldn’t get hung up on only getting 5 Skulls.

Skulls are useful in order to get Choo Choo scrip, just as Oneiric Pearls are good for Khanate Coins. That seems the real benefit of this particular festival grind, the EPA is definitely good, but not so good as to be mind-blowing.

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Yeah, but…i want the spiny thing you get after hitting the skull limit. /o\


Well shoot i thought i had echoed the skull text but i guess not! If i get one again I’ll try to remember…

I think it’s over 5 EpA with zero checks. Definitely mind-blowing for early and midgame players.

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no worries, I’m fairly sure it’s really not your fault ;)

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According to the wiki it’s exactly 5 EPA. Mind blowing for early and midgame players, sure, but I’ve always been of the opinion that the goal in early and midgame is to no longer be IN early to midgame.

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The EPA listed in the info box at the top of the wiki page hasn’t been updated to reflect the latest calculations, apparently. If you look down at the tables in the Strategy section, the EPA maxes out at 5.37—quite respectable even by end-game levels.

I’ve been grinding it nonstop even though I have access to better grinds, simply because I generally do so for all time-limited activities, even awful ones like Urchin War, and also many of the payouts from the wrecked shipment lottery are pretty good: either ratketable or otherwise useful and annoying to obtain (Sworn Statement and SBL in particular).


Keep in mind that its most likely going to go away after the fest just like all the other items that only have a use as Thalassic Favour. The Waters Calm - Fallen London Wiki

I only got one just to see the text. (Fate spoiler warning right away. Just ignore the pinned first echo)


Doesn’t supplicating on the shore increase its rewards with higher base stats? That would make EPA lower for early and midgame players.


Are they, though? They’re worth less scrip than brass skulls, which you can just buy.

For scrip, Brass Skulls are superior. Coral Skulls can be useful for their Amalgamy to get Rubbery Pies from the Rubbery Collector. But even then, realistically it’s only one point for a pre Ealing player, it requires a Knob of Scintillac and nowadays there are easier ways to acquire Pies. Coral Skulls are not very attractive. Mechanically that is. They look amazing on your coffee table.

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I’m not trying for a Skull because of their value but because I wanted to get all the things while diving. I have at least one of all the other items but the Unlucky Prisoner card just hasn’t shown for me at Depth 4 or 5.

If I am right about diving closing around noon I have time for my actions to refresh to get one more dive in, of course gambling by going in at Devotion 9 means I might just get more wounds and nightmares… wish me luck :slight_smile:


Did the dive … at depth 5 the only options were corals :disappointed: At least I don’t think there is anything you can do with them past the 3 equipment variations so extras aren’t worth anything.

I think that it is for diving, I’m going to save my actions for trading when it opens later. Looking forward to upgrading my Zub and seeing what else I can pick up.



I swear, this game makes you loopy. But it’s still mine now!


Urgh. Is turning in the spinebound oddities bugged? 2 different items from my first turn in and no item from my second suggests the rewards are mixed up somehow?

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