The Fruits of the Zee Festival 2024

oh, damn, alright. thanks for clerfying that DS.

I think they specified that they plan on one set of items each year. This is kinda why FotZ has a way more niche appeal though; once you’ve played once and have a deluxe ship there’s not much of a point other than how good the echo grind can be in the late game.


Maybe “new” items persay aren’t going to be added, but it sounds like there is going to be a use for non-new items like Samples of Lacreous Affection. I don’t think they’d add it there just for the sale value.


I agree. Worth keeping in mind that Firmament Chapter 3 releases about a week after FotZ ends.


It’s the same item as last year right? Visit the bride at the bottom five times, then get this later.

Is it necessary to get another one for who who already have it?


Darn, you got to go to last year’s FotZ?

…well, even then, I can say for sure that the beginning of it is new.

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Item rewards and achievements aside, FoTZ is a good time to stock up on certain consumable items during your supplications.



I finally just started! I am EXCITE

ETA Just got the message about my airship!!


Do you have to visit the Bride just once or five times to get the…weeping… thing? I love FL writing but I don’t want to spend 7 fate or a ton of actions visiting 5 times if I don’t have to.

Do you go five times or just once?

… as I read the wiki, once should actually be enough. I went all five times last year, so no personal experience though ;)


Once is enough. Repeat visits are purely for seeing the changed flavor text and have no mechanical benefit.


Thank you for answering my dumb question! Alas, I have another one:

“Pedestrian Polyps, Barnacled Headpieces, Spinebound Oddities and Grasping Corals can be converted into items of equipment later in the festival, separate to Thalassic Favour. Each of these coral clusters can become one of three cosmetic variations of the same item.”

Dors this mean I get 3 of each, for a total of 12?

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I think this is also a good time to stock up on Skulls in Coral if you play the Bone Market. It is stated that you can only get 10 Skulls in Coral from diving.

  • A maximum of 10 Skulls in Coral can now be sourced from dives, after which Skulls in Coral are replaced by a new dive treasure of equivalent value.

  • A maximum of 10 Skulls in Coral can be traded into the Fruits Market.

Use them for the Bone Market assembling, trade other dive treasures for rewards instead.


Yes, if you’re being a completist. For purely practical purposes, you only need to get one of each.


Last year people sourced coral skulls outside of festival because it was faster and provided better EpA.
This year FBG bumped EpA to a decent level, so no point in Jerico anymore. But also no point to collect coral skulls by diving, since options with them are not so good compared to alternatives.

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“Yes, if you’re being a completist”

Alas, that is me. Boy is it ever. I also like to hoard stuff, even though i don’t IRL!


I want to clarify something.

I have 6 Skulls in Coral from last year (or somewhere else).

Since I am only allowed to get 10 Skulls in Coral from diving in FotZ 2024, the maximum number of skulls in my inventory should be 16? Or is it a hard cap on 10?

You can also get Skulls in Jericho, along the Railway. It’s quite normal to have a few dozen in your inventory. Most likely it’s the turn-in that’s limited, not the collection.


I don’t think there’s any limit to the number of Skulls in Coral in your inventory. Normally you can collect them year-round from Jericho Locks.

The limit of 10 is only for Skulls fished during the festival in week one, and for Skulls turned in at the festival in week two.