The Frontlines of London: Agitator's Haven

I think the problem may be that we have a lot of fans of Feducci here (myself included) and not many fans of the other mayoral candidates…

due to this excellent opportunity, Jasper the Cunning has taken up a new line of work. If your agitating opponents are hitting you hard, look no farther! Come to Jasper the Cunning for all of your fixing needs!

(Feel free to send messages asking for fixing)
edited by Jasper the Cunning on 6/28/2017
edited by Jasper the Cunning on 6/28/2017

Sorry about that. Suki was meant to be her name but I mistyped when setting up the account and then got stuck with it. I am also having difficulties finding non-Feducci eligible candidates for mobbing which is why I made Suzi take the agitator role so she and Delilah can have a fight.

I can see why you left, there seems to be much disquiet over the agitator career path.

Suzi has barely escaped from some surprisingly shar fruit and hoblles off with mob in tow towards Cernunnas armed with nightmares.

I’ll be agitating for the DTC. The Tea Must Flow!

Suzi is bloody but undaunted and sends her hounds upon Doolitle

DISCLAIMER: the campaign is in NEED of MORE CAMPAIGNERS, if your Influencing the Election and Career Level are low, CONSIDER SWITCHING; our donators will get you UP TO 9 IN NO TIME AT ALL

Doolittle is forced to concede he probably deserves it.

papakingbob does what needs to be done in the name of the DTC.

The Gun-Toting Gallivanter is rousing rabble in support of Feducci.
edited by Curious Foreigner on 6/29/2017

Not sure if this is accurate. My alt got mobbed this morning almost immediately after completing a Flash Lay, so either my opponent had impeccable timing or you can get mobbed during Flash Lays, though it won’t stop you from completing them.

Speaking of which, MrUnderhill77 is agitating for the Temperance Campaigner. Have at me!
edited by MrUnderhill89 on 6/29/2017

Given that there are so few people ever eligible to be mobbed, it’s not surprising that you were mobbed immediately. Likely someone was refreshing the page waiting for an eligible contact.

(I have about 200 contacts left over from Hallowmas 2014 and I usually have about between zero and one eligible mob targets, for reference.)

Mobbing does feel a bit like a dead end election career at the moment. I have had my alts mob each other and occassionally find other characters but it is rare.

Having charmed their mob, papakingbob releases her own mob at The Gun-Toting Gallivanter.
edited by papakingbob on 6/29/2017

The most ReverendWolf agitates for Feducci.
However, Quilster is a campaigner for the Detective.
edited by Quilster on 6/29/2017

[quote=papakingbob]Having charmed their mob, papakingbob releases her own mob at The Gun-Toting Gallivanter.
edited by papakingbob on 6/29/2017[/quote]

Delilah Moreo bloodied from battle, hounded by nightmares unleashes her fury on papakingbob.

[quote=Quilster]The most ReverendWolf agitates for Feducci.
However, Quilster is a campaigner for the Detective.
edited by Quilster on 6/29/2017[/quote]

Quilster’s link is broken.

Mr Wraith, an agitator for Feducci will gladly receive the attention of fellow troublemakers, specially those that will attack with salacious slurs and, will certanly fight back in the name of not-so-honest sportmanship.

I will be taking a break from mobbing to focus on leveling up my career. Kindly redirect your mobs elsewhere

I am an agitator for the Detective. My alt is for Temperance Campaigner.I finish leveling my career and I will happy to mobb.

Despite being plauged with Nightmares and awash in scandal papakingbob manages to attack Tofan Bogdan.