The Frontlines of London: Agitator's Haven

Greetings, fellow voters.

This is a thread for agitators of all stripes and candidates to post their information and search for other violent voters to mob. Every post matters, as the more people there are the more likely it is that another will join the fray, and, thusly, the more targets we’ll all have.

I’d like ask that, if you were to attack somebody from their link here, you post here with a link to the attacking profile before you do so.

To start off, I’ll throw in all 3 of my innocent alts, who act as agitators for each of the candidates:

Blabbing is an Agitator for Feducci

Flag-Bearer sided with the Temperance Campaigner

Charlotte and the Caretaker mob others in the name of the Detective

Dirae Erinyes mobs in the name of the detective and will take on all comers!

Septus, after coping with six mobs, is taking a break from the campaign.
edited by Septimus on 6/27/2017

Delilah Moreo mobs for Feducci.

[quote=Vavakx Nonexus]Blabbing is an Agitator for Feducci[/quote]… and has just been attacked by a mob armed with salacious slurs courtesy of Lady Orosenn (who supports the Detective).
edited by phryne on 6/26/2017

She was just attacked by Ruth Lessing, who fights for Feducci.

She was just attacked by Ruth Lessing, who fights for Feducci.[/quote]

Who in turn was stricken by Flag-Bearer’s mob, armed with (somewhat literally) fiery passion for the Campaigner’s cause.

Cecilia is supporting Feducci and itching to pelt some poor sucker with rotten produce.

In the name of the Implacable Detective, I’ll take on whatever mobs may come and would happily return the courtesy!

Edit: changed candidates from the DTC to the Implacable Detective
edited by Silvan Derre on 6/27/2017

My alt just assaulted narcomanic with a mob armed in salacious words for the sake of the Implacable Detective. Any challengers are free to take arms!

After getting rid of the mob that was hounding me I attacked Sir Joseph Marlen in retaliation. For Feducci!

A certain leopard once fought Feducci but now fights by his side.

edit: I’m sorry, switched to Campaigner because I kept getting mobbed by a handful of people not on the forums and my attempts at communication were ignored so i could let others mob me. Also had problems trying to mob other people haha.
Good luck with agitating!

edited by Asteraecae on 6/26/2017[li]
edited by Asteraecae on 6/28/2017

Hi, I’m Nikita the Jester, and I’d like to beat you until you support Feducci. All challengers welcome!

The irrepressible veteran Hebediah Fix has thrown his hat into the ring in favour of Feducci! He can and will throw it and more at anyone who disagrees!

SINNERS! The Bellicose Prelate will rouse the RIGHTEOUS WRATH of LONDON against all who oppose the cause of TEMPERANCE! For TEMPERANCE is a JUST CAUSE, and no action taken in support of TEMPERANCE can ever be too EXTREME!

And for this SIN, Delilah has been pelted with rotten fruit.

Ms Moreo swats them away like the flies they are and charms the remainder and is now free and itching for revenge.

Regretfully all she sees is a message about no eligible contacts.

Maxwell will gladly take on all of you in Feducci’s name. He has a tomato with each of your names on it.

CollegeOfMiskatonic will also join the fray on Feducci’s side.

Edit: They have changed sides to The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner, after finding others of revolutionary bent around her.
edited by CollegeOfMiskatonic on 6/28/2017