The Final Season of Hearts' Game!

Man, between this and a certain vampire alien fairy princess’ banner dropping in a certain online gambling game, June’s turning out to be a big month for my online gaming experiences.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d consider giving Battleon or Dragonfable another spin…

Battleon or Dragonfable

“I haven’t heard that name for a long time…”


July’s there, which means a new Season. Don’t forget about it in all the Firmament excitement.


Got the distinction for this month on my first try in 7 rounds, with Cod, Livers, Roses. Fastest distinction I’ve gotten.


Took me three or four failed and/or aborted runs to get my Distinction of Dares. Now, back to the Midnight Moon!


I think this is the third season in a row where Knuckles quite literally carried me to a flawless victory.

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I won with the first team, 7/1, Skins + Cod + Gambits. One round lost because of extremely long streak of unlucky draws, Skins is kinda fifth wheel in the team. Damn the timegate.

Knuckles worked for me too. 7 wins in 8 goes.

That was my third attempt this season! That’s the luck of the draw though, getting through the teams that don’t work out until you draw one that works.

I went 7 straight with Tallow + Flames + Smiths. The smiths was a forced choice, but the bonus watchful from the ace and the fact that he does progress + prep actions was nice. Tallow and Flame are a killer combo, once you have good prep.


Got my 7 straight with Talons + Ribs + Livers a few days ago. Got my vampire fairy moon princess in another game to lv. 115 with greater ease than expected, and should be taking her to lv. 120 in short order provided my wifi holds out. All is right in the world.

September approaches.

New month, new season. Get your win in now before the opening ceremony of Estival, or after it’s concluded!

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Not yet; first Tuesday of every month. But it’s not a bad idea to play extra rounds because next month we’ll be able to get the last two items. This means 1000 tokens!


Good catch, I vaguely remembered it wasn’t on the first of the month, but that was the extent of my recollection.

I will be camping in the cottage to finish this run I had started while bored (already got the season’s distinction, so it was purely for fun and exploits) until the festivities begin in earnest!

The new season has started.


Got this season distinction with Skins + Roses + Briars. Roses is pretty weak compared to other kings, mostly due to very high chance of increase of tolerance by his advanced moves. Anyway, first draw, 7/0. Damn the timegate!

Got this one with skins, livers, spines. Excellent team, elusiveness rarely even got to 5, and one time I won with just 1 poison tolerance.

It was my third team though, the first two never came together. First one was talons, roots, and I think smiths; second one was livers, gambits, and something useless I don’t remember, some priest. I only went one round with each of those teams and lost, and an 0-1 start is always a sign to try a new team.

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I had a ridiculously good run with Spines, Cod and Audacities. Didn’t have a single escapee.

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Wait. What about the Season of Irreverences? We just got back to the Season of Devotion around the time the Games began!

Irreverences is next month and after that we’ve had a full cycle of the seasons.


I just got possibly my easiest trophy so far with Livers/Skin/Spines.

Sub-10 rounds woohoo!

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