The Final Season of Hearts' Game!

It’s kind of in the middle. It requires six months of real-time effort, but those six months can start anytime, you don’t have to start the distinction collection from the season of nascency.

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After that point, Hearts’ Game seasons will begin to cycle monthly. There are six seasons: Nascency, Excess, Dares, Devotion, Irreverences, Duplicity. Each has its own Distinction that can be gained by trophying during that season.

Make sure to get your season’s distinction!


Sorry to be negative. I love Fallen London and play it every day. But I absolutely loathe Hearts’ Game. I have loved Fallen London for years and I’ve done everything, Gone North, Cider, Heptagoat, Boot Polish, working on Pirate to 777 now. You name it. But Heart’s Game is truly the first thing I have encountered that I loathe.

Correct me if I am wrong, but today should be the last day of the Season. Rush in to get your distinction!

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Aaaaand new season begins!


And this is the echo from The Machine’s Fulcrum when picking Mr Hearts (7 Hearts’ Medals in Gold):


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… the one you get for the Connected: The Masters option is the same.

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All of them (except, curiously, Mr Fires’) seem to be the same so far.

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Wow, reminded again of how frustrating this is. Got a good team to build prep for Tallow, but that only worked if I could actually get his cards to draw once I had said prep. Next team I thought for sure was going to fail as I couldn’t get a good draw of team members. Picked Gambits as the last one fully planning on dropping out after a round, but he carried the team all the way to a trophy. And I wasn’t even wearing shadowy gear, I still had the KT gear on from the Tallow’s run.


Yeah, after playing for many many years, I think I am quitting today for good.

Er, no. After whining and complaining and dealing with preternaturally extreme draws that defy the laws of statistics, I finally got all of the Distinctions. I decided my addiction to Fallen London remains stronger than my aversion to irritation and stress.

I got the nod from Pages…alas, Heart’s Game did not finish me.

I feel your pain. I got my seven victories to establish my “Distinction of Nascency,” but after that I have only been able to win a few games at a time.

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I’ve found the Fool pretty reliable. But I’m also expecting to be out of Internet range for next month, so that’s going to be an annoying half a year waiting for it to come back :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Man, i’ll post the contrary opinion, that I’m coming to really like Heart’s game. It’s just the right amount of strategy mixed with gambling mixed with tactics, and I like that the EPA is good too. It’s really grown on me.


I won this season distinction with my first team. Cod, Gambits, Livers. Easy 7/7 with most rounds taking less than 10 actions. Problem is Cod and Gambits are rare in draft phase.
And now I am waiting for next season. D__n the time gate.

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I got my Distinction of Excess on the first run with a Motley crew, but it was a close 7/3. I even spent a second chance to ensure victory on the 10th round, though I probably had enough time left to win anyway.

BTW, I realized that Counterplay is almost irrelevant on a Motley run: you have so many cards in your deck that you are unlikely to draw Counterplay cards even at 4 or 5 Counterplay.

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I don’t mind the randomness of Heart’s Game. It is frustrating drawing a good team but even when it isn’t optimal it can be surprising.

I got this month’s distinction with Pages, Ribs and Liver, a team I thought wouldn’t work. I won 6 rounds in a row, lost one and then hit both progress and elusiveness 8 on the last round. So it took 8 rounds. I only got one Counterplay card!

I did use a mood card for a couple of rounds though it ran out just before I completed the second. I only did so because the team was working as I had won 4 rounds in a row but I wanted to make the challenges slightly easier.

Got the Distinction early this season, on my first run. It was touch and go for a while (I think Talons has been nerfed, even with Smiths’ buff progress petered out quickly as Poison Resistance rose) but the Fool carried me through with an early lead. Glad I literally never experienced Counterplay once in this run.

Also yes, d__n the time gate.

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Just finished getting my Pages (literally the day before the last season ended, so thanks for the warnings!) and Knights distinction together with the seasonals. As much as I like to curse the RNG, he did me a solid one there. My strategies were:

-For the Pages my setup was Pages of Lures and Teeth and Priest of Briars, so the strategy consisted of blindly rushing forward.
-For the Knights I got the Knight of Livers and Flames, and luckily, the Priest of Smiths. I only used the Flame when my prey started building some resistance, and aimed for accruing 3 preparations, then bulldozing through.

I don’t know if I will now continue to work towards the distinctions of Kings, Motley (who I have yet to see) and Embalming, since I reckon I have the most fun with this activity when I come back after a time. Anyways, thanks you all, noble collaborators of the game for your advice and experiences, I will keep lurking for more of them both.

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Finally got my Distinction of Excess. Three more seasons Distinctions to collect before I can get the blood-colored sapling or the book. Roots, Skin, and Lures is a winning team, provided I pump my Kataleptic Toxicology to its max.

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After that point, Hearts’ Game seasons will begin to cycle monthly. There are six seasons: Nascency, Excess, Dares, Devotion, Irreverences, Duplicity. Each has its own Distinction that can be gained by trophying during that season.

June bump! :slight_smile: