First time doing this. I am not entirely clear on how it works, but we’ll see, I guess.
edited by Pondwater on 2/13/2015
[li]Delicious, yummy, savory, and sweet friends,
[li]Sending the gifts seems a bit dear, and what the bloody blazes am I to do with a jar of teeth? I would be delighted to participate if I knew what awaits your humble servant at the feast.
I have a lot of things to spend on this. Send me to start trading.
Er-hem. I seem to have acquired some inklings of identity required to give out some buttered chess pieces. Anyone who’s interested in acquiring one… contact me by sending me a gift and asking for it! Also, I am willing to exchange fate locked gifts. Just send me a fate locked gift with the name of the item of equal value that you desire, and I will be sure to reciprocate! Currently, however, I am not accepting mouthless amber masks.
I’m not sure if I can reciprocate Fate-locked gifts (Rose-Bearing Maggots are far more likely to be sent than Blemmigan Pedants and Explosions of Neath Colours, d— it), but I will do my best. I am always thrilled by random things though, and do my best to return the favour :)
Delicious friends! Odessa will be exchanging gifts this year, of course. She has quite a lot of secrets to pass along. Please send along your calling card, as well as a note that you came from the Bazaar! If you are so inclined to send Fated gifts, please contact me first!
(or, my storynexus name is Marigrace; entering Odessa’s name into the contacts list can often times be buggy)
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]A perfect opportunity to make new acquaintances. I am fairly new to this place, so I don’t really know a lot about what happens here, thus advice is welcome if one has any. Will try to return the favor if I receive rose-gifts, with the exception of fate gifts.[/color]
Hello new to the game and willing to trade fate gifts for a equivalent exchange. Hit me up with a message about what you want to trade.
edited by Shinay on 2/13/2015
I can send naught but boxes of teeth, but those I have a-plenty. Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
I’d be happy to participate in this, and will do my damnedest to return any gifts given. Unless they’re fate gifts. I’m especially ready to send teeth, cats, and a small number of poetry books. Chess pieces are a no go, but again, I’ll do my damnedest.
I would love to partake in some gift exchange this February, feel free to send me whatever you wish and I shall do my utmost to return the favor.
I`d love to exchange some gifts with you, fine gentelmen and fine ladies :)
edited by Lolek Lolecki on 2/13/2015
As is my custom, I’ve decided to buy some Fate for the festival.
Humblest will be pleased to exchange gifts as he can, but you should PM first; I haven’t done much preparatory grinding (what grinding I’ve done went recently toward an OverGoat) and my Fate is not inexhaustible.
edited by Humblest on 2/13/2015
[quote=Malachai Blackbriar]Greetings all you delicious people,
My questions pretty much are
- how do you safely trade with people? (as i intend to trade fate/nex items this is paramount)
- when can you start to use masquing for companions? (timeframe for the event)
- Can you acquire multiple companions or are you locked at one a year?
edited by Malachai Blackbriar on 2/13/2015[/quote]
Just throw teeth’n tongues around at people who don’t hide fast enough. Then wait and see. Something mostly happens.
nah. Seriously:
for trading fate gifts it is generally accepted etiquette to talk about it beforehand. Either in the game, the forum or the IRC channel. The latter might actually be the fastest way.
Regarding ‘safely’, there is no mechanism in place to act as trade insurance… so it’s just you, them, and a handshake. Although I’ve never heard of anyone cheating on that. Just for completeness.
This thing should go for two weeks, til the end of February, during which you can (and will) draw a card which will allow you to spend your Masquing on companions, provided you have Masquing…
… and you can probably not get as many as you want, but as many as you can. There be no limits.
… and if you would kindly excuse me now, I have to go back to painting some cats. :)
I would happily exchange non-fate gifts with those who wish to do so. And by gifts I mean teeth. Lots and lots of teeth.
Hello friends! I’m fairly new here and would love to join in the gift exchange. Please feel free to add me to trade!
I’m happy to exchange gifts with any fellow celebrant of the Feast.
Ready to exchange some Teeth! Haven’t got any Masquing exchange cards yet, sigh.
Edit: Good grief, I’ve completely overextended myself. No more gifts - I won’t be able to repay you promptly, or maybe at all. Thanks to everyone who sent me teeth and tongues and suchlike so far, though!
edited by shinichizio on 2/14/2015
I’m quite willing to trade non-fate gifts of similar value (until I run out of resources).