The Feast of the Rose: Gift Exchange

[color=#0066ff]Feel free to find friends with whom to exchange Feast gifts using this handy thread![/color]
[color=#0066ff]Remember that exchanges of Fate gifts are fine, but undertaken at your own risk. :)[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Enjoy, delicious friends![/color]

Well, I plan to exchange some fate gifts, but I’m not familiar with this festival, so I want to wait and see.
I want to exchange some gifts first. If you need a gift, please find me in the game and I will give it to you soon, unless my Actions or items are exhausted. In this case, I will send you a letter in the game, and then change the content here, thanks in advance!

Thank you everyone! My supplies are consuming faster than expected, so I can only temporarily withdraw from this wonderful tradition,
PS: I actually received SMEN! So far this is useless, thank you, lol
I don’t plan to enter that interesting place yet

edited by chiche on 2/7/2020

I’m willing to easily trade non-fate gifts. PM me if you want fate gifts because I’m much more skittish about that.

I am happy to exchange non-Fate gifts as well.

I will exchange non-Fate gifts. I will also exchange up to two FATE gifts (PM me to request) on an equal Masquing basis. (i.e., a 40 Masquing gift for a 40 Masquing gift. If you would like to receive a copy of the SAME item that you send, please let me know that in your PM.) The value of the FATE gifts I will request will depend on which Companions I want, and I won’t know that until next week.

If a non-Fate gift is something that’s difficult for me to afford, I will instead provide a Gift that provides as much Masquing but is cheaper for me. Please let me know if that is not satisfactory to you. I am cathyr19355 in Fallen London. Thanks!

EDIT: (Feb. 18, 2020) I am nearly out of Fate so I am done with exchanging Fate gifts for this year. Thanks for those who responded. I’m still willing to exchange non-Fate gifts till gift-giving for the Feast ends.
edited by cathyr19355 on 2/10/2020
edited by cathyr19355 on 2/18/2020

I’ve been stocking up on items for Ronald to convert into gifts, so he’s open to sending and receiving non-Fate presents this Feast. I don’t remember offhand how many resources he has for 2-Masquing gifts, so I’ll update if I can’t reciprocate the finer things.

Edit: Ronald is done for now. Thank you for the gifts, everyone!
edited by Lord Garuda on 2/9/2020

I’d be open to exchanges of fate and non-fate gifts.

Profile: Fallen London
edited by Snort on 2/6/2020

The good Preacher is open to the exchange of non-Fate gifts. Find me in the game and we shall talk. Also,excuse me if i act somewhat confused in-game. I am new to this whole Feast of the Rose ordeal.

I’ll return any non-fate gifts you send me (or at least a gift that gives you the same masquing). I’ll also welcome any kind of RP messages that come with them.

Bit tapped out on resources at the moment, but I’ve enough laying around yet for a few non-fate gifts.

Done for now.

Thank you all!

Thank you Snort for being a gracious exchange partner! ;)
edited by londonist on 2/7/2020
edited by londonist on 2/7/2020

I can gift singed cards. I have a lot of honey. Willing to do fate gifts, but message me first & we can discuss. But I probably won’t get into that until I understand what it means for compaions. Why you have to trade fate gifts for certain ones & how big of a fate gift.
But hey, you want cards, I got cards. So, 1:1 ratio trades. If you send me something worth 1 masque, you get a card. If you send higher, I’ll try to match it, but I might not be able.

I’d like to make a general announcement that, because I don’t have Fate or the spare money to acquire it right now, I’m willing to draw art in exchange for Fate-gifts. Here’s my Tumblr post about it for more details: I’m also open to trade any non-Fate gifts except the ones that require Inklings of Identity to send.

Give a gift, get a gift. What kind of gift? It’s a mystery, but it probably won’t be a box of rats.

Unless it is.

Which it could be.

Rats are romantic, right?

I am currently only interested in exchanging Fate gifts. Upon receiving a Fate gift I will respond with the same Fate gift unless the message states otherwise.

My funds are essentially unlimited. Fallen London is one of my only vices and I indulge heavily.

[quote=Blaine Davidson]I am currently only interested in exchanging Fate gifts. Upon receiving a Fate gift I will respond with the same Fate gift unless the message states otherwise.

My funds are essentially unlimited. Fallen London is one of my only vices and I indulge heavily.[/quote]

Send something to you, then!

[quote=Kharsirr Lynx][quote=Blaine Davidson]I am currently only interested in exchanging Fate gifts. Upon receiving a Fate gift I will respond with the same Fate gift unless the message states otherwise.

My funds are essentially unlimited. Fallen London is one of my only vices and I indulge heavily.[/quote]

Send something to you, then![/quote]

Enjoy your Well Song and I’ll continue to reciprocate anything else you want to send my way!

Good festival to everyone! I’ll return any non-fate gifts you send me, don´t hesitate to send me.

Maria will happily reciprocate any non-Fate gifts or invitations during the Feast of the Rose. I hope all of you have an excellent Feast!

Have a great feast everyone, I’ll be happy to exchange any non-Fate gifts!