The Feast of the Rose 1899

So there’s a new Gondolier and they make it clear she comes from Jericho Locks. Maybe she’ll be useful there for something.

You know, I politely accept and reciprocate rose-gifts, gentleman that I am, but… in terms of just mechanical value, is there actually any point to them if you’re not in a desperate hurry to unlock as many companions as you can, or planning to spend fate?

Generally speaking, the masquing you get from the festival card is quite sufficient for first dreaming whichever viric-dreams you fancy, then choosing whichever free companions you’re most interested in. And for someone like me, who isn’t at their first Feast, I’ll be able to unlock the final free companions as soon as the encounter storylet opens in place of the card. Is there any value in my actually cashing in these gifts with Lilac, seeing as I’m not planning on getting any fate companions here, and thus have no use for masquing extending above 20?

At least one of them, the Antediluvian Ushabti, has a use outside of the festival, so it’s worth holding on to (in fact, it’s worth having multiples). Otherwise, no, if you’re not looking to gain fate-bound companions the gifts are kind of useless.

The engraved skull can also be used in constructing skeletons.

Because Engraved skull causes Bone Exhaustion, it’s not a great option anymore. And the Ushabtis are less effective than a number of the assistants.

But yes, those are the only items that it makes sense to worry about trading (except for completion) since, as was pointed out, it’s very easy to get as much Masquing as needed for Viric Dreams and free companions.

[quote=Toran]Because Engraved skull causes Bone Exhaustion, it’s not a great option anymore. And the Ushabtis are less effective than a number of the assistants.

But yes, those are the only items that it makes sense to worry about trading (except for completion) since, as was pointed out, it’s very easy to get as much Masquing as needed for Viric Dreams and free companions.[/quote]
Depends on how much you need for Viric Dreams. If you just one one dream of each of the five options, sure. But I’ve been exploring as much of the different variations as I can, and there’s a lot to experience.

Oh. My. God.
This year the Lady in Lilac offers a truly devilish trade.
10 Masquing ON TOP of 30 cap for just a best-in-slot BDR clothing.

[quote=Wojciech]Oh. My. God.
This year the Lady in Lilac offers a truly devilish trade.
10 Masquing ON TOP of 30 cap for just a best-in-slot BDR clothing.[/quote]

Bit strange its a clothing item, though. Not sure how I feel about my character being stark naked save a rose-badge pinned to their flesh. I do NOT want to imagine where they would pin it to save their decency regardless.

[quote=Wojciech]Oh. My. God.
This year the Lady in Lilac offers a truly devilish trade.
10 Masquing ON TOP of 30 cap for just a best-in-slot BDR clothing.[/quote]That is interesting. Highly tempted to go for Lettice. The badge, with its BDR, is rather redundant for me. Then again, it IS still a unique collectible… tricky.

I do NOT want to imagine where they would pin it to save their decency regardless.[/quote] Victorian Nipple Rings - Bodyartforms

[quote=Alexander Feld][quote=RoyalRaven]
I do NOT want to imagine where they would pin it to save their decency regardless.[/quote] Page not found

Take my green thumb you blessedly knowledgeable tyke, you

[quote=RoyalRaven][quote=Wojciech]Oh. My. God.
This year the Lady in Lilac offers a truly devilish trade.
10 Masquing ON TOP of 30 cap for just a best-in-slot BDR clothing.[/quote]

Bit strange its a clothing item, though. Not sure how I feel about my character being stark naked save a rose-badge pinned to their flesh. I do NOT want to imagine where they would pin it to save their decency regardless.[/quote]
Seeing as the Dreadful Intriguer is bandaged from head to toe already, I don’t think he’d have a problem with just wearing a badge and nothing else. :hehe:
edited by The Dreadful Intriguer on 2/15/2021

What a beautiful object, this new badge. Thank you, Failbetter! I can’t believe anyone is considering destroying it…

Depends on how much you need for Viric Dreams. If you just one one dream of each of the five options, sure. But I’ve been exploring as much of the different variations as I can, and there’s a lot to experience.[/quote]

Well… Negotiating a Kiss from Sinning Jenny and A Lover’s Tryst at the Silver Fountain both give 2 Masquing. That’s a 50% straight draw (and good end-game payouts) in terms of the Airs of London for the Feast card. You can switch Airs of London by using any Unfinished Business option you prefer. Last year I did all options of every Viric dream in the first 5 days. And then I just, uh… ground… Sinning Jenny dreams for the rest of the feast. This year I’ve burned through over 300 Masquing without really worrying about gaining it because there are now better end-game actions in terms of EPA as I don’t need Magnificent Diamonds.

I kind of loved all the viric dreams from last year. The final scene of an unhappy marriage to the Cheery Man was brutal. With Wines, though, I’m not even sure there was a difference between the happy and unhappy versions. Even the Robe of Mr Cards gives you only a minor variation.


Depends on how much you need for Viric Dreams. If you just one one dream of each of the five options, sure. But I’ve been exploring as much of the different variations as I can, and there’s a lot to experience.[/quote]

Well… Negotiating a Kiss from Sinning Jenny and A Lover’s Tryst at the Silver Fountain both give 2 Masquing. That’s a 50% straight draw (and good end-game payouts) in terms of the Airs of London for the Feast card. You can switch Airs of London by using any Unfinished Business option you prefer. Last year I did all options of every Viric dream in the first 5 days. And then I just, uh… ground… Sinning Jenny dreams for the rest of the feast. This year I’ve burned through over 300 Masquing without really worrying about gaining it because there are now better end-game actions in terms of EPA as I don’t need Magnificent Diamonds.[/quote]
Last year I did well over a dozen trance-dreams, and even managed to experience all four profession-locked options. But I accomplished that by heavily abusing the deck-reset mechanics which have now been fixed. This year I haven’t been able to get more than 1 dream per day. I’m still finding options that I missed, because I wasn’t entirely systematic last year.

Also &quotDon’t remind yourself&quot from &quotA face from the past&quot gives 2 masquing as well. So the good Airs values cover 3/4 of the whole range.

Hmm… the Feast is officially winding down, the Lilac Lady card gets pinned and you can no longer draw Feast (rose) cards from your deck. All remaining Masquing must come from already received gifts?

I’m short of about 5 more Masquing to complete my collection of non-Fate companions. :(

By the way, are the Trance dreams worth it? I didn’t do them.

You may no longer send gifts or use the feast card.
Your first trance-dream unlocks a location in parabola. Mechanically speaking they’re not too valuable, but story-wise they can be.

I’ve redeemed all the non-Fate companions except that Pentecost Ape, for which I had to buy a Malevolent Monkey from the Bazaar anyway (I didn’t).

Also, thanks to the generosity of many, I received almost all gifts except the Decanter of Lachrymose Chartreuse and the Custom Engraved Skull. Can’t be too greedy eh?

Next year’s Feast, I’ll get that silly ape and try some Trance dreams.

Does anyone recall whether Masquing is “use it or lose it” or if it auto-converts into something at the close of the festival?

Masquing converts into Making Waves after the festival is completely over. Not sure about the Masquing -> MW ratio, though.