The Feast of the Rose 1899

[color=#ff00cc]The Feast of the Exceptional Rose is upon us! Visit the Shopkeeper in Viric for a trancelike taste of forbidden romance! Show your affection or scorn through unexpected and creative gifts! What will the season have in store for you?[/color]
[color=#ff00cc]Rewards from the Feast can be won by increasing Masquing. Raise your Masquing through participating in the revels and the exchange of gifts. Later in the festival, use Masquing to unlock unique companions.[/color]
[color=#ff00cc]Discover all the festival has to offer on Celebrate the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, available throughout London.

Read more about the festival on our blog.[/color]

And this year we have Mr Wines itself for a phantasie.

Are there any new fate items? If so, are any of them good for anything?

I upgraded my Celebrated Artist’s Model for 20 fate, she got +2 Dreaded that way. Sounds fair for me.

/edit: that way she also got a new card.
edited by Judaspriester on 2/5/2021

A rat in a beret who recites John Donne. Well isn’t that a thing.

It seems that several of the new Spouse options that were introduced around Hallowmas now have Opportunity Cards. The Illuminator(s), the bewildering procession, etc.

Hopefully the new art dealer has an opp card as well.

Well well, A Lover’s Tryst at the Silver Fountain now adds something like 10 CP of Fascinating as well. That’s an additional very good reason to only take that option on Feast cards. You know, in addition to the 2 Masquing and 5 echoes of relatively rare goods.

Am I the only one annoyed by the festival?

Like, I’d love to buy items, trade some in, do some of the stories, but . . . the festival forces you to trade with other players (not easy for the anxious, and also involving a lot of trust when real-life cash is involved), or to set up a second account just to send stuff to yourself (tedious and a bit pointless just for one festival).

Well, least I have items from previous years I can trade in, which will make it easier.

Can I just say thANk you to whoever was behind putting Wines in the Viric dreams… everything I never knew I wanted… absolute class

@Robin Alexander - I’ve never had an issue with the festival. I do one or two trades each year for the new permanent items. Getting hundreds of Masquing is trivial if all you want is to get the non-Fate companions and do Viric dreams.

[quote=Robin Alexander]Am I the only one annoyed by the festival?

Like, I’d love to buy items, trade some in, do some of the stories, but . . . the festival forces you to trade with other players (not easy for the anxious, and also involving a lot of trust when real-life cash is involved), or to set up a second account just to send stuff to yourself (tedious and a bit pointless just for one festival).

Well, least I have items from previous years I can trade in, which will make it easier.[/quote]
No, I’m not overly fond of this festival either. I don’t think I’ve ever exchanged gifts with anyone (certainly not Fate gifts).

Back when I was a more gregarious player I used to enjoy the social aspect of the festival. It never bothered me at all. But ever since ‘Who Else is Here?’ was taken away from us Fallen London has felt like a single player game, and I have largely treated it as such.

I was wondering if there is proper expected etiquette for receiving an unsolicited gift from someone you don’t know. Should I send them a calling card? Assume it was in error, and refuse it? I might reciprocate, but am I expected to send one back? (They’re a bit expensive if you’re saving for other things already, like Ambition supplies)

Nothing is stopping you from taking it without reimbursing them, as it is an unannounced gift, not an agreed upon trade. It would definitely be in the spirit of the season to send something back, and I certainly would, but I also have many, many echoes to burn after a half-hearted go at Immortality, and my ambition is complete. If you’re saving, I wouldn’t go out of the way to reciprocate them.

In the end, it’s up to you.

Follow-up to my earlier question: if I reject a gift, does the sender receive back the resources they paid to send it?

I don’t think so. If it was a Fate gift, they receive the item themselves. Otherwise I think it’s lost.

So I did the upgrade for the Model for Caroline’s wife Liane. Story was sweet. She lost her name, but I emailed Failbetter and they fixed it immediately (Thanks again). At this time, she cannot be a guest in Helicon house, and I don’t seem to have gotten any card, but that may be the RNG. I am pretty happy with her overall, hopefully the card will pop up.

You might want to file a bug report about Helicon House, that sounds like an oversight.

I generally don’t pay Fate for pure stat upgrades, but I’m more tempted if there’s a good story attached. Are there any game instructions on how divorce might work? I.e. would it require a second Fate purchase to re-marry.

Hmmm. That’s kind of unfortunate. I was considering upgrading the Model as well, but if all that happens is +2 Dreaded, that’s not something I’m interested in for a little under half a story’s worth of Fate.