The Affair of the Box!

I catually like it when you have a chance to rethink your strategy without haveing to face dire consequences. In the end, the whole new development in the Affair of the Box revolves around you making a choice cloesly resembling the one between Jasper&Frank and the Princess, so you could see it as a way of making up your mind.

If I can ask one more question, do you happen to know how high the Prophet/Cardian/Defender quality needs to be? FBG’s use of descriptives rather than numbers is fun but often very confusing.

If I can ask one more question, do you happen to know how high the Prophet/Cardian/Defender quality needs to be? FBG’s use of descriptives rather than numbers is fun but often very confusing.[/quote]

I thought you actually don’t need any of the titles? Just go through the Hours Before the Deadline.

You need the Meritorious one at 1.

Bless you.

Here’s a snippet which I found particularly intriguing: [SPOILER if you haven’t finished the affair]

[color=#ffffff]Caught them? The Masters have been “caught” by the Bazaar? [/color]What do you make of this, delicious friends?

I believe the workers are their servants, which got caught by the bazaar. AKA london got caught.

I’m finding myself rather unable to move forward in the affair, not through any fault of the game. I’m simply stumped over which option to take. It’s never really my nature to take sides, at least not until I have all available information, which I simply don’t feel I have. I can’t find myself agreeing with Fires OR Stones, at least not yet, but at the same time letting the city know of their conflict would only serve to cause unnecessary panic. I’d almost be inclined to wait until the results of these choices are common knowledge, if I weren’t so damned curious to find out firsthand.

Based on another piece of text available from the conversion stories " [color=#FFFFFF]The Masters are the pets of the Bazaar[/color]", then [color=#FFFFFF]the Masters being[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]caught by the Bazaar[/color] certainly makes sense. Also, when a certain hanged university professor was hung for his radical theory that [color=#FFFFFF]the Bazaar bought not just cities, but servants[/color]. Draw what conclusions you may.

I’m more curious who Hell’s Exile is.

[quote=MaskedGentleman]Based on another piece of text available from the conversion stories " [color=#FFFFFF]The Masters are the pets of the Bazaar[/color]", then [color=#FFFFFF]the Masters being[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]caught by the Bazaar[/color] certainly makes sense. Also, when a certain hanged university professor was hung for his radical theory that [color=#FFFFFF]the Bazaar bought not just cities, but servants[/color]. /quote]

Where were these two from? I don’t recall anyone saying the Masters were pets, or any hung professor.

If I recall correctly, the second one is possibly paraphrased from the learn from the tomb coloinists numismatrix option. At least I remember hearing something similar when I used it.

Well, based on how you read it, instead of someone who was exiled from Hell, it could be a famous Exile in Hell. Or someone who was cast out . . .

Massive [SPOILER] warning, but if anyone has taken the non-newspaper paths and would like to see what the newspaper one is like, I’ve echoed it on my profile.

Again, fairly obviously, spoilers.

If anyone would like to share the other two paths with me via PM, I’d be grateful. Rather curious.

I’ve echoed Fire’s path to my profile as well.

Stones remains the missing ending.

I finished with the Kashmiri Princess, but I don’t see any new options in Spite. Am I waiting for a card? Do I need a certain level of a stat? (I’m around 120 in everything.)

Two possibilities:

  1. Your Shadowy is just below 120. It needs to be 120 or higher.
  2. Scroll down.

I finished with the Kashmiri Princess, but I don’t see any new options in Spite. Am I waiting for a card? Do I need a certain level of a stat? (I’m around 120 in everything.)[/quote]

Huh, are you sure? You should see the storylets “An Agent of the Masters” and “The Unionest”.

I finished with the Kashmiri Princess, but I don’t see any new options in Spite. Am I waiting for a card? Do I need a certain level of a stat? (I’m around 120 in everything.)[/quote]
Two options “the troubles so far” and “the d-mnable box” should be available in spite… make sure you’re shadowy 120 (and have no negative stat gear that makes it below that), and check your “Survivor of the affair of the box” is at least 12, there may be a final step you missed otherwise.

OK, now I’m more undecisive than ever. I think I’ll go back to court for a while :s