Tattoos and Love

Not sure how to treat fate-locked story that grants you fate to complete it so i’ll keep from spoilers for now. But suffice to say that number of options alone made be giddy. And i thought this feast would be boring.[li]

I…can’t decide! Augh! Too many good options!

I strongly suspect that the point is to prevent spoilers (here or on the wiki), without actually costing Fate.
edited by babelfishwars on 2/25/2014

My word…these choices! Alexis, you right scoundrel of a tiger! However am I supposed to choose??

I’m positively giddy from all the available options too. How I will choose just one is absolutely beyond me, they all look fantastic!

[color=#009900]The fate-locking is specifically to discourage people from dissecting the poor lady and displaying her organs to all-comers on the wiki. (I actually spoke with the wiki admins up front about this.)Please don’t post quotes, but do feel free to talk in a general way about choices.
[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]
[color=rgb(0, 153, 0)]Thanks for the enthusiasm! … I did want to bust the House of Chimes entry slet record on number of branches, here.[/color][li]
edited by Alexis on 2/25/2014

Alexis - with these Ferrero Rocher, you are really spoiling us!

Uh, options, I mean. With these options.



I must say, this is a delightful way to get me to reflect back on my experiences in the Neath thus far.

It doesn’t say it, but Invisible Cities gives you a point of Bizarre.

There’s a option for SMEN players. I’m curious to what damage it will inevitably cause to them…

AArghh!!! I thought Violet at the Panopticon was like the de Gustibus storylet, and my alt ran out of actions and clicked &quotperhaps not&quot - Now it’s gone.[li]

Please ignore the above I panicked. She is still there just further down the page. I didn’t think to scroll down
edited by circe on 2/25/2014

I want all the information about Lilac that I’ve decided up who will answer with what and who will ask her who. Goodness I’m excited for this!

This is great. This is the best. I love this content.

Also. This video matches my mood right now.

Terrible Enigma content spoilers in there :D

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]The fate-locking is specifically to discourage people from dissecting the poor lady and displaying her organs to all-comers on the wiki.[/color][/quote]You are so crafty.

Waaah, I didn’t get this! Someone who did wanna PM me?

Looks like we now know what St. E’s candle is. This also looks like it might be the very end of Mr. Eaten’s storyline, or close to it. So, should I save my skin for defilement, or should I get a tattoo now and pay fate for the name later?

Also, does anyone know what the Sultan’s Dream quality is?

This is fantastic content Alexis et al. Really enjoyable. Also this - YouTube is firmly lodged in my brain
edited by Anstruther Barron on 2/25/2014

Now I’m worried if I take another option, I’ll need fate for this later. I do hope that if this is needed for SMEN down the line and it isn’t just a teaser, there will be another option.

I wonder if you could get it via the random option.[li]

I wonder if you could get it via the random option.
It may be possible. It does appear to be truly random, regardless of prerequisites. I say this because there are now two characters emblazoned with tattoos that are inaccessible to them. (one might be inaccessible to everyone and involves a Sultan’s Dream)

While I’m at it, is that a Planescape: Torment reference I spy in the parlor? thumbs up
edited by MidnightVoyager on 2/25/2014