Sunless Sea teaser site open

[quote=Miss Strangeweather]

Seventeen years ago, a ferret showed up on my doorstep. Literally. She walked in like she had lived with me since forever and, although I had never seen one until that moment, I fell in love on the spot. I’ve never been without at least one ferret (with an all-time high of seven, currently holding steady with four) since. They are my heart, my joy. That said, on mornings such as this, I occasionally consider eating their little brains with an egg spoon. I will confess, too: the weasels of Fallen London are what sold me on the game. (Alexis, now you know who to blame. Besides yourself, that is.)
[/li][li]Been considering getting a pet. Was thinking a rat (had before, lovely creatures) … but might investigate.


I knew falling asleep at five would possibly make me miss the very start…

Oh well, I got 14, I think.

Now, who got seven?

[quote=Corran]I knew falling asleep at five would possibly make me miss the very start…

Oh well, I got 14, I think.

Now, who got seven?[/quote]

Seven is the number of backers. Seven the contributions to the game. Seven the pledges for the Panther. Seven light the way to the game.

(I napped through the start of the 'starter too - long morning spent digitising 1880s property records! But I think I got in in the early teens or so.)

[color=#ffffff]>Rector Rector[/color]
[color=#009900]My condolences.[/color]
[color=#009900]As some of you may know, our senior developer’s name is Henry Senior.[/color][li]
[color=#009900]Except when he visited South America, when he became ‘Señor Senior’.[/color]

…does he have a son?

Oh lord I slept in and missed the start of the kickstarter by a whole hour and a half. I’m both shamed and disgraced! I blame the antihistamines.
Time to scramble wildly and find the “send life savings” buttons on kickstarter, then

I believe - but had not yet had coffee - that I was #7 at the pathfinder (have-name-in-game) level. I should probably be slightly nervous now.

[quote=Corran]I knew falling asleep at five would possibly make me miss the very start…

Oh well, I got 14, I think.

Now, who got seven?[/quote]

They aren’t listed in order of ‘got’ are they? That puts me not even in the top ten. :-S But about 20 before Rector. HOW CAN WE TELL WITHOUT A SYSTEM?

[color=#009900]So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.[/color][li]

I was always the last person left for sports at school. I was not chosen. You’ve brought back traumatic memories, you git.

Oh. Here: I want the Star sticker to link to the kickstarter as I hate scrolling down. Make it so.
Oh no, wait, it’s your kickstarter not mine (it’s mine).

Surely the green banner, which is slightly higher than the star sticker on my screen, already links to the Kickstarter.

It’s right at the very bottom of mine. Old version of firefox, can’t update as work. :-(

A hard refresh of showed a new ‘star’ at the right and a new green button on the left. Nice!
edited by Corran on 9/3/2013

Just one thing is probably missing from the kickstarter: a conversion rate from the Grand Powerful British Pound to other currency like euro and dollars was mentioned in a thread yonks ago but it doesn’t actually seem to be on the Kickstarter itself. That’d probably help encourage people unfamiliar with the whole exchange rate thing to part with their money, maybe.
Then again maybe it is actually in the Kickstarter page somewhere after all and I’m just extremely myopic.

[quote=Corran]A hard refresh of showed a new ‘star’ at the right and a new green button on the left. Nice!
edited by Corran on 9/3/2013[/quote]

Much joy.

Well, that’s 20% done already - and I’m sure we’ll be seeing more as the word gets out!

Kickstarter seems to take issue with Maestro debit cards. Even though it has no issue with Mastercard. Even though they’re issued by the same company

kickstarter why

[color=#009900]It’s a really, really promising start. Still a very long way to go though, and the first day always attracts the most funding. We’re gonna keep on pushing. But all of you who’ve contributed: thank you![/color]
[color=#009900]There’s a first update and a piece of concept art going out to backers now.

Does Kickstarter actually take debit cards? They only mention credit cards but if they do I’ll have to see where my finances are at the end of the month. Still not sure if I can actually afford it.[li]
edited by reveurciel on 9/3/2013