Suites, Emporiums, and Sanctums - Oh my!

Second person to obtain a 5 card lodging.[li]

Man having 5 cards looks wierd.

Well done, champ! The fact that you were able to acquire 10 Notability is simply amazing.

Hate to dissapoint but it was only 9.[li]

I think it’s Notability 9 for the Sanctum and the Suite. Which still makes this very impressive, mind; I can see why you’d bother shooting for the 100% chance, being that close to your goal. Congrats.

That’s correct, but it’s 10 Notability for the Spire-Emporium at the Bazaar.

I have the necessary Enigmas, and I’ve tried for the Theorem. Twice, so far. Each time I ended up stone dead (Wounds at 11–the Spirit has Departed!) Did a lot of chess-playing with the Boatman (I’m not Boatman’s Opponent at 9) to get back. Worst of all, my chance of succeeding at it is only 31% and that’s with Watchful at 264 (64 worth of items, 200 natural stat). Arrgh.

That is why I didn’t mention the Emporium; I was assuming that Voodoo Maser’s belief it was Notability 10 was thinking that the requirement there was the same for all three, so I mentioned the two that weren’t.

Her comment actually is very much in keeping with some of the Fallen London themes…


Roland is right, I assumed all three require Notability 10. Anyway, 9 is just as impressing, in my opinion. Right now I’m struggling to get to 6.[li]
edited by Voodoo Master on 12/27/2013

Brief note: You can move into the sanctum from BOTH the guest room key and the actual “Infernal diplomatic privelages”. Also the text is quite interesting. Ive echoed some of it on my profile.

[quote=Catherine Raymond]

I have the necessary Enigmas, and I’ve tried for the Theorem. Twice, so far. Each time I ended up stone dead (Wounds at 11–the Spirit has Departed!) Did a lot of chess-playing with the Boatman (I’m not Boatman’s Opponent at 9) to get back. Worst of all, my chance of succeeding at it is only 31% and that’s with Watchful at 264 (64 worth of items, 200 natural stat). Arrgh.[/quote]

I’m working on the enigmas now. Is the Theorem challenge not one that you can back out of using a second chance if you fail?

On that subject, can you stop to heal or do you get sent straight to death, do not pass go?

Straight to dead - wounds 0 to wounds 11, both times I failed as well. Horsehead amulets can save you - but each one only saves you from a few CP of wounds. It would take a wagonload to keep you safe from wounds 11.

How does it look exactly?

How does it look exactly?[/quote]


Somewhat tangential question: Are the cards for these lodgings still coming up? I finally scrabbled together 50 Antique Mysteries for a reservation at the Royal Bethlehem, and I haven’t seen the card in days. Can these lodgings only be bought through the Bazaar?

In order to buy that reservation you’ll have to meet the Merry Gentleman in the usual way and pay him then.

More generally, the Lodging cards are now all locked with their respective keys. So you need to get the key in another way- Penstock’s Land Agency at the Bazaar, the Merry Gentleman card, the Hell Connection card, or somewhere in the sidestreets.

That would explain things. I’ve been pretty good about keeping my Nightmares down, so I haven’t seen him. either. Until now.

Also, I found where you buy Premises at the Bazaar in the Side-streets; shockingly enough, you obtain legal right to Bazaar premises at the offices of Baseborn and Fowlingpiece, Solicitors.[li][/li]
edited by Raymond R Price on 12/29/2013

Woo, I moved into the spire-emporium. And I did it without selling nadir to the revs. I’m really glad masters blood was made available via other means. I get to continue to be a bohemian :D

Edit: aaaaaaa misclick aaaaaaa I sold nadir to the revs on accident after I got the spire aaaaaaa
edited by NiteBrite on 12/29/2013