Stats vastly increased on some equipment?

New art’s not appearing for me, even after logging out and back in. Odd…

Some of it wasn’t for me either, until I went direct to the images’ address and mashed refresh a few times. (And, certainly, perhaps the old ragged icon was closer to Mongolian dress - but it wasn’t very pretty. Surely there’s a third option?)

That’s usually your browser cache. Clear that and it should load the new images.

SS, Chrome over IE:

Most browser caches can be cleared in the options or tools around where you have your cookie settings.
edited by Theus on 3/5/2013

While it does serve a good purpose for Ragged Clothing, I cannot but help think it’s rather unsuited for Fourth City Rags. At least, going on what we know about Karakorum.


Agreed. Bring back the old Fourth City Rags art! ;)[/quote]

I agree. Doing so would also serve the purpose of making Ragged Clothing and Fourth City Rags visually distinct.

There’s no need to clear the entire cache. Just do a shift-reload (hold shift and click reload or hold shift and press F5); this will empty the cache for Fallen London only.

I kinda wish the stat-decreasing items got a bigger decrease now too, or at least new versions that further decreased stats. As is they only decrease the odds by a handful of percent, which makes them not all that useful any more

Something that decreased stuff by 50 would be pretty neat! Though I’d hate to imagine just what it would have to be to have such an impact. XD

the very concept of Seeking Mr Eaten’s Name as an equippable item

So the idea of Seeking Mr Eaten’s name is only 5 times worse than wearing a Ridiculous Hat?

loss of dignity is almost the worst thing you can do to yourself
edited by Spacemarine9 on 3/5/2013