Spirit of Hallowmas '93: 1000+

While I did not reach 1000 this year, I did hit over 900, which considering this as my first year, I was rather proud of. So basically I came here to toot my own horn (prrrp) and to thank all of you long timers who made this possible, especially NiteBrite :)

I kind of wonder if I should organize mass betrayals next year. I saw people with connected the masters as high as 31 from this year alone. And like, people with 1000 spirit are basically set to get 500 spirit for the next couple years without ever needing to trust another player. I kind of wonder how far we could go in the connected the masters department if we really tried haha. Of course, there’s always 2000 spirit of hallowmas to try for next year as well. Such choices, I love having such freedom to choose where we will go next in this zany adventure of cutting edge content exploration.

Who wants to follow me on an adventure? hahaha

EDIT: I need to make a correction to this post. The person told me they succeeded at gaining the Masters 31 times, but they meant 31 cp not 31 levels. So this was a misunderstanding on my part. They actually have closer to 13 levels. My apologies for the confusion.
edited by NiteBrite on 11/10/2015

Wow, 31 is impressive. If you do end up organizing a mass betrayal event I’d love to participate; I was already thinking of making a Google Doc of some sort to stick in my signature to hopefully get more betrayals for myself next year.

My, my, I didn’t expect to see this many millennials in 1893. This was a triumph by any measure. There is no place for me here if we take into account the raised standards of this year, but I see others who still consider 500 spirit a notable achievement (especially for the first year), so I’ll make a note here of my own humble accomplishments.

I have given 123 confessions for my many and varied sins, of which almost two-thirds resulted from my irrepressibly whimsical nature. I have kept no record of the number of lectures I have given to pay for those confession candles, or for my physician’s bills that have filled an entire drawer following my repeated encounters with my newly acquired pet, but they are both considerable.

In turn, I have asked 136 people to entrust me with their secrets (a bit higher than my initial target), of whom 123 eventually did so; confessions of pride were slightly more in this case, and confessions of impropriety were fewer. I have consigned 89 confessions, buried 32 and betrayed 2 to curry favour with the Masters (which I managed in the second attempt), for a total of 571 spirit.

It is here that I’d like to express my dismay at my own impatience. More than 90% of my requests was ultimately answered, but this naturally took some time, and I was too anxious at first that not enough would be for me to reach my objective of 500 spirit. I thus rushed to consign all the confessions that I could, until I reached the magic number of 500, at which point I started burying. What I hadn’t considered, of course, is that I’d keep accumulating spirit, and that had I waited a little longer, I could have easily buried twenty or thirty additional confessions, for a far greater benefit next year at no cost to me in the present. I rushed, and it upsets me because I don’t feel deserving of the community’s trust, which I had been given no reason to doubt after this hugely successful joint effort. It’s a novice’s error, certainly, but I ought to know better.

Just out of curiosity, is anyone from the 1000+ category going to sell their rewards from Mr. Huffman?

Nope. NOT ONE OF US. Also, probably not, they’re hard to get your hands on.

I’ll probably sell my stuff to buy more goats in the future. One can never have too many goats, and these rewards are a renewable resource. My rule of thumb is if you can grind a new copy of an item in a year or less, then it’s safe to sell in exchange for goats.

I’m still not sure. I have the exact same rewards from last Hallowmas, too, and yet I’m reluctant to sell anything which will take me many months to get back in exchange for some echoes which I can earn myself in a few days/weeks.

For every rare item that I have, I’m always assuming that Mr Eaten can return at any minute and will want to eat it, so I try to be prepared…