Spending fate

The Soul Trade unlocks something in the Fate-locked continuation of the Labyrinth of Tigers? Which Coil is it in?[/quote]

Once you breed a Stallion it’ll add a card to the deck to learn about the Bishop’s plans. One of the cards you get after that one has Soul Trade options. I think you need to complete a related storylet in the House of Chimes first, however. I wasn’t able to choose either of them because I wasn’t involved in the Soul Trade.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 1/16/2013
edited by Sara Hysaro on 1/16/2013

I believe you can set down along the bishops plans with the cards for any of the four beasts, but I could be wrong.

I think only the Stallion works, as I got both the ocelot and… that eye-thingy… way before I got a lion.

The Soul Trade unlocks something in the Fate-locked continuation of the Labyrinth of Tigers? Which Coil is it in?[/quote]

Once you breed a Stallion it’ll add a card to the deck to learn about the Bishop’s plans. One of the cards you get after that one has Soul Trade options. I think you need to complete a related storylet in the House of Chimes first, however. I wasn’t able to choose either of them because I wasn’t involved in the Soul Trade.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 1/16/2013
edited by Sara Hysaro on 1/16/2013[/quote]

This is correct - there’s an option in Theological Husbandry Part 2 which requires having taken a side in the Soul Trade, and then taken a related option in the House of Chimes. It doesn’t make a terrific difference in gameplay terms, but it’s a nice bit of storyline, and of seeing the consequences of one’s choices.

Ah, the Regretful Soldier story. I completed the Diocesan Intrigue storyline before I got the Soul Trade.

How about the “Gold frame, black painting story”? "Story of terrible menace.
Does it worth it? Is it a long story? With many turns?

All I will say is that if you take it, trust your friends. They will never lie to you.

hmmm…thank you, but is it worth it? I consider worthy stories the ones that are interesting and long enough to worth the money, I mean I love the lore of the game’s universe, but it should be at least longer than a few dozens paragraphs.

After Empyrean Redolence, Flute Street and the Soul Trade, and the House of Chimes stories, I would rate this; mainly because you can’t replay any of the content. It’s still worth it, though.