Special Edition Merchandise: FL Playing Cards!

Edit: Here they are!

We will be putting some new Fallen London merchandise up for advance sale here next week, as part of the 10th birthday celebrations!

Storridge’s Definitely Unmarked Deck of Playing Cards

A glorious, gilded deck of 55 cards suitable for Neathy or Surface games of your choice, featuring brand new illustrations of characters and items, and unique pip card designs in the four Neathy suits: hats, bats, rats and cats.

They are being produced by Gametee, who also made our beautiful, limited edition pin badge sets earlier this year. The cards are limited edition, but we’ve made almost three times as many sets as we did for the pins. Expect photographs of the finished deck in due course. I believe you will not be disappointed: they’re truly something special![/color]
edited by h4nchan on 12/18/2019

Playing Cards from Fallen London… I think I found the Christmas Present for this year.

I was also wondering, will there ever be merch in the form of items you can get in-game?
For example the Cosmogone Spectacles, or some of the (harmless) Candles, or maybe even things such as miniature versions of eg: Feducci’s Lance (replica) or a Vial in the form of the Vial of M_____s’ B___d?

[color=#0066ff]We like to do these one-off special merchandise pieces, but we’re a little limited by logistics. We don’t have plans to make very limited display items at the moment, though Gametee do make candles so that’s a possibility! I think you’ll be pleased with the cards, they have a very special design and look like an in-universe artifact![/color]

Sign me up, I’ll take seven please ;-)

With a possibility to buy a set of seven, I hope. (This is, of course, terribly foolish of you. And of the many, many purchasers.)

I can see it now:

“I want to make a complaint, I ordered a complete set of 7 False Saint Candles and when the box came, there were only 6 candles and one slot left empty! The D candle was missing! This is unacceptable customer service!”

[quote=Arcengal]I can see it now:

&quotI want to make a complaint, I ordered a complete set of 7 False Saint Candles and when the box came, there were only 6 candles and one slot left empty! The D candle was missing! This is unacceptable customer service!&quot[/quote]
They could also make the G candle some sort of Do-it-yourself-kit.

[quote=NNNnobody]They could also make the G candle some sort of Do-it-yourself-kit.[/quote]Woaaaa! :D :)) :o
edited by Skinnyman on 12/15/2019

Oh, nice ! I can’t wait to see it.

I was thinking some more on the stuff FBG could sell as merch and I was thinking of things that could be from in-game like maps of the Zee, the Fallen City etc. Or keychain Correspondence Symbols or chess pieces or a badge from the Dilmon Club :P
Or a DIY to make candles or something like a calligraphy kit with special ink for Correspondence or Dissonance :D
So many possibilities…

Regardless I cannot wait for the cards to come to the store :D

[color=#0066ff]The cards are live for community members! Enjoy![/color]
edited by h4nchan on 12/19/2019

They are gorgeous! :inlove:

edited by JaneAnkhVeos on 1/24/2020

I must be playing Fallen London for too long since I originally read that as: &quotthe cards are alive&quot and it seemed perfectly normal to me.

Those look terrific!

Time for wild guesses and speculations!

[spoiler]Joker 1 – [photo] the Inconvenient Aunt
Joker 2 – someone else, perhaps? oh dear… Mr Eaten? or even worse… the Struggling Artist?!

Ace of Bats – [photo] the Masters
King of Bats – [early preview] the Topsy King
Queen of Bats – [photo] one of the Clathermonts, presumably the Lady in Lilac herself if it is a Queen (either here or Rats)
Jack of Bats – ?

Ace of Rats – hey, there’s something interesting drawn there! I mean, other Aces are equally interesting, but it’s something more than just a rat… any ideas?
King of Rats – the Relickers? the Big Rat?
Queen of Rats – see Queen of Bats; otherwise, the Gracious Widow? Mrs Plenty?
Jack of Rats – any of the Rattus Faber?

King of Hats – the Manager? (he’s literally a king in a stovepipe hat, nuff said) or the Boatman?
Queen of Hats – [early preview] the Traitor Empress
Jack of Hats – [photo] Jack-of-Smiles

King of Cats – [mentioned in the description] the Banded Prince
Queen of Cats – the Duchess? (99,9% sure)
Jack of Cats – the Starveling Cat?[/spoiler]
edited by JaneAnkhVeos on 12/19/2019

We discussed it on Discord already, but…

[spoiler]I think the Ace of Rats might be the Rat of Glory - in one of the photos we see the bottom of a candle.

As for the Queen of Bats, I thought it was the Quiet Deviless given the appearance and her darling bat (rest in peace) ![/spoiler]
edited by millea on 12/19/2019

[quote=millea][spoiler]I think the Ace of Rats might be the Rat of Glory - in one of the photos we see the bottom of a candle.

As for the Queen of Bats, I thought it was the Quiet Deviless given the appearance and her darling bat (rest in peace) ![/spoiler][/quote]
Indeed, now I see what it is :)
And the second: it may be! After all, until recently she has been the first (relatively friendly) face we saw in Fallen London…

Nope, it’s the Countess of the Carnelian Coast, Ravager of the Boil of Calamities, Born in the Emerald and Herald of the Smouldering Tower.

See here.

I think I may be getting these for Christmas – fingers crossed!

What about six of pearls, knave of regrets, ace of hungers etc? Does this deck feature those intriguing cards?