spare a skull?

hello delicious gentleme- mada-ah, yes.
my preperations for the ourney to nadir are almost complete-i got my supplies, skills and equipment ready, and i even got my cinder after a long and tiring search. and yet somehow, the one last skull still avoids me no matter how much i try. can any of you delicious friends spare an eyeless skull for an impatience archeologist?
edited by plasmid on 5/17/2016

Hey there!
Please use the search when looking for something as there’s already a thread regarding this matter:
Eyeless Skull Woes
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EDIT: I see you edited your post. Cheers!
EDIT #2: Sorry for being so blunt, but seems I still need some coffee!
Welcome to the forum, mate and good lucky with your expedition to the Nadir. Just be ready to hinder your rivals and have 60+ supplies (depending on your watchful level). Note that if you use second chances on expeditions you waste the supplies even if you fail!
edited by Skinnyman on 5/17/2016