Someone save me from the Artist's Model!

I dumped her - well, she dumped me - anyway, we parted ways a long time ago, but her card keeps cropping up about every 20 cards. I’ve beaten, seduced, talked to her suitors, now how do I get it across to her to stop bugging me!?

Until you become a Person of Some Importance, there’s not really much you can do. Once you do, however, there will appear in your deck a Gold-bordered card featuring the Artist’s Model. And then you will have a couple of options. One is to burn all the bridges with her, the other is to rekindle your relationship, possibly making her your spouse if you pursue it. Either one will trim her cards from your deck; you don’t have to commit to anything. Just starting the courtship will move her to the Bazaar side streets, and you can just leave her there indefinitely if you want.

Now, the Struggling Artist, on the other hand… nothing you can do there, I’m afraid.

Like all City Vices, you can avoid it while living at a Remote Address.
Unfortunately, unless you were an exceptional friend last month, you won’t be able to get a Remote Address lodging until Sackmas.

[quote=Rackenhammer]Until you become a Person of Some Importance, there’s not really much you can do. Once you do, however, there will appear in your deck a Gold-bordered card featuring the Artist’s Model. And then you will have a couple of options. One is to burn all the bridges with her, the other is to rekindle your relationship, possibly making her your spouse if you pursue it. Either one will trim her cards from your deck; you don’t have to commit to anything. Just starting the courtship will move her to the Bazaar side streets, and you can just leave her there indefinitely if you want.

Now, the Struggling Artist, on the other hand… nothing you can do there, I’m afraid.[/quote]
Crap I seduced both of them… why? Why not?


Now, the Struggling Artist, on the other hand… nothing you can do there, I’m afraid.[/quote]
Crap I seduced both of them… why? Why not?[/quote]

There’s no further content written for him yet. Just the one card, with him asking for money, over, and over, and over…

There are people like this in Real Life. The SA is just their equivalent in London. There are consequences to promiscuity.

Yeah, but in real life you can have them whacked.

“Death is not always permanent in Fallen London. This gives rise to a peculiar overlap between the funeral parlour and the sanatorium.” - Sidebar text.

Not always permanent only for those whose murderers didn’t have the stomach to do things right. I’ve killed at least three people permanently in Fallen London so far, and caused a few more to be sent to the tomb colonies permanently. It’s utterly ridiculous to suggest that sleeping with the artist logically makes him some undefeatable, invincible phantom stalker who sours all of your opportunities and from whom there can be no escape, while not sleeping with him means he doesn’t obtain any superpowers and remains an easily dismissed annoyance. It’s just defensive apologism for an annoying loose end that hasn’t been addressed yet.

Seriously, I will pay unreasonable quantities of Nex to LOSE my gentle critic quality.

Come Christmas time, you can get a remote lodging. He’s a City Vice card, so he won’t show up anymore after that.
But there are always going to be cards you don’t use that show up more often than cards you do. It’s the nature of the opportunity deck.

Now, this particular aesop is hardly applicable to everyone. Must an individual be punished just for being a poor judge of character?
Amazingly enough, I don’t even remember the Model. I never got an opportunity to get to know her better - she disappeared at some point while I was still involved with the Artist. So much for courting them one at a time. Doesn’t it look like FL actually encourages &quotpromiscuity&quot, since it’s so easy to miss content if you focus on one out of two, saving the other one for later? ;)

Now, this particular aesop is hardly applicable to everyone. Must an individual be punished just for being a poor judge of character?[/quote]

I agree. One could hardly be blamed for making use of the useful. It’s what they’re for.

Can’t we just feed the Struggling Artist to the Thing Behind the Mirror? Just tell him it’s for the sake of…art.

NOOO! Just send him my way! Now that I’ve had a remote lodging for almost a year I admit that I actually…kind of miss him. Sometimes.

I wish I knew why I find him so endearing :P

You could have them whacked in Fallen London too… it just won’t buy you much of a respite unless you pay enough for a true death.

pardon me, miss, but I’m having trouble deciphering that rather thick accent of yours

edited by Sara Hysaro on 12/24/2016

You could have them whacked in Fallen London too… it just won’t buy you too much of a respite unless you pay enough for a true death.[/quote]

It is a good zailor/rat-catcher’s job to decipher extraordinary accent. ;)

[quote=Kukapetal]NOOO! Just send him my way! Now that I’ve had a remote lodging for almost a year I admit that I actually…kind of miss him. Sometimes.

I wish I knew why I find him so endearing :P[/quote]

You can always seek the name to…please your self destructive…needs.

Then I’d probably have to eat him or something :P

Yes, but depending upon how far along you were with Seeking, you might not mind that. Or even notice. ;-)