Any final pushes being organized once we see what’s needed at the end of their workday on monday?
Not that I’m aware of, but I’d love to get involved with a Masters photo if there are enough others who want to join in!
Do we know how many pictures of the masters have been taken yet? And how many people are currently working on that?
They say they have officially seen one, and I saw another one in the tumblr tag this weekend and one which had 4 photos, So i’m guessing we’re about 1 photo behind.
Speaking of which, collect your judgemental hat!
Well, on twitter FB said they received the 7 photos, so you guys made it, I guess? Congrats!
edited by DrMoriviri on 2/27/2017
I have a picture of Mister Sacks and I would be incredibly happy to team up with the rest of masters! Better more submissions than less!
By my count there’s 19 goals done already:
- Four backer goals[/li][li]Three correspondence on skin[/li][li]Masters photos[/li][li]One Twitter goal[/li][li]Two Twitch follower goals[/li][li]One Instagram follower goal[/li][li]One cake goal[/li][li]Three SSea stream goals[/li][li]One space shanty goal[/li][li]Two Twitch viewer count goals
So we need six more. The easiest ones to work towards are probably the two avatar generator goals, fan art, space shanties, cakes, and Instagram followers. Make sure to be around for the Twitch stream this Friday at 1600-1900 GMT as well.
We just need 12 shanties! And there’s certainly more than 12 people here on the forum (that presumably didn’t write one yet). Regardless of how you think of your writing or skill with meter (god knows me and meter don’t get along well), give it a shot! Have some fun. Please do try
EDIT: (also sorry for not properly editing the original post to keep up with things. Life is tiring and busy)
edited by Cthonius on 2/28/2017
I have a cake as well, to be decorated shortly.
Three social goals left to unlock Blemmigans!
To unlock social goals we need:
- 512 Kickstarter backers (the goal is 10 000 backers).
- 784 Twitter followers (12 000).
- 12 cakes (of 50). Please use the #sunlessskiesKS tag to make counting easier! And I should quote Kickstarter page, "Please include something in the picture that shows it was made during the campaign - the campaign page on a screen, or a note bearing the #sunlessskiesKS tag would be fine."
- 500 Twitch viewers on Friday.
- 15 Instagram followers to make a 1000!
- 42 or less avatars shared (to make 200).
I put some links in list to make things easier.
I posted a shanty on the thread here on the forums. This is the extent of my social media, so how do I share it with failbetter? Or are they counting things on the forums?
I suppose you could try emailing it . . . .
If I show up a bit late to the party for the Twitch stream on Friday, will my viewing still count? Or do I need to start promptly at 4 GMT?
If at any point during the stream the viewer count exceeds 500 then the goal will be considered met - so definitely show up whenever you can!
Just need to have 500 viewers at some point in the podcast.
edited by suinicide on 3/1/2017
I suppose you could try emailing it . . . .[/quote]
Yeah, I get that, but to which email? The only one I know is the support one and that’s not really right for it.
When I asked about emailing, I was told that would count for fanart, cake pictures, and Master photos. Shanties were not listed, which is why I’ve not made one.
eeey, we passed 1000 instagram followers! Another one down!