
He doesn’t really care for snow at all in the slightest.
at least, not Mr Sackstones
edited by Spacemarine9 on 1/2/2013

[quote=Spacemarine9]He doesn’t really care for snow at all in the slightest.
at least, not Mr Sackstones[/quote]

Mr Sackspices and Mr Sackwines are polite enough to give something for it, but it’s by no means their best rewards, or even close to…

I was not aware that there were more than one ‘mr sacks’. I thought that Mr Sacks was just another master, like stones, fires, wines, apples, cups, and the rest.

I’m not sure myself, to be honest. Last year it seemed like he could have been another master, but this year each time he visits he’s distinctly different and it looks like the others are filling in for him - assuming the old Mr Sacks wasn’t just another master in a festive cloak in the first place.

Well, that was the theory, and it could actually be true: last year’s Mr Sack was different for this year, it could just be that the true Mr Sacks is still yet to be seen. Or he was never “true” in the first place.

Or maybe the Masters sent him the way of Mr Eaten because they realised a freeloader who sits around and only does anything for approx. two weeks of the year is a bit useless.
Maybe in the Sixth City people will go mad trying to find Mr Sack’s Taste in Wine

Nor I but it seems to fit with the surface analogue. Based on my interaction I’d be hazarding Mr SackStones…

A sudden doubt: what happens if one accepts an invite to be freed from lacre while NOT being Snowbound? Is the invitation wasted, or just not acceptable, or does it actually yield the reward nonetheless?

From what I’ve read it just doesn’t let you accept it.

Edit: …thank you Failbetter for the spider in a box. >_>
edited by Sara Hysaro on 1/3/2013

It wastes an action, and gets you nothing. Interestingly, the game won’t check if you’re > 0 actions, so I was able to get to -2 actions before I decided to stop testing.

Once you get snow again, then you can hit accept (which is why I haven’t accepted spacemarine9 yet)

It was actually your invite I was using to test as well, streetfelineblue.
edited by BaronElectric on 1/3/2013

OK, I’ll just stay tuned for more snow at my door, I’ve already three invitations ^^

I think Alexis said the content will be around for at least a week, but on the other hand, once you unlocked Flute Street you can go back there anytime you want, so you can just come back to your lodgings and then take another trip under-underground ^[1]

Leaving Flute street you will lose your current progress, so wait until you finish a cycle… But the return trip to Flute Street will be much much quicker!

  1. /quote ↩︎

"My a Scholar of the Correspondence has increased to 11 - Cryptophilologist Emeritus! "
Feel free to accept other people’s clearings rather than mine now =)

It wastes an action, and gets you nothing. Interestingly, the game won’t check if you’re > 0 actions, so I was able to get to -2 actions before I decided to stop testing.

Once you get snow again, then you can hit accept (which is why I haven’t accepted spacemarine9 yet)

It was actually your invite I was using to test as well, streetfelineblue.
edited by BaronElectric on 1/3/2013[/quote]

I discovered for myself that BaronElectric is correct. However, I haven’t been snowed in again for a couple of days! I haven’t seen the Urchins card that gives snow for awhile, either. Does anyone have an idea what’s up with that?

[quote=Catherine Raymond]
I discovered for myself that BaronElectric is correct. However, I haven’t been snowed in again for a couple of days! I haven’t seen the Urchins card that gives snow for awhile, either. Does anyone have an idea what’s up with that?[/quote]

I just had it, and it worked as expected. I think you’re just being unlucky with the flipping, as can happen.

I suspect it has temporarily been modified to only appear once per day. That’s how it’s been for me.

Has anyone else seen it more often?

I suspect it has temporarily been modified to only appear once per day. That’s how it’s been for me.

Has anyone else seen it more often?[/quote]

Never got it more than once every few days, but I got it today, so that card’s definitely still around.

I pulled it twice in one day like two days ago, so i kinda doubt it’s limited to one-a-day

Last chance for clearing. Anyone want to clear my path @Lurkazoid on twitter.

[edit - now cleared - thank y’ very much]
edited by Lurkazoid on 1/7/2013

I could also share some of the snow piled up on my stoop.