SMEN Betrayals, looking for fresh fresh betrayals!

That just doesn’t have the same ring to it :p

EDIT: Looks like people already involved in SMEN can’t be betrayed anymore :/ Sorry for the inconvenience!

Longshanks is willing to accept betrayals. And pretty much anything SMEN-related, really. If your message isn’t answered in a day, it’s probably because they’ve gone insane–But they’ll be back as soon as time permits.
edited by Slyblue on 1/11/2017

Sorry I previously overlooked this post, Kaigen, but it’s news to me that Freed From the Name locks you out of being betrayed. Do you recall what level of the &quotFreed&quot quality your friend had? I would be interested in knowing whether ANY level of &quotFreed&quot locks the possibility, or whether you have to have &quotFreed&quot at a specific level before the lock happens.

Also, if you’d like to try the experiment again, my main is Freed From the Name at 8, and as you’d deduce has accepted many Betrayals and Freed herself multiple times. Her name in Fallen London is cathyr19355.

It has recently-ish been changed so that the Freed cannot be betrayed, I can confirm.

Sigh. I was happy to help Seekers, but it appears that my main’s usefulness in that capacity is at an end, and my alt is at SMEN 29 and plans to proceed.

I would like to be betrayed.

I still need to doom 5 willing listeners, if you’re so generous to do so.

Looking for people to betray on my alt, dnE_setaF

Will get betrayed for food.

If anyone’s reached the point where they’d like to be betrayed, I’m quite willing to do so (so generous of I!)

Anyone? :(

It looks like you’re already seeking the name, so you can’t be betrayed.

Oooh, you can only betray non-seekers?

Yep (its seeking after all, can’t let people get an easy point like that :P)

Does anyone have a moment to talk about hunger and dark water? I am seeking folks to Betray.

Throw it here, mate!
Is there a rush in me accepting the invitation? I’ll use the Shepherd card soon, but I always try to stay above Nightmares 3 for the Interpreter of Dreams card.

Throw it here, mate!
Is there a rush in me accepting the invitation? I’ll use the Shepherd card soon, but I always try to stay above Nightmares 3 for the Interpreter of Dreams card.[/quote]
Alas, you are not eligible, friend.

Throw it here, mate!
Is there a rush in me accepting the invitation? I’ll use the Shepherd card soon, but I always try to stay above Nightmares 3 for the Interpreter of Dreams card.[/quote]
Alas, you are not eligible, friend.[/quote]
Think we need to be acquainted.

Looking for people to betray