SMEN Betrayals, looking for fresh fresh betrayals!

In the market for a betrayal, thank you! doomedDandy

edit: Received! Thank you!

Hello Iā€™m looking to start my journey into madness, my account name is ā€œmr eatenā€™s altā€

Hello there,

I have tried but canā€™t seem to find you. Could you post a link to your profile?

Gotten bored of the Railway grind and was thinking of deleting my account, when I realized I could instead delete my account with style. Profile link, as best I could make it: Hoomphrey Blorbiston

Hi delicious friends,

I became a POSI a few days ago and am looking to betray, be betrayed, spend free evenings with, and all such things!

As these are likely not all of interest to you, please let me know what youā€™d ask of me in our future exchanges.

Username - sentientcabbage

Iā€™d like to be betrayed, my username is That which was taken

Edit: Recieved, thank you!

The Buccaneering Pathfinder is eager to be betrayed and begin a journey into despair and insanity. I would be much obliged if someone would be willing to start me on this path.

Edit: Received, thank you.

Hello, delicious friends!

I have three accounts which would appreciate a betrayal. I can send menace reductions, if anyone needs them. Their names are [], [], and []. Any betrayals would be much appreciated <3

thanks all!

Happy to be betrayed, if this is still active - Gisa of the vile name

The first betrayal was the easiest. Now I need six moreā€¦ if you have a desire to seek, or simply to consider the possibility, feel free to contact me.

My profile

Does anyone know the etiquette for looking for people to betray? Iā€™m at the next step of the first candle, and now need to betray people. My character is Martin Walker, and I need to betray some people. If youā€™re willing and able please message me. I tried looking for regular folks to do this to and couldnā€™t find anyone.

Edit, weā€™ve done it, folks.

Hello all, Iā€™m currently looking to betray 4 more lucky people! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. You can find me here: or just message me with your character name.

edit: all done

1 Like

Greetings, I am looking to betray some people in my quest for the first candle. Any and all are welcome: The Tragiclassical Memorian

Edit: It is done

Lord Bolo is seeking for like-minded individuals willing to be betrayed.

Just drop him a calling card if you are ready to follow in his footsteps in the search for the Name.

Edit: this is no longer needed.

anyone willing to send a betrayal and start me out? Little Squirrel

I must find curious and brave individuals willing to suffer a betrayal. Interested parties may knock on my door. CDR_JShepard

Edit: Three wonderfully brave souls have been betrayed, but I have, felicitously, room for more.

hi hi!! new player here, just hit watchful 30 on my alt (the hungryseekerrr, with 3 rs) and looking to get betrayed there!

friend me if you want too ^_^

edit: have now been betrayed :)

please betray allmannerofthings! just hit watchful 30

Please betray me , Gamishin

betray me pwease: mercury.rhodes