Small questions thread

Every game needs one of these.
Ask little questions about the game that aren’t worth their own thread. Please do try to answer those posted by others too.

My first question is, where can i buy panes of stained glass? I could have sworn i bought one in new winchester, but i can’t find them sold there now, and i need a second one for another quest

They are available in New Winchester. You need to scroll down through the list of things available in the shop.

I think they said they were available somewhere else as well but I can’t remember where.

Oddly – though told I’d need to seek a different source – I also found bronzewood in New Winchester as well. (or, in my late-night and groggy state I could’ve sworn I’d been able to buy some there, if I’d had the cash, which I didn’t)

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edited by absimiliard on 8/31/2017

[quote=lady ciel ]They are available in New Winchester. You need to scroll down through the list of things available in the shop.
oh wow, you’re right they are - now.
I would swear on my mother’s life, stained glass was not there before. I searched and re-searched every shop in winchester

Has anyone looked more into how to get your Condition recovered in Magdalene’s? There was a free option once that I used, but when I went back there I didn’t see it. I tried the option that needed a Savage Secret and Salon Gossip, but that just removed basic Terror. Am I waiting for a certain number of days to pass?

The same. My guess: it’s a once-per-captain option to help you with terror in early game and to demonstrate how Magdalene’s work. Your first dope is for free, but than you have to pay.

Which option of those fixes Condition, though? The one I tried just healed some basic Terror - not Condition.

Edit: I just tried a different option there and it also didn’t reduce Condition.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 9/1/2017

I’m fairly confident all of those options are supposed to reduce condition, and should be reported as a bug if they dont

I did send an email in, just in case.

has anyone found a place or method to sell a searing enigma? I happened to find one (on a captain who is now dead, but i could get back there easily enough)

How many ports in the starting “circle”? I found three and spend all my supplies on scouting and flying around.

ten in total, since there are 11 ports currently in the game
The economy is really harsh now though, surviving is difficult. hopefully it will be improved in next patch

Has anyone else returned to a port and only found empty space?

On the map it says I am there but there was nothing to be seen :)

I think that’s a glitch with the map: it shows places in the same place they were in during your last play through, when in fact they’ve been shuffled? I’m not sure. Is shuffling even implemented yet?[li]

Not that as it was a place I had visited during this game.

I guess I’ll have to sort out how to describe the problem in a bug report. When it wasn’t there I quit the game so am back to my previous port so don’t think it will show in any logs.

Yes, I’ve seen that too. All of the overland objects disappear, and you’re just floating through empty space forever.

It’s possible to consistently reproduce it by quitting to the title screen (not quitting the application completely. Quitting completely fixes the bug), and then continuing or starting a new game. The port you start at is visible, but everything disappears once you’re out into the wilds a little bit, and never reappears.
edited by MIkeavelli on 9/1/2017

It just happened again with a different port. I might stop playing until this bug is fixed. It is very expensive to go somewhere and then find out you can’t carry on with a quest or story.

It appears on the Known Issues page so I won’t bug report.

Actually, it costs nothing, since you saved at the last port. Read on

This bug is caused by loading more than once in a session. Either from ingame, after death, or quitting to the main menu.
To fix it, and prevent it happening in future, Quit the game entirely, relaunch it from steam, and then load by hitting continue on the main menu.
Do this anytime you need to load the game, and the bug wont happen

this will help until its fixed!

I actually came to this thread looking for information on that exact problem, so thank you. I was worried I’d have to wait until another patch to keep playing! I already sent in a bug report about it, so hopefully that’ll help fix it.

edit: That said, it did not actually work for me. I quit, launched it again, hit continue and the map was still telling me there was a port in empty space.
edited by aegisaglow on 9/2/2017