Sixth Coil Clues

ah, thanks. didn’t notice the schedule advanced.


Clue 2


There’s a new heist in plan a heist. The Vault of Impounded Contraband in Concord Square

Clue 3


Sunkn Embassy (off moloch street). Fourth city direction (I forget if this is East or West)

clue 4

You can use your Parabolan lab to investigate the thing you get from the new Heist.

Notably, this is different from the heist itself, which also gets you a clue.


According to a (spoiler warning) Google document posted on the subreddit, there are at least two clues in the Khanate.

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Last clue reported in discord. I can’t figure out how to spoiler so I can’t write it here.

Here’s a link to an old post of mine offering some insight on how to do spoilers.


Last clue - Singing Mandrake > Spider Symposium > requires Web of the Motherlings ES (FATE-locked).


So the second set of clues have arrived, and that means the second half of the tournament begins.

It’ll be a long and dangerous journey to the Khanate, hope your Zeefaring skill is high enough.

I see one of those new clues is fate-locked?

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A major limiting factor for one of those clues: you’ll also need to have a fully-developed spy network in the Khanate.


Would it be possible for me to go to khanate for the clue? I created an identity right before the estival following the wiki, and I have unlocked it on the map. But I do not have a spy network yet. How many actions would it take roughly?

Quite a lot if I remember correctly.

I hope this will be like what it had been for previous events long ago, back in the day before I was a POSI and many locations not yet unlocked for me: you don’t have to get ALL the clues, but you need to hit a certain number (attainable by most players) to receive a certain reward, usually a vanity quality.

Going back to the instructions from our old friend Mr Huffam:

“Not all clues are accessible to all players.” There will be the unlocked vs locked split, and the Fate vs non-Fate split.

Thx! That makes sense, I guess I will just collect other clues in London, and finish the Khanate story line after the event. Don’t want to risk missing too much estival events :)

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Huh. Have there been fate-locked clues before?

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I looked through my in-game profile and see that I have
‘Strength of your Khaganian Network 1’, not sure if this will be enough to do the two clues located there.

I think I sailed there at most two or three times, the first time was when I didn’t have the item to access Khan’s Heart. I remember I had to create a Cover Identity in my Cabinet Noir (Balmoral station) to play the spy games in Khan’s Heart.

In the Horticultural Show, one of the clues was locked behind The Mushroom’s Dream

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As of posting, this seems to be the last clue that still needs more reporting.

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Yup, every time there have been a few.


I’m a little upset to find the experiment clue can only be done once (I could have sworn previous year equivalents could be run and rerun). Does anyone have the text for the Cricketer, The eldest daughter or April. I just kept drawing the Classicist and F.F. over and over again (The Classicist didn’t have any unique text. It was just her dialogue about knowing many mathematicians that were now dead, though in retrospect, I should have journaled that too).


Here is the text for April.


How the heck do i do this? I went to the lab, i went to parabola, i wasted a bunch of actions and couldn’t see how to study the bulb.