
One more thing that would be very nice, and make the profile pages see more use is if they could be easily accessed from fallen london. Whether on the Myself tab under Acquaintances, a link when you get a message, some way of clicking a name in FL and viewing that person’s profile would be super nice, especially because then you could see what sort of person stabbed you, or how high level the person asking you for advice is, etc.

Oh! This might be a tad late - but it would also be fun to incorporate the new Plans! We could pick a few plans to show what we’re working towards at the moment. I do always find myself wondering what other people are up to.

What would be really helpful with respect to sharing/echoes is some sort of &quotrecent actions&quot log, with ability to record something that happened, say, 5 actions ago.

All too often I click through something I would like in hindsight to read more carefully or record in the journal.

I am slowly making for my own use a tool that does at least log text of what happened recently to help me with this problem, but it’d be great if that was built into the game, with ability to Echo it.

TL;DR: Words, words, words!

I would personally play down, or even retire, the Midnight, Sinister, Sagacious etc. Instead I’d add some quirky things based on particular qualities or items owned.

Example: the system rifles through my inventory, finds a Rubbery Consort, more than ten pets and the Parthenaeum. The output: &quotSuitov likes squid… possibly, rumour has it, in ways frowned on by polite society. They collect pets like some people collect stamps, and are known to sip brandy with the powerful.&quot Much more personal to the characters, more variety, much funnier.

Seconding more utility for the journals, though not necessarily more prominence for sharing. What I REALLY want to share are short, wicked snippets of text of my choosing - not just the first 250 characters of any given text, but whatever catches my eye.

(&quotMorchella esculenta…&quot The words tingle. &quotLactarius… deliciosus.&quot She leans back, sips her wine.)

(&quotHell’s bells! Biggun! Scarper!&quot The rodents disperse into drainpipes and gutters.)

(She demands to see the weapon’s specifications, and you allow her a single page. As she reads it, she begins to nibble peckishly on her lower lip.)

You have so many words, and so many of them will sound mysteriously intriguing if shared out of context by clever yum chums.
edited by Suitov on 5/28/2015

[quote=Suitov]TL;DR: Words, words, words!

I would personally play down, or even retire, the Midnight, Sinister, Sagacious etc. Instead I’d add some quirky things based on particular qualities or items owned.

Example: the system rifles through my inventory, finds a Rubbery Consort, more than ten pets and the Parthenaeum. The output: &quotSuitov likes squid… possibly, rumour has it, in ways frowned on by polite society. They collect pets like some people collect stamps, and are known to sip brandy with the powerful.&quot Much more personal to the characters, more variety, much funnier.

Estelle Knoht, a man-boinking, beard-loving, child-loving, tentacle-loving, coins-hoarding, trivia-ridden, overconfident (CONFIDENT SMILES!!!), dog-loving, kiss-stealing, caffeine-addicted, alcoholic, murderous, informed, survey-filling, thieving, exploitable, vermin-free, respectable lady.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 5/28/2015

Bwa ha.

I imagined it picking three. Either static or ever-changing when you reload the page.

You could still go with watchful, cunning etc for new characters who don’t yet have much to distinguish themselves except their stats.

[quote=Estelle Knoht][quote=Suitov]TL;DR: Words, words, words!

I would personally play down, or even retire, the Midnight, Sinister, Sagacious etc. Instead I’d add some quirky things based on particular qualities or items owned.

Example: the system rifles through my inventory, finds a Rubbery Consort, more than ten pets and the Parthenaeum. The output: &quotSuitov likes squid… possibly, rumour has it, in ways frowned on by polite society. They collect pets like some people collect stamps, and are known to sip brandy with the powerful.&quot Much more personal to the characters, more variety, much funnier.

Estelle Knoht, a man-boinking, beard-loving, child-loving, tentacle-loving, coins-hoarding, trivia-ridden, overconfident (CONFIDENT SMILES!!!), dog-loving, kiss-stealing, caffeine-addicted, alcoholic, murderous, informed, survey-filling, thieving, exploitable, vermin-free, respectable lady.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 5/28/2015[/quote]

It’s beautiful :)

I second an earlier suggestion to make the profiles more friendly for people looking for socials. Also, adding more varied details would make the profiles much more interesting. Whenever I look at the profile of high-level players, I feel like I’m seeing the same kinds of equipment, lodgings, etc. Some things that could be more interesting:

Location in Fallen London
Closest to

Highest quirks
Availability for social actions?
And the usual things that you can display on your mantle, like having a classic short story or an ubergoat.

I would also love having text with all items because it’s tricky to hover with a touch screen.

Further to the social actions, having noticed how people on the forums use their signatures to say “yes please friends, will rob museums, no photographers, no Suspicious Loitering” and so forth. Some unobtrusive way to display the same on one’s profile would be simply lovely.

Even better - a mere honey-dream, I suspect, owing to how SN works - would be to click on the icon/etc that conveys the information “Suitov accepts chess invitations” and have it take you directly to the appropriate form with the correct name selected.

An eventual feature to answer such questions as “which of my acquaintances has indicated they might be open to a spot of museum-breaking” might help newish players and others with particular coughseekingcough requirements.

As for me, I don’t care about “sharing.” Not everyone who plays Fallen London is on Facebook, and I don’t look at other people’s mantlepieces or equipment either. I don’t care about my own, for that matter, because it isn’t necessary for anything. But I would like more opportunities for role-playing - not conveniences like buttons and widgets for things that are already in, not even more ways to invite non-players, but new and different social actions with Acquaintances. One simple and obvious candidate is a Ball or a Gala Reception - something like a Dinner, with Free Evenings required, but for several people at once. It might work this way: you issue an invitation to a number of people (Acquaintances only) at once, which only costs 1 action. Each one of the receipients will be told that at least 5 people other than the host must attend for the event to go through and see how many have already assented. Assenting costs 1 action, but if too few people sign on this will be wasted. On the other hand, sucess and benefits to everyone could be based on the number of guests. This is one way to make social actions more social, and to encourage adding Acquaintances beyong 5 or 10 (which is quite enough for chess, nightmares and so on).

I beg to differ. My FL fiance and I use the Mantlepeice and Scrapbook icons, and the ‘They Say’ section, to add a whole different level of interactions to our role play. Finding the right icons for the right moment can be hilarious, and what we are wearing (or not) spices things up no end. We also edit the titles of Journal entries to communicate, which is useful if one of us is at Zee or in the marches/prison etc… I tend to keep both mine and his profile page open when I play and refresh regularly. Our characters have a lot of fun with this as it personalizes our interactions beyond ‘playing chess’, ‘having coffee’ and what not. Finding the right player to have fun with is the trick though. Make sure when you issue invitations you add a message, so people can get to know your character. I also disagree that 5 or 10 Acquaintances ‘is quite enough’, I think the more people to play with the better, but that’s just me.

I beg to differ. My FL fiance and I use the Mantlepeice and Scrapbook icons, and the ‘They Say’ section, to add a whole different level of interactions to our role play. Finding the right icons for the right moment can be hilarious, and what we are wearing (or not) spices things up no end. We also edit the titles of Journal entries to communicate, which is useful if one of us is at Zee or in the marches/prison etc… I tend to keep both mine and his profile page open when I play and refresh regularly. Our characters have a lot of fun with this as it personalizes our interactions beyond ‘playing chess’, ‘having coffee’ and what not. Finding the right player to have fun with is the trick though. Make sure when you issue invitations you add a message, so people can get to know your character. I also disagree that 5 or 10 Acquaintances ‘is quite enough’, I think the more people to play with the better, but that’s just me.[/quote]

I am guilty of being a hypocrite on this - my own journal is boring as heck, but I really enjoy clicking on &quotWho else is here?&quot and looking at random people, and if their journal is full of interesting musings and titles I badger them with random social actions.

I know I’m super-late to this, but here goes. Sorry 'bout the wall of text.

[spoiler] What I’d really like is a large-sized widget-type thing I can post to Tumblr. On my blog(s) there allow the option for me to create a new page which I can fill with stuff. In theory I could copy the Profile page link, but I’m thinking it would be awesome if there was a code that basically showed information that’s on my Fallen London profile.

Like, a bit of HTML code that has variables like [Username: Kittenpox. Image size: Large. Text style: Verbose.] and displays an image or frame with my profile info on it.

Something like this would allow me to display my Fallen London profile without requiring a link to the profile page itself (meaning Tumblr users wouldn’t have to click away elsewhere to see what I want to show them) - and with any luck I could display useful information about my character, with the option of NOT showing all my saved Journal posts.

The things MissCrumpet listed would be awesome, and having checkboxes beside each one on an options page would allow us to pick and choose what we want to share with the world.

  • Showing potential new players that I’m an Author, am on very good terms with the Bohemians who frequent my Salon, and am the proud owner of a Semiotic Monocle… could be interesting.
  • Showing that I sold souls (possibly, accidentally, including my own) to Devils, that I received Amber from Rubbery Men, had Dreams about being covered in bandages, and had a chat with a Clay Man… Those things are probably not so interesting to new players, who have minimal understanding of the game’s lore.

Even if it’s a signature-sized banner image like the things Estelle Knoht has posted rather than anything larger, that’d still be plenty awesome. But regardless, being able to customize it would be very much welcome. :3

PS:- The text on A dream about your reflection was delightful and one I’d love to be able to have highlighted on my profile somewhere, so having a way of highlighting one specific Journal entry on the widget-thing (rather than showing whichever potentially spoiler-filled actions I’ve done recently) would also be really nice. [/spoiler]

Pulling this out of the generally excellent suggestions from Kittenpox because it’s also applicable to a much simpler-to-implement suggestion:

Allow us to pin one (favorite?) echo to the top of our profile!

oooh a pinned echo. That sounds hella cool.

if this game intergrated with facebook a little (again) I’d be willing to have it displayed as one of the games I play on my facebook profile, right next to mousehunt and myzoo2.

[color=#0066ff]We’ll be looking to improve social actions over the next couple of months, too. I’ll make a thread for it when the moment arises![/color]
[color=#0066ff]Kittenpox - that’s almost exactly what I had in mind. I like the way Tumblr and Wordpress etc allow Bandcamp links to resolve into a mini player when you paste them in. I’m looking to achieve something similar for FL profiles.[/color]
[color=#0066ff]Thank you everyone! By no means is this party over. Please do keep posting your ideas as they come to you. :)[/color]

Lots of ideas that I love! I think having a way to display what actions we currently accept on the profile (and perhaps on the forum signature thingy, but it might make it a bit big) would be great. And displaying the current location in the background, as Estelle Knoht suggested, would not only look cool but also be useful. If someone is in Polythreme, I know it’ll be a while before I can share social actions with them. Oh, and I find the inescapable, sagacious, etc. pretty useless, since I can’t really figure out in what order they go, that is, whether inescapable is greater or lesser than irresistible for example. The option of using other elements of our profile for this description, perhaps randomly or perhaps with a possibility of selecting descriptors that fit our stats / possessions, sounds more interesting.

I really love the idea of the mantelpiece, and i’d definitely like to see it expanded. If nothing else, then more slots would be nice, i think 10 each of mantel and scrapbook slots would be good.

If you wanted to get more creative about it, you could have these extra slots be unlocked ingame somehow, perhaps by buying upgrades to your lodgings, or having upgrades available as rewards for a long and interesting questline. It would be a very unique and fun thing to be rewarded with

[quote=Marianne Anders]For journals, I think it would be nice if it was easier to organize echoes? 'slike, I don’t have as much as I’m sure others do (about 710 Echoes), but going back and trying to find a specific echo presents…challenges. If there was a tagging system, or a date system, I think it might be easier to find things and interact with them. Right now I think you just have to save the permalinks to get to an Echo, right?[/quote]Seconding this! It would be very nice to arrange echoes in various categories, and maybe add a little text/icon for each one. Something akin to Deviantart collections.
This way one could have, for example, a collection of snippets regarding the Stravelling Cat, one about Bazaar-related informations, one about their ambition…

It would be really neat for discussing the lore, allowing easy linking and sorting of informations about a certain subject. It would also be useful for sharing: this way, one could share selected snippets regarding all the cool things happening in Fallen London, instead of trowing a slab of disjointed text at someone else’s face.
edited by Zeroebbasta on 2/23/2016

Just so you know, you can read through your Ambition separately, even if you haven’t Echoed it all! Go to Myself –> Qualities section —> expand the Ambition section —> Click “REMINISCE.”