September’s Exceptional Story: For All The Saints

Anyone brave enough to see what happens if your cover gets blown?

So… who is the Archbishop of Fallen London?

well this was my favorite exceptional story. i don’t have other comments of note, though.

&quotStarted off looking for a saint, ended with a political drama and a boyfriend that left me for Hell because we snuggled too much.&quot -official Marlen review

I honestly think this is one of my favorite ES in a while. A compelling plot, fascinating lore, and earnest humanization for all characters involved. I’d be remiss not to mention how the Deacon cemented this story as a favorite for me; he felt fleshed out like a real individual to me, with an internal struggle that altered how I chose to play and a persona that made me fall in love with him from the start. I’ll admit, the ramifications for the Yearning quality could have been better elaborated during gameplay, as I sometimes felt uncertain as to what end we were working towards and if the final choice could sway him in whatever decision he made. I personally would have preferred more context as to what each outcome fully entails for the Neath and the fate of the Deacon (as I’m still uncertain whether he plans to serve the Republic of Hell or Hell’s old monarchy, each meaning entirely different reactions, of dismay or satisfaction respectively, from myself and my character). Still, for what we got, I am more than satisfied. I look forward to delving deeper into the old monarchy of Hell and the lore behind them, as well as what it means for Hell as a faction. Overall, I adore this story, and I truly cannot praise enough the characterization that made me fall in love with a man treading down Hell’s highway.

[spoiler]For a while, I’ve wondered if Fate-locked stories and ES endings will play a part in later content, whether it be a small mention during gameplay, an additional area of content built into the story, the reintroduction of characters for brief or long periods in the story, or something else entirely. While I don’t know if For All the Saints’s ending will play a role in content down the line (perhaps during the Bishop’s invasion of Hell, whenever that happens?), if Failbetter hurts my infernal lover emotionally or physically, I will personally dismantle the company and its workers after paying the 25 Fate to fix this poor boy’s life however I can.

As for the Lucifer proxy, I’m still uncertain as to his full story, though I already feel a connection of empathy to his character just from what little I know. Though, I wouldn’t mind clarification of certain aspects of his tale, should anyone be so kind. If I understand correctly, he seemed to have fallen in love with some higher entity - a king of some kind, perhaps a judgement? And their love was either one sided with the king’s being of a more authoritative respect, or - and this is what I find most interesting - mutually shared between them. I’m unsure as to what all that Hell’s old monarchy plans for Hell and the Neath, nor do I know the Chandler’s full story and the nature of his love. But I’m a sucker for lost loves and hopeless romance, so I’m sure to throw the poor lad a hand should Hell find an army of angry priests and imaginary snakes at their doorstep.[/spoiler]
edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 8/31/2018

This has instantly become one my favourite, if not my absolute favourite Exceptional stories to date. The writing is great as is to be expected from Fallen London, and the lore given about my favourite faction is absolutely tantalizing. My only regret is not getting another trip into that glorious marvel that is Hell itself. But one cannot be too greedy.

Very, very good. Second still to Lost in Reflections, perhaps, but not by much at all. It inspired regret when I lost the Deacon to Hell–the meaningful rather than material kind–and a choice to try and convince him to reconsider would’ve been nice, even if it was inevitably fruitless, seeing as he had already lost his faith. But that’s only nitpicking; this month still far surpassed my expectations. Thank you.

[spoiler]I wish that I could have told the Bishop of Southwark the truth, or perhaps that I had been dealing with the Bishop of St. Fiacre’s. I knew Southwark, in his hatred, would not understand, and I could not allow him to make a hypocrite of himself. It would not do for a bishop to deny the greatest sinner of all their chance at penitence.

Well, odds are slim, but I have always been something of an optimist.[/spoiler]

I second that this is not a story to leave behind. Elderfleur suggested we get letters from the Deacon as an opportunity card; I would like to at least hear from him from time to time. Or perhaps you could get a card reminding you of the hellish battlefield you walked together. This is too good and seems to have affected many players the same way.

This is truly everything an Exceptional Story can be. Thank you for sharing this unique adventure with us.

Truly an amazing story

I had the Deacon Smirking and took the Alternative Fete

, I got renown: Hell

Truly an astounding ES of the content I love (the war between the Church and Hell)
edited by Honeyaddict on 8/31/2018

So why the Chandler, of all things? Just to psych out the Seekers?

While I did immediately think about he-who-shall-not-be-named, it makes sense because Chandlers were the &quotlight-bringers&quot of their households.

Still at the beginning - rather insulted that God’s Editors, <i>an organization which I am part of</i> has set me a <i>test</i>

Surely if anything should have a hidden option with a quality check…

Oh my goodness this story truly was amazing. I’ve always wanted to learn more about the factions of Hell. And the Deacon was such a well written character. Oh and the ending I got was just heart-breaking… it was perfect for my character but broke my heart </3

Edit: and mechanically I like how it referenced and involved the character’s links to different factions. It really felt rewarding to have a story reference and relate to the factions like that.
edited by Howe on 8/31/2018

Does anyone have an echo for the Deacon’s ending if you told the truth and had high Yearning? I think that’s the only one I haven’t seen.

I blew my cover. It had to be done. (Wounds increase. Here’s the Echo:

Great story. Right up there with &quotSteeped in Honey&quot as far as the feels, and it fleshes out the &quotHell Lore&quot from The 12:15 From Moloch Street.

It’s funny, I’m not usually fond of the devils as a faction (they just never stop harassing your for your soul, it’s quite annoying) but this and Moloch Street are both definitely in my top five (My deacon left me to, presumably, join the Brazen Brigade. Shame, I was quite fond of him)

My my. I’d almost forgotten how much I enjoy seducing clergymen. And visits to hell!

…I rather wonder what that says about me…

[quote=Optimatum]Regarding endings, looks like we have:

Reveal the truth: Primeval Hint
If Deacon loyal, Church Renown; if tempted, Hell Renown

Cover up: Night-Whisper
If Deacon loyal, Society Renown; if tempted, Bohemians Renown

Alternative fete: Airag
If Deacon loyal, Church Renown; if tempted, Great Game Renown Renown

Whether you seduce him seems to change the ending text but not the results.

edited by Optimatum on 8/31/2018[/quote]

So interestingly, I went with the alternate ending, but got renown Hell.

And a rather affectionate farewell.