Selling Sunlight! (Kickstarter by incubee at FBG)

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The art on this game is stunning, especially the background. Though the hip-forward stance of some of the characters is a bit of a mystery.

Selling Sunlight had an interesting Kickstarter update this month.

[quote=the Selling Sunlight team]It’s the last update of 2018! Time for a yearly roundup.

Thanks to your precious support, in the last 12 months we have been able to:

Buy a professional scanner
You may remember the first screens of Selling Sunlight where faded and yellowish. We used part of the Kickstarter money to buy a professional scanner, and re-scanned every single asset we had made thus far. The process took a while, but it was 100% worth it!

Remember this comparison? Old scanner (left) vs. new (right)

Populate our world with characters
Lucy is roughly halfway done with the sprites, and will keep working with us next year. She’s currently sketching the Yellow city merchants.
Here are a couple new gals you’ll be able to meet soon:

Our workflow is well-honed at this point!
This is an overview of all the art we usually make for a single character:

After defining together a character’s personality, Anita paints the character bust (left). She then makes a detailed turnaround (top) and sends it to Lucy. Lucy sketches the sprite (bottom left), and then proceeds to add colors and make the animations.

Make the game sing
Devin Vibert filled the world of Selling Sunlight with music and sounds. He recently finished making all the sound effects and jingles for the game’s menus.

Next year he will compose the rest of our soundtrack: a theme song for each remaining location, plus a bunch of atmospheric tracks to use during cutscenes.

Not panic!
Making games is hard, and accidents can always happen. Having some extra funds allowed us to hire additional help when things didn’t turn out as expected.

When we realized our UI wasn’t on par with the rest of the game, we were able to commission a UI artist. When Giada got stuck with some tricky code optimization, she asked another programmer to step in. Delegating tasks allowed our core team to focus on their strong points: art and writing.

What now?
Our main goal for the next year is to release a new backers build as soon as possible and start getting some serious feedback on it. We’re at the point where we are finally putting everything together, and we need to understand if the game as a whole feels good and interesting to play.

It’s also about time we start sending backers polls to those of you who have donated the most. We haven’t forgotten about you! Now that the main elements are in place, we can finally start working together to add backers-created characters and items to the game. Expect to get a mail with the new year.

We’re not 100% confident we’ll be able to meet our target release date (May 2019). Some tasks, like character assets, took way less time than expected. Others, like the bartering system review, turned out to be extremely time-consuming. Like many small indie teams, we overlooked the importance of a good production plan. We’re getting better at this. We’re ready to tackle 2019 with the power of spreadsheets.

We remain committed to our monthly devlogs, to keep development as open as possible. If you have any question, or just want to send us bee pictures, you can reach us through Kickstarter or by mailing us at

Thanks again for making this possible.
Have a shiny and luminous holiday![/quote]
edited by Anne Auclair on 12/24/2018

There was some new art in this month’s update.

The old bartering screen.

The new bartering screen.

Selling Sunlight has sent out its Backer Surveys. So, if you backed Selling Sunlight high enough to contribute some ideas to the game, check your inbox!
edited by Anne Auclair on 5/5/2019

Ths is a game I’m really looking forward to – hate combat features and love trading and exploration, so perfect just for me!

New art! ^_^

edited by Anne Auclair on 5/12/2019