Selling Sunlight! (Kickstarter by incubee at FBG)

Those adorable bees were what made me loosen my wallet. Congratulations, Anne :p

Now give me my pet bee.

This game seems gorgeous, I love the backstory and wandering merchant rpg sounds really cool. I really hope the last couple pledgers will come along in the next 10 days :)

edit:/// ayyyyyyyyyy 27€ to go
edited by John Moose on 10/14/2017

Fully funded with a decent margin, 650 backers (so far), and eight days to go. If there are stretch goals, they’ll probably be announced tomorrow.

The first (and probably only) stretch goal has been announced. I hope it makes it, because this sure sounds cool ^_^

Though I can’t help but notice a certain Mr Eaten or Salt’s Song vibe to the potential romance with the Sun :P


A city on the bright side of the planet, where the Sun never sets.

A city protected by a dome of mirrors, and ruled by a tyrannical wizard.

A city where Golden-Priests are so powerful, they can become pure sunlight, and travel by mirror reflections.

(A Golden Priest with a fabulous cloak.)

A city made of glass, candles, and lies.

A city where they will teach you to love the Sun again.

Have you ever thought that He may not be so bad after all? Maybe he punished you with the Mask because he wanted you to become a better person. One that would be worthy of becoming His companion.

Visit the Red Temple. Romance the Sun. Try not to get burned.

If we reach our target goal of 15000€, The Red Temple will be released as a DLC some time after the release of the main game, and it will be free for all backers.

If you want to help us reach the goal, remember that you can click on &quotmanage your pledge&quot on our Kickstarter page to raise change the amount of money you pledged. Even adding a single extra euro would help!

Thanks again for your support, and may the Sun always shine on your path.
edited by Anne Auclair on 10/16/2017

I was about to post the stretch goals news but Anne preceded me. Thanks! And thanks to all of you who backed the project <3
Peace and love and bees.

I backed this yesterday, not least thanks to the sterling work done in this thread.

There are five days before the Kickstarter ends and less than 2,000 Euros before the stretch goal is met.

Only 40 hours to go and only 800 more Euros for the Stretch Goal.

Come on, who here doesn’t want to romance the Sun? ^_^

35 hours and only 533 Euros to go in order to meet the stretch goal: a domed city of glass, where you can fall in love with the Sun! The Sun! The Sun!

edited by Anne Auclair on 10/23/2017

16 hours to go. Looks like the stretch goal made it ^_^

Just passing to say that we got a second stretch goal now. Read all about it click here!

I know some of you wanted to romance bees, but they’re too pure for that. Hope you like spiders.

This place seems like the antithesis of the Red Temple. I can’t help but notice though that Legion and Temple both seem to share a commonality in their rejection of the diverse Sunset society that has developed in the in-between zone. The Red Temple, out of fanatical dedication to their god, the Legion out of bitterness (and possible ostracization) for a past defeat. I’m also getting a definite Song of Ice and Fire vibe.



The Lilac Legion is not a city: it’s a lost army.

When people fought to take control of the strip of eternal sunset, three hundred years ago, the Lilac Legion lost.Their successors now live on the edge of the habitable zone, huddled in frozen carcasses of gigantic war-beasts.

A Lilac warlock and his familiar.
The people of the Lilac Legion do not like the Sun: most never saw Him in their life. They prefer to mingle with strange gods and to give offerings to the Cold People, who do not actually look like people, but are savvier than most.

They ruled the world long ago, when it was colder. When the ice melted, they slept. Now that half of the planet is frozen, they’re taking it back.

They don’t like the Sun either.
They look like colossal spiders made of snow and ice.

We don’t doubt you’ll find a way to smooch them anyway.

If we reach our target goal of 18000€, the Lilac Legion will be released as a DLC some time after the release of the main game, and it will be free for all backers.

If you want to help us reach the goal, remember that you can click on &quotmanage your pledge&quot on our Kickstarter page to change the amount of money you pledged. Even adding a single extra euro would help.
edited by Anne Auclair on 10/24/2017

The kickstarter has come to an end, having raised 16,311 Euros out of a 12,000 Euro goal. The Red Temple stretch goal succeeded, but alas the Lilac Legion’s did not. Of the two, I proffered the Red Temple, so I’m reasonably happy (had it been the other way around I’d be a tiny bit sad - the Red Temple just had so many things I liked).

I wish CoseBelle luck in their endeavor ^_^

An up and coming jewel merchant.

Just passing here to drop devlog, don’t mind me~
Long story short: we are making the game, I am very tired, cats.

Hmmmm. Did Alexis steal your giant bees?

[quote=Anne Auclair]Hmmmm. Did Alexis steal your giant bees?[/quote]Bees are everywhere and for everybody. Striped balls of fury and doom. ALL HAIL THE BEES.

Also, new update.

Lovely new scanner there. Great pictures.

New Selling Sunlight city. This is Chiara.

Trading has become much more complex.

[quote=Kickstarter Monthly Update 10]We listened to your feedback and we researched other bartering systems, trying to find new ideas. This article by Sin Vega on Rock, Paper, Shotgun was a big inspiration. It made us understand money is usually the least interesting part about a trading deal, and gave us the idea to check tabletop RPG systems.
The updated bartering system retains the same core, but all the elements work a little differently.
The list of changes includes:

[ul][li]Multiple currencies.
[/li][li]Each merchant has a default patience level you can increase by befriending them. Grumpy merchants start with lower patience, thus adding some variety.
[/li][li]Patience doesn’t reset after every transaction, but at the end of the day. Makes merchants feel more human and limits exploits.
[/li][li]A renewed focus on trading services and goods. You will be able to complete a transaction without using money, if you want.
[/li][li]New skills during bartering now gets unlocked as you befriend the merchants. Gain their trust, and you will be able to unlock risky prepositions like &quotgive me a discount and I will search for this item and bring it to you&quot.[/li][/ul]Many of those skills require creating new systems from scratch, and that’s why they’re taking more time than expected.[/quote]
Really looking forward to this!
edited by Anne Auclair on 10/4/2018

How did I miss that? I am really looking forward to buying this game when it comes out - I did not see the KS. Any way to stay informed?