Seeking Mr. Eatens Name [locked meta thread]

I could do with being betrayed as well… what are the requirements for it?

The description doesnt make reference to any requirement, besides that you trust the person with Destin’s Candle. There may be otherrequirements but until the option unlocks its not really possible to say

Also, I feel obligated to say that we don’t KNOW yet that being betrayed spreads the candle, that is mere speculation . . .

Well, hopefully I trust a few people with the candle. Been doing my best to keep nightmares and wounds and 3 all the time, and accept all the invitations that come my way (I’m down to 2!)

I knew that going in myself, but having missed the Candle during the glimpse of the future I’m willing to take this chance now even if it doesn’t spread it. After all thee are only 6 opportunities to get this Candle left and each will be worse than the one before.

I’m mainly basing this on the text on the storylet that says &quotThe candle will spread like a sickness.&quot

Of course, if it does spread the candle to the other player I’m expecting the player who receives it to receive a world of hurt to go with it. Last time was accepting a Destiny that was -3 to all stats so this will be worse than that at least, if it does actually give the Candle to the betrayed player.

Oh, NinjaComedian, me too, and I think it very likely, I just don’t want it to become set in stone before we get any actual proof . . .

I hope that whoever receives it first will let us know exactly how much it hurt…

question re: the Well[li]

I’m pretty sure the site of the actual betrayal of Mr. Eaten was somewhere NORTH, and that the God Eaters themselves are hiding in tomb colonies. But as for the well: there’s the particular location in Hunter’s Keep with the strange glowing furry thing guarded by a mysterious and probably inhuman servant. What’s that all about? I thought the Well was a reference to the third city than more to an actual well. And has anyone figured out what’s the deal with Hunter’s Keep itself? and why the &quotsisters&quot stories all seem to be similiar, if not identical?

There are a lot of Wells - Mutton Island which definitely has links to Mr Eaten; the one in Big King Square also has an Unaccountably Peckish option so I think the one on Hunter’s Keep is something different. Fascinating place though and I would love to know more about the sisters and their servant. Also what is exactly in that well.

Has anyone performed the burning of an error yet?

Yep. It slashes the sender’s stats by an enormous but variable amount, hits the recipient for about five levels in everything, and gives them the candle.

It may not be a variable amount - it may be that it sets each stat to half what it currently is including the bonus from your equipment. At least that appears to be what all of mine ended up at.[li]

But it does give the recipient the Candle.

I always laughed at people saying we Seekers must be mad to do this, but this is the first time I really feel mad for Seeking.

What will St. E----'s Candle cost us?

I’m up for being betrayed as well: it might actually be refreshing to revisit old storylets while grinding my stats back up.

still worth it if any one is willing to betray me with a candle. But they truly have ramped up the cost this time. Do you think its true that there are seven ways to get this candle like in the description?

Hm. If Gawain’s candle is the last, I’m starting to wonder if maybe it really is impossible to get. Perhaps the conclusion of the Gawain chapter is just that you decapitate yourself trying to get the candle, game over.

(And by the way, don’t give me the candle please. I’m not willing to kill my stats to pass it on and I’d feel terrible if I broke the chain. Plus I’m considering dropping out of SMEN, so it would probably be a waste.)

St Gawain’s Candle will allow your enemy to behead you. If the terror Alexis inflicted upon poor ol’ me yesterday is any indication.

Ah. So it won’t kill us directly, but will probably lead to us getting anticlimactically killed off in the final chapter of the main story or our ambitions or whatever.

Would Hesperidean Cider make it possible to survive a beheading, or is there no coming back from losing your head? Or would it be like Morag the Immortal?

Man, i wish i could be beheaded. I want that candle.

Don’t worry, I’m sure Alexis is sharpening his axe as we speak.