Second Thoughts!

apropos of nothing, has anyone asked about legacy exploitation? it seems as if you “invest” all your effort in a single skill and die over and over, selecting the past that gives you a bonus to that skill each time, then you can raise it to unreasonable degrees with incredible ease

[color=#009900]Some rumour control on the spawn issue. Spawn frequency wasn’t increased, but there was an issue where beasties weren’t respawning on new games - we fixed that and did some other tweaking.[/color]
[color=#009900]They don’t, in fact, roam all over the map (unless they’re chasing you) - this was my misunderstanding, back when. They’re out there, but making them numerous enough to happen across you without spoiling the lonely feel of the map or cheating too aggressively is quite a hard tuning problem. We’ve got some more tweaks in the next (Amethyst) update, though. We should be bringing you our update schedule later this week.[/color]
edited by Alexis on 5/26/2014

[color=#009900]Don’t worry - if you try it, you’ll find there’s a limit (of 75, I think)[/color]

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]
[color=#009900]If your ship’s stuck in dock in the latest build, clicking the engine to load fuel manually should sort you out. We’re looking at this, though, since we thought it was fixed.[/color][/quote]

That suggestion didn’t work. I’m still stuck and my ship caught fire:(

Edit to add - Fortunately I had saved the game just before I caught fire and exiting to desktop and then reloading the game worked.
edited by reveurciel on 5/27/2014

I’ve been laughing at this for two hours now. No special reason.

Oh, right, something constructive: the Soothe and Cooper content is tops. Really enjoying it.

One problem: [spoiler]the trips from (all, I think) adjoining ports to Station 3 aren’t quite long enough to trigger Something Awaits You. I’ve been in the situation several times where I’ve had to either

(1) forego doing something at Gaider’s Mourn,
(2) make the uneventful loop from Fallen London → Abbey → Station 3 and back for one piece of content, or
(3) Circle the island a few times until the locals are ready to see me,

none of which are very much fun![/spoiler]

Where do you find the required Long-Box to start the whole thing? I’ve poked around everywhere without much success, right now I’m harpooning Lifebergs to death over and over again to see if they can be gotten from the Caches of Curiosity they drop.

Also; Is Fuel Efficiency supposed to have a fairly minimal effect? I’ve got a Serpentine engine which gives +10 Efficiency, but it doesn’t seem to do an awful lot. Sailing straight south from Mutton Island with the lights on, The Illryian engine has 1000 Power and takes ~50 seconds to burn through one Fuel, the Boadicea engine has 1500 Power and takes ~40 seconds and the Serpentine has 1800 Power and takes roughly 40 seconds as well. When it said the Serpentine was a fuel-efficient engine I did sort of expect it’d take a fair bit longer to go through a Fuel than a normal engine. I dunno, maybe it is working as intended???
Fuel’s consumption rate seems to be even faster than the old Supply guzzling rate, although having a beefy engine and a big ship does sort of exasperate that. It seems like the only way to keep it at a manageable rate is toggling the lights on and off constantly, which is tiring (in dim areas, let the terror wheel build up to about halfway and then turn the lights on to knock it back down, then turn them of again. Dark areas where the terrorwheel turns red with the lights off are the only place where keeping them on constantly is a good idea.)
edited by Spacemarine9 on 5/27/2014

Spacemarine: I’ve had two pop up over the course of ~10 trips to Venderbight. They’re not well-marked when they appear (by i.e. interestingly-shaped text), so it’s possible you’ve got one and it’s just sitting in your hold.

Second on spacemarine’s comments re: fuel efficiency. I don’t feel like I’m getting much mileage out of the Serpentine. No pun intended.

Huh, I’ve absolutely never seen one, even after idling in Venderbight for ages trying to recruit the Bandanged Poissonier. Do you get them from an event in Venderbight or are they just sort of floating around? I definitely don’t have one in my hold.

Spacemarine: Soothe and Cooper boxes are picked up through Explore Venderbight. So is the Bandaged Poissonier!

I guess the RNG just has it out for me, then. As per usual.

Pleased to give you a laugh Gordon Levine:) It was funny looking back at it though.

Just before I did my last trip I checked my destroyer’s hold and somehow I actually had the long box. Not sure when I picked it up. That Station stuff is some very good writing, I’m going to have to go back and see how the story develops.

I was also lucky enough to pick up the Poissonier on my last visit toe Venderbight.

I guess I’m travelling at just the right pace as I tend to get the quality “somehting awaits you” just outside each port. I do slow down in well lit places sometimes though.

I am, unfortunately, not one of the Kickstarter backers, so this may be purely theoretical, but as I see it:

(from the announcement about the new build, on the official site)

Bolded letters are mine. So, it may appear that engines with more power consume fuel more quickly, and higher Fuel Efficiency balance that.

Anyway, I excitedly listen to all these impressions.
edited by Ridiculus Undarke on 5/27/2014

Yeah, I know that (which is why I listed a lower power engine as well, for comparison), but the difference between a 1500 Power and a 1800 Power ,10 Fuel Efficiency is barely noticeable, which makes it seem like the extra efficiency isn’t really doing all that much at all.

I just spent half an hour doing Venderbight runs and didn’t see a Soothe & Copper Long Box once. Death to random number generators.
edited by Spacemarine9 on 5/27/2014

I’m sure this is a silly question, but is there a reason why the date in the log is one day off? The date is May 27 here where I am and already May 28 at Failbetter, but the date in the log is May 26. Any reason why it is close but not quite?

Spacemarine9 - I guess the RNG really hates you. I just found out that Venderbight isn’t the only source of Long Boxes … you had the right idea earlier. I hope the dice gods look favourably on you soon.

Reliably? Because otherwise I think we might be talking about the same thing: looting a ship, as opposed to a monster, after beating it will give you a Collection of Curiosities with unpredictable contents and one possibility is fuel.

I’ll have to check but I think there are two different types of pirate ships and the tougher one gives both fuel and supplies when you loot it.
edited by reveurciel on 5/24/2014[/quote]
The only pirates I’ve successfully fought are Pirate Steam-Pinnaces. I’m generally not buff enough to take on a Faustic Corsair and they give placeholder loot anyhow, and the Unfinished Pirates I encountered near Polythreme that one time just steamrollered right over me. (I’m pretty sure they were also placeholders anyway.) The only other ships I’ve seen are Khanate War Trimarans and I’ve never been buff enough for them not to murder the crap out of me, whether they count as pirates or otherwise.

This occasionally happens to me too. I think dawdling too long in port is what causes it for me.
edited by CameoAppearance on 5/28/2014

Has anyone gotten an update on flensing salvos, then? If they’re not supposed to be used on crews anymore, then I think that the text saying they can should be changed. Because really, those were the only hope I ever had of being able to take on any kind of ship with my tiny little babby steamer.[li]
edited by ZackOak on 5/28/2014

I have no information at this time about flensing of any kind.

I just had an interesting death that made me walk away from the game for an hour. I ran out of fuel in London Harbour. Inside the walls of the city and I was just stuck there unable to move. Which is fair enough my own bad mismanagement of my fuel. However my Terror metre was just climbing away endlessly despite London being right there…